Can we get a case thread going

Can we get a case thread going
only rule is anything gaming related is banned

Other urls found in this thread:

That poor, poor GPU.

if you're not actively cooling your cabels you're doing it wrong

where's your pics m8's

I'm still missing some parts before I can build my new PC.


Waiting on CPU, cooler, paste, PSU, and RAM.

what the fuck you doing in this thread i said anything gaming related is banned
yet you have 2 RGB part's in it not to mention 527 bux for 16 gb of memory what the fuck is wrong with you


Can anyone recommend a fan that works good with filters? Memetua? I have 5x Arctic F12's but they vibrate like crazy.


oh wait shit
4 x 8 sorry but still O V E R P R I C E D
buy some used ram

nice pc

>gaming related is banned

Going to be like 5 legit pictures in this thread.

What are some BASIC tips for cable management? When I built my PC a long time ago all the cords were THICC and while I tried to make it neat where I could it seemed impossible to get something picturesque.

Tape and zip ties

You can drop 10C by removing the default fan shroud/small fans with normal 120x25 fans + uses less power.

Okay but that PCI slot is gonna break.

How do you determine if a case is "gaming related"?

Won't you be reducing the weight without the plastic shroud/pre existing fans? Add in normal fans and it should weigh about the same afterwards.

Look at the picture. It's bending far more than even a normal aftermarket card, probably because of the meme fan between the CPU cooler and the card.

>play solitaire
>banned from Sup Forums

Did he force that extra fan in that slot?

Shoulda listened to the faggot OP

>using Chrome
>internet goes down
>play that little dinosaur game in Chrome's "no connection" page
>internet goes back up
>refresh Sup Forums
>my PC's specs are now permanently marked as gamer shit

Do good NAS cases even exist anymore?
I liked the idea of the Lian Li Q26, but that shit is gone like dust in the wind.
Everything on the market now is gaymer shit and rackmount monsters

>using Chrome

OP's just a shitposting shitposter who just wants others to acknowledge either his super elite, exclusive, characterless box hiding a bird's nest of cables or antiquated beige box that "masters" Counterstrike 1.6 on high setting at 60fps.
>pic not related


Thats horrendous


>no gaymen shit
>posts fanmaggedon

>15 hours later
5 pictures total

Here, have a picture of my super multi utility drive bay.

Is this a noctua thread?

Do do you have two fans on one side of the radiator at the top there? Isn't that actually worse for airflow due to turbulence?

Man I want a small computer
I'm going to build my next one mAtx or itx

I love small computers. Noisier though.
I'm not even sure why I like small computers, it's not like I ever have to move this one, or like it's in the way. I just enjoy the idea of having a small computer.

I like small computers for the same reason people like TKL keyboards

I bought this lian li case back in grade 9 (7 years ago), and it's still the sexiest thing I've ever owned. The machine is loud as shit though. I should get quiter fans.

tiny feet man

I actually quite like the look of it, but the USB port placement seems really dumb.

>not using maglewds

>All those fans pointing directly at the GPU
Must be a Fermi card.

No fancy colours or RGB
industrial design's preferred.


Oh shit, I have the exact same Toshiba laptop sitting on my shelf.

B..But these aren't brown and cream??????

Toshiba satellite?
I keep it around 'cause it was my first laptop when I was a kid. After that I got a series of shitty acers, but I trashed them all.

It's not perfect, but I like it better than the new Lian Li cases. Although somehow I kinda think it would be cool to have this ridiculous thing, if only for the standing desk ability.

I wonder if I should upgrade the old PC that's in my case tho. It has a GA-EP35-DS3L with a Q6600. The CPU is still great, but I feel like I'd like to have more than 8 GB of RAM.


just get adjustable desk?

>tfw I’m not even mad

why BLUE leds tho?

Lol I think desk PCs are the most retarded thing ever. I can't see a single reason I'd ever buy one.

the wall mount meme is just as bad

it cools the system

Yes. I agree.

cooling is more important than aesthetics