Liquid cooling is retarded. AIR COOLER MASTER RACE

Custom water cooling:

It takes more effort to set up properly than building the PC itself. Plus it just looks plain retarded. I saw this one setup and it looked like he had goddamn milk in his PC. To put it simply, if you use this method of cooling your CPU, you're a basement dweller. Enough said.

AIO liquid coolers:

Not as retarded as custom liquid cooling; but they're still retarded nonetheless. They're a fucking gimmick. A glorious high quality air cooler can outperform these pieces of shit in both temperature and acoustics at a much lower price point. I'm pretty sure most people get these pieces of shit for aesthetic reasons. To be fair to AIOs, they at least get that right.

Air coolers:

Clearly the best. No hassle whatsoever. Near zero risk of anything going wrong. Plus, nothing looks more badass in your PC than a huge heatsink.

Get salty, liquidfags. Noctua master race.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd understand liquid cooling if perfomance was better.

Only upside is larger air coolers might not fit with certain RAM

Those heatpipes have liquid in them, no?

>Air kewlen mustard rays amirite guys?

When are the Sterrox 12cm and 14cm fans coming out?

>Using an InHELL CPU cooler to argue that air cooling is not master race.
Nice try, shill.

I fucking wish RAM makers would just drop the stupid tall heat spreaders, we needed them in DDR2 and only in special cases did we need them in DDR3 and now in DDR4 there useless, nearly impossible to get high perf RAM without obnoxious heat spreaders, with the RAM prices way they are now might even be a little cost effective to remove that one part/step in manufacturing if it means a buck or two less

Noctua on kikeripper checking in.

Not as far as I know.

Maybe soon. Hopefully.

One would think that they'd get better temps with liquid. But all it takes is 10 minutes of research to find out that they're on par with air or even worse.

Heatpipes have a working fluid inside of them but is completely sealed in copper and will not permeate unlike liquid in an AIO which permeates trough the tubing

Switched to an Arctic Freezer with a low profile. Quiet and keeps temps low for the $15 price.

Spire is great but the major thing stealth has over stock intel is aesthetics

True. It shows that AMD at least tried. InHELL is trash.


Basement dweller confirmed.

I didn't say I use it.

You said something positive about it. So basement dweller confirmed m8.



Are you also a shitnux peasant?

>Paying over $100 for a CLC which chink assembled pump might die, become noisy or leak coolant all over your expensive shit
Or you could just get an under $20 cooler that's quiet and just werkz and the worst that can happen is you need to replace the fan.

>the worst that can happen is you need to replace the fan
This. And the chances of the fan dying are like, zero.

Air cooling for the win.

I just went from an AIO to this. and although i do appreciate the solution being cheap and effective, it is noticeably louder than my AIO which was whisper quiet at all times. this thing isn't just louder at load but also noticeably louder in the dead of the night when the system should be idling.

It's a PWM fan right? adjust your mobo settings so it only ramps up once it hits 70c or so, you don't need the fan running at 100% all the time

>tfw idiots ask you for a build
>"but user, why would you pick a 30 dollar cpu cooler? I need liquid cooling"
>ask them if they are going to overclock
>"yeah im putting in a ton of overtime this week to pay for watercooling"
>$2000 computer at stock voltage/clock

Should have got a Noctua.

no shit it's the stock fan which is PWM and the same fan profile is running which only ramps up when temps peak. the fan is quiet in terms of HSF standards but that just goes to show how much QUIETER my AIO was in comparison.

nah i don't think so. for $120 i could get a H100. but i'm not dumping any more money on this 2600k build. i'm just glad i could salvage it after my 7 year old AIO stopped working (pump failed no leaks and i was there when it happened)

But a $90 Noctua air cooler would outperform the shitty H100.

before when i had my z77 system i used and aio, but now i got 2 of these and they dont make my room a fucking oven

i don't like HUGE fucking hunks of shit hanging off my mobo blocking my ram slots and making it hard for me to admire my cable management

Fuck off Bob (OP), you Noctua shill.

>making it hard for me to admire my cable management
Okay cunt. Fair point.

AIO peasant?

I honestly love building PCs and having liquid cooling is just making it longer and harder to do. Which makes me happy.
I really need find a new hobby.

Installing AIOs is only slightly more difficult than air coolers. If you're talking about custom, then it actually does make it more difficult.

>muh 240mm rad

I just really don't think that the heat is radiating efficiently more than 15-25mm above the cpu. I would really be intrested in seeing a thermal pic over time or some charts.

Is that for a 7900X?

Going by the fact it's DDR3 RAM and has an ATI branded card (presuming it's a 5870 going by the duel 6 pins), I'd say no.
Makes me miss my old X58/5970 setup though.
I'm a huge fan of these kits. Don't really see any reason to buy an AIO when these EK aluminium kits exist, unless you don't have enough room in your case for a pump/res.

see is the overhang above the gpu really neccessary. is the added x2 120 fan a great benifit. seems like it might cause the gpu to not get enough airflo

It's a fucking blower card.

This is one of the least intelligent shillposts I've seen in a while. This'll be cake to BTFO.

>Custom water cooling
>It takes more effort to set up properly than building the PC itself
Sure, if you're a brainlet.

>Plus it just looks plain retarded
Muh feelings

> I saw this one setup and it looked like he had goddamn milk in his PC. To put it simply, if you use this method of cooling your CPU, you're a basement dweller.
Yes, nothing says "basement dweller" like being able to afford a high end PC.

>AIO liquid coolers
>Not as retarded as custom liquid cooling; but they're still retarded nonetheless.
How? This is another "muh feelings" argument.

>They're a fucking gimmick.
Performance is not a gimmick.

>A glorious high quality air cooler can outperform these pieces of shit in both temperature and acoustics at a much lower price point.
All the evidence says otherwise.

>I'm pretty sure most people get these pieces of shit for aesthetic reasons. To be fair to AIOs, they at least get that right.
Again "muh feelings".

As someone with an AIO, it is quieter, cools better, and more compact.

>Clearly the best. No hassle whatsoever. Near zero risk of anything going wrong. Plus, nothing looks more badass in your PC than a huge heatsink.
Subjective and entirely feelings based once again.

The fans on my H100i often shut off on an idle load with my Threadripper 1950x. I doubt that any air cooler can do that. Not to mention, 5 year warranty, so pump failure is covered. Since I'd have to buy a larger case to fit a larger air cooler, the price of the H100i is offset by that, and who knows whether or not it would fit with my 64GB of RAM.

excuse me, ive obviously been out of the "game" too long and ill return to my cave.

Outside of EK's essentially prebuilt kits anythting short of a full custom loop is for retards. Air Vs AIO is air all day every day unless you have obscene needs (bemember: you can air cool a 9590).

Pic related - my trusty silver arrow that has served me since 2014 or so - used to cool a 4.7ghz vishera 8 core and now cools a super thirsty 3.8ghz ryzen 7 chip.

Holy shit. Liquidfag got ULTRA TRIGGERED because I let them know that their investment was horrible. Thanks for taking the time to type all of that out. I haven't laughed this hard in a while. Keep on lying to yourself to make yourself feel less fucked over due to your idiotic purchase.

You are definitely on some hardcore drugs. Would you mind telling me what you take?

Doubtful it's more compact volume-wise, it's just spread out better. With good fans an air cooler will be hard to discern from ambient noise.

How're temperatures on an AIO when running tasks for a couple hours, seems most idiots only bench for a few minutes or 20 minutes at most.

>another "Muh feelings" reply

10 dollar pump + 6x4 dollar fans + 2x30 dollar rads + 19 dollar waterblock only slightly more
+alu fittings and tubes

Have to agree with this. Had an Hyper T4, which uses the same fan as the 212 Evo, and the fan is anything but quiet. Moved to a smaller Cryorig M9i after a while and it was an improvement on every area: same performance as the T4 while being smaller, and the fan is quieter than the Cooler Master, even at higher rpm.
Also on what AiO's are concerned, have a Raijintek Triton I got has a hand me down, and it's sitting at the corner collecting dust, the pump whine drives me up the fucking wall.

I think water cooling is useful because you can put your GPU into your loop and not have to put up with what will be the noisiest thing in your case, after replacing your stock cooler.
AIOs prevent you from adding the GPU to the loop, and offer less cooling performance per $ than air, but brainlets purchase them for aesthetic reasons. That's fine I guess, especially if they can acknowledge that they get AIOs for looks.
The "muh space" argument really depends on the case, obviously you should purchase a cooler that fits.
The "muh heavy object break muh motherboard" argument is for fucking idiots.

enjoy blowing dust every week
passive cooling is the best

Feels bad that my stock 212 evo fan died

Are you me OP? Im the same. Noctua ftw

>No hassle whatsoever
hardly possible to put into your case if it's not particularly roomy, you have to consider the motherboard and your ram because of it
>nothing looks more badass in your PC than a huge heatsink.
i don't care what my black box looks like on the inside
>A glorious high quality air cooler can outperform these pieces of shit
not necessarily especially in my case wherein i had my cpu temps go down by around 5 degrees after moving to a 360mm aio
fyi i had a dh15 before

>another "Muh feelings" reply
The irony. Your first comment was completely based on feelings and no facts whatsoever. I don't even know what it takes to be as retarded as you. You actually believe that your shitty H100i is better than a glorious Noctua air cooler.

You have to be baiting this whole time because this is just 2EZ to BTFO.


Most cases have dust filters where the intake fans are.

Noctua master race brofist.

>hardly possible to put into your case if it's not particularly roomy
Most ATX cases should be able to easily fit the cooler. My case has 180mm of clearance and it's not even a big case.

the cooler should have a cutout for the RAM

>I don't care what my black box looks like on the inside
That sucks for you. I don't know how someone couldn't give a rat's ass what the inside of their PC looks like.

>5 degrees
Congratulations. Your temps went down by a whopping 5 degrees and now you have the risk of pumps failing and water leaking. Not saying that it will likely happen. Just the possibility is there.


>Most ATX cases
that's not even the problem for me
because of my ram and my motherboards rear io cover thing i am unable to use any besides the middle fan on my dh15
>I don't know how someone couldn't give a rat's ass what the inside of their PC looks like.
i don't have a window to look into it
>Congratulations. Your temps went down by a whopping 5 degrees
it's also quieter though which was my goal and that's despite the pump

Well I like both my custom and my D15, but the D15 doesn't lower the GPU temps from 85c down to 42c.

>BTFO you in post
>Come back with "Hurr triggered"
Top damage control.


Solid copper or alu, it conducts heat better than a liquid

Rendering a HD video will run it about 60C while I go and do other stuff, and that can be for days at a time depending on how many I have to do. The CPU turbos itself at 3.6Ghz or 3.64Ghz usually. At the maximum load, it'll hit the 68C max at throttle to 3.37Ghz. I will probably adjust the fan control settings for that. The CPU idles around 40C, but since I have the fans tuned for noise reduction, that makes it a bit higher in exchange for whisper quiet. The fans will even turn off if it's full idle. I'd knock off about 5C for both if I had them going as fast as I could.

They're blowing down.... it would increase fresh air to the GPU.

also, that's a blower style card...

are you being retarded on purpose?

That was literally the first post I made ITT. Glad you took the time to make a long winded post outlining your feelings once again though :)
FYI, I currently have an NH-D14, with all the components currently in the mail to replace that hunk of metal with a custom loop. Have a nice day princess ;)

>silver arrow
I have that too since 2011. It's so fucking good.

Fresh OC for you.

i am transporting my pc on a regular basis if i wanted my motherboard to break then i would put in one of those fat things as it stands i am perfectly fine with my aio that doesn't put any part of my hardware at immediate risk


>when you buy a polish noctua knockoff for 30€
>when you have to spend two hours grinding the plate on wet sandpaper to have an actually smooth surface
Crazy cooling though, I discovered my monitor coilwhines because of how silent my PC is now.

My kraken requires fuck all clearance and performs like a high end air cooler that would fill half my case and put strain on my mobo. It was piss easy to install, beats the australian summer and looks great. The only downside was having to install CAM which is laughably broken

D15 is as cool as pretty much every liquid cooler amd quieter too. Cheaper and longer lasting with replacable points of failure

Your kraken also cost over double a d15 while being louder too.

Air coolers dont put actual strain on the motherboard, and your watercooler introduces potential leaks.

It's called compressor cooling master race faggets.

>while being louder too
it is inaudible and my case is next to me on the desk.

Listen to the pump. If youve got headphones on ofc you wont hear it

>competition finally forces ek to lower prices
Like I'm giving those kikes a penny.

Literally have to take the side panel off and listen to hear it. It was audible at first setup as it cleared the air bubbles along and after 10 mins or so has been silent since. I don't wear headphones generally and the ones I do use are open back. Oh and strain on mobo is absolutely real when transporting the PC which I need to do fairly often. Have fun disassembling, cleaning, reapplying paste and reassembling every time to do that. Leaks are a risk yes but account for less than 1% of failures (most are mechanical) by nzxt's rma stats. Even then they cover the cost of damages if the leak is caused by a fault.

This only happens with those fuckhuge heatsinks/fans though. The small stock heatsinks are light enough to cause no bending.

yeah and the small stock heat-sinks have shit cooling to noise ratios

not to mention, they don't break all of the time like liquid coolers do.

>if you do this stuff that's irrelevant to your scenario, it's objectively inferior!
Air-cooled "enthusiast" logic everyone

>buys a 900D
>uses an ATX motherboard

>Asstek pump being inaudible
Let me guess, your ambient noise is loud enough that you can't hear it.

Butthurt that you can't afford a nice cooling system?

Let's see, a heatsink inside you computer that uses the hot air in the computer to cool itself, or a water cooling radiator outside that uses room air?

What is this, 16 year olds from Sup Forums invading again?

>or a water cooling radiator outside that uses room air?
you have to consider that for some dumb reason many people are not using the watercooler as an intake this of course leads to worse performance since they then cool with the air their gpu spits out

If liquid cooling is so efficient, and having an external radiator is ideal, why do literally 0 server farms use liquid cooling?

>water cooling radiator outside that uses room air

Stop the presses! I just found out a 300€+ custom loop is better than a 100€ air cooler.

can you even imagine how expensive that would be?
there is a difference between something being efficient and something being cost efficient on an industrial scale

maintenance costs and reliability

if you needed ultra performance you'll see liquid cooling used and probably nitrogen cooling too

>not using a 80€ AIO
LOL, beats any 100€+ air cooler

They use liquid cooling, they cool the air that cools the heatsinks with liquid cooled radiators on intakes.
What are you, a retard?

the radiator has it's own isolated air path or is external, what shitty cases are you using?

i hoped to imply AIOs since they are effectively what the majority of people use