Do you contribute to free software projects?

Do you contribute to free software projects?

I have a GNU/Linux sticker on my laptop that says "Free software. Free people." but I can invert a binary tree on a whiteboard in under 10 seconds.

I made a peper.
You can has it.

no, and i feel bad about it


yeah sure. but not the majors.

I barely know anything
I would Fuck everything up if I tried to help contribute to a project.

I made a GPL-licensed Lisp fizzbuzz, © 2018 Anonymous, all rights reserved.

Every program which I write to do research is open source

No, I don't work for free.

Free as in freedom, not beer, silly.

>Do you contribute to free software projects?
I don't even know how to program

I write documentation for some programs, also I am learning programming.

Nah, I mean free as in free beer, not free speech. You gotta pay me if you want me to code for you. That's just the way it is.

I use them and seldom report my findings concerning malfunctions. It's not much, but it is what it is.

plenty of FOSS projects pay their devs

don't pretend your lack of ability is the fault of free software

I have contributed some documentation and donate 10 bucks each month to a project I use.

I might someday. At the moment I only program in three programming languages: C#, Java and TypeScript.

implying you ever did some research,let alone program shit

No, because licensing issues and bickering over copyright overshadows development.


use a restrictive copyleft license = you're dead to me and your software is probably worthless anyway

Nothing in this world is free. Somebody somewhere along the chain is getting something there. Either advertising or some other monetization scheme.

End users opening horrible issues on GitHub and complaining when everything doesn't work 100% is bothering me too.

Not to mention people blocking others from contributing to projects by saying "I don't allow you to use any of my code in x project because we had a disagreement".

I swear, I'm going to start a site that just hosts source available shit and won't give two fucks about licenses.

No, I dont code but I donate to debian on a monthly basis, hope the money is well used

I use free software to spread freedom to commies and jihads

You seem confused, I didn't blame anything on anybody. I simply answered a straightforward question by OP, and my answer was quite sensible really: I don't collaborate to free software because I don't work for free. Whether certain FOSS projects pay certain developers or not is irrelevant, because OP used the word "collaborate".

If you enjoy working for free, hey, knock yourself out! But just because you like it, doesn't mean I have to like it. And it most certainly doesn't mean I "lack ability" just because I don't.

Your gratuitous attack on me is nothing but you showing off to everyone that you're mad because I don't collaborate. You're throwing a tantrum because you want free stuff and I don't wanna give. But I don't have to and you can't force me. Stay mad.

Yes sir, I let google automatically send crash reports every time chrome crashes.

that's a green pumpkin you imbicile

I donated 20 bitcoins to FSF a few years ago. I like to think I've donated over 100k to them thus far.

what did you get in return? nothing

People are donating because they like the software. Also companies use the software and donate to ensure that the Foss projects gets better. For example I use openCV at work to automatically find faulty products.

i spam github with feature requests

>user doesn't understand the philosophy of donations

I've committed to a fairly popular python library called folium. It generates HTML maps out of geojson.

no lol


>GNU/Linux sticker
where can i buy cool Sup Forums approved laptop stickers

This you?

>Jewish brackets being used by the biggest Jew in the thread