Almost TWO MONTHS since NN was repealled

>almost TWO MONTHS since NN was repealled
>literally nothing has changed

Looks like Sup Forumseddit was wrong AGAIN.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good thread xDD


some europeans have the fastest speeds on the planet, they have net neutrality.
european privacy laws are coming into affect soon.
Amerimutts have their entire history read by the NSA and american VPN providers are not safe either.

pick one continent you'd rather live on.

something did change though. i upgraded from 100/100 internet to 150/150 for $20 less per month

>into affect

>pick between a no internet censorship continent or the one that jails you for questioning the elites and their agendas

Not a hard choice.

European net neutrality isn't really a thing, though.

The latter happens where except in turkey?

> Inb4 I can't incite racism and violence and my company is robbed of free speech because it can't use its funds to get whoever it prefers elected

> Inb4 I can't incite racism and violence and my company is robbed of free speech because it can't use its funds to get whoever it prefers elected

Time to hang your pussyhat, psycho.

The reason you haven't seen many effects yet is because there are several lawsuits going on right now to reverse the repeal.

Yes, that is net neutrality legislation. With a lot of policy guidelines.

>pick one continent you'd rather live on.
N. America specifically the U.S.
Yoropoors really like to oversell their temporary superiority in internet speed to price ratio, but every single one of the countries are fundamentally flawed in more than one other area, and the U.S. is a much better country in almost every other respect to live in especially if you're not one of the top 1% (in which country of residence really doesn't matter).

Two months is practically nothing. Any real effects of this repeal will take years to fully materialise, because that's the sort of timeframe businesses use to plan out their actions. Any changes over the last two months, good or bad, likely has nothing to do with it.

Some especially telling bits for TL;DR.
> (10) Reasonable traffic management does not require techniques which monitor the specific content of data traffic transmitted via the internet access service.

> (11) Any traffic management practices which go beyond such reasonable traffic management measures, by blocking, slowing down, altering, restricting, interfering with, degrading or discriminating between specific content, applications or services, or specific categories of content, applications or services, should be prohibited [...]
See, net neutrality. It is of course in more articles too. But the point is that this demands enforced net neutrality minus some specific real life traffic management & stuff that needs to happen if you don't want to perfectly wire up everything point to point, which is obviously infeasible.

>federal law trumps state law

God dammit is this meme gonna die already?!

>that jails you for questioning the elites and their agendas
literally never happened.
>inb4 muh jews
there are poor jews too

explain why canada is less desirable for internet now

>defending the jews this hard

Keep sucking that banker ballsack, wall street shill.


choose both, only.

>europeans are wall street shills

>write a post online that criticizes muslim terrorism
>get arrested

(This is reality in Sweden, France, Germany, United Kingdom and more)

>write same post in USA
>nothing happens becase freedom of speech

I'd rather take the latter one than having unlimited 100Mbit/s internet here in Sweden any day of the week.

that only happens if you identify yourself. It would happen in real life too.
It doesn't apply here

>le net neutrality will make internet slower meme
sweetie no its not, net neutrality is getting access to a website without paying anything
eg. free access to google, youtube, facebook

Being really this ignorant


in other news, NNfags make great saltcows.

Then why did everyone kick up such a fucking stink to have it repealed?

Because they are the same kind of retarded reddit lemmings who were all MUH KONY 2012 just a few years ago.

> (This is reality in Sweden, France, Germany, United Kingdom and more)
And this last happened when?

The post was asking why people wanted it repealed so badly if it makes no difference.
The argument works both ways.

Now that NN is out of the way, and we don't have to worry about the pesky government controlling and censoring the internet, whose excited for the eventual nationalization of network infrastructure? Sounds like it's going to be a great win for national security!

Racism is free speech autist

lol muritard and their false sense of security

>U.S. is a much better country in almost every other respect
>Flawed healthcare
>Segregated Schools
>Corrupt Justice system
>Government & Corporate Collusion
Oh yes, it's truly the home of the brave

>segregated school and justice system that keeps niggers out of civilized society
>somehow bad
the funnier thing is that even despite your salt you still continue to give away your sovereignty to us and support the "benevolent" rulers who sold you out to our hegemony
at least you can get a welfare check, right?

Didn’t a guy just got arrested for teaching his dog to sieg hail?

>there are people who unironically think this is good

>Start wars with brown people
>Fund terrorists and cartels
>Tank the global economy
>Destroy the environment
>Muh civilized society
The only salty one here is (You). Go buy more Alex Jones products.

Fake news, but you can get arrested in murica easily for unauthorized copying

>the U.S. is a much better country in almost every other respect to live in
Is this bait?

I'd take freedom of speech over net neutrality any day.
Look at germans getting cucked back into stasi. They're opening fucking censorship centres ffs, you think it's okay?

The art of change is to change things so slowly and gradually that people don't even realise they're being screwed.

>Start wars with brown people
>Fund terrorists and cartels
>Tank the global economy
>Destroy the environment

>blaming the people for the actions of a caste of LEFTIST NEOCON JEWS

>They're opening fucking censorship centres ffs, you think it's okay?
Whit more and more people moving on to the internet don't you think it's safer for the children for things to be policed? People are living on the internet now like they used to in RL. these people aren't safe (i.e. cyber-bullying)

>Didn’t a guy just got arrested for teaching his dog to sieg hail?
that is very old news.

>blaming the people for the actions of a caste of LEFTIST NEOCON JEWS
They hail from your country, loser

t. nigger
>thank god he said that Sup Forums thing otherwise I would have been forced to consider the reality that my husk of a vassal state and the people I voted for to rule it vehemently support everything I just greentexted, phew, RACIST!
keep babbling on while your neoliberal puppet government sells your soul to us to keep the bread and circuses coming

Seems like a 2016 UK YT video.

I can't seem to find a clue if he was convicted of anything later on. AFAIK the Nazi salute itself isn't a crime in the UK. Figures there was something more that was required to even drag him to court.

Anyhow, is that the whole argument then?

>parasites that came from Soviet Russia and IsraHELL
>quintessentially American, gooooy!

kys neocon defender.

If they immediately fuck everyone over then it adds a large burst of momentum to those who still want to repeal it. They're going to wait until everyone forgets and then only affect smaller changes to internet based companies and consumers for a while so that any detractors who pop up again met are with disinterest from the public before slowly ramping up. Add marketing to the mix and slowly the lack of NN will become a shit choice to anyone right now but almost palatable to normalfags at that point in time.

Why the fuck hasn't this shit been deleted and OP permanently banned yet?


Take your tone policing and shove it, lefty reddit SJW.

>Merifats think their democratic process is worth shit when the people they vote for is based on personality and not policy
keep babbling your cuckservative propaganda, while being fucked in the ass with no vaseline by the corporate hacks who don't give a particle of fuck about you
>Lel I know there's soviet and semitic influence in my country I'm just too much of a pussy in this HOME OF THE BRAVE to do anything
You could just blow yourself up in Syria, make your parents proud

>OP makes a blatant shitpost with an image that has been spammed on Sup Forums

Go the fuck back to Sup Forums you worthless memeposter


t. NeoFAG refugee


>sissy german can't spot the difference between bullying and cyber-"bullying"
If you're being bullied at school, you can't just stop going. If you're being bullied on Sup Forums, you can fuck off to reddit. Or ignore it, unlike bullying at school.
Internet is an extension of speech and as such should not be policed (except the obvious "let's go kill all rapefugees"). I can't understand how germans welcome literal thought police, what in the actual fuck? You pay for being censored you cucks.

Next time you buffer an hour straight on 100mbps because Netflix is getting throttled to fuck, think of this day.


>content of data
How many of the layers can they remove and still be ok though?
And they will always have access to port info really.
Anyway when contrasting Europe and the states it's the scale/nature of ownership of the physical lines that make the biggest difference.
I don't actually think any major differences we see are due to NN laws.

>watching, let alone PAYING for (((((NETFLIX)))))

>g-guys think of my TV shows!
Honestly, pulling the plug on media sheep is one of the few silver linings of this whole thing.

Maybe you’ll actually figure out something useful and productive to do for once in your life.


Don't worry OP, the assrape is just beginning.

Germany, the UK, Belgium, Denmark etc etc etc

>but think of the children!
Seriously go fuck yourself if this isn’t bait, stop being a lackadaisical failure of a parent and raise your fucking kids to not take the internet so god damn seriously.

We don’t need to censor the internet because dipshits are mindlessly throwing their spawn at it like it’s a fucked up day care.

You just gave ISPs power to entirely block torrents so good luck with that

((((They)))) don't care about torrents as much as 15 years ago now that lemming normies find more convenient to pay their ((((streaming)))) services than deal with dodgy sites and seedless torrents.

So you agree that these actions you ridicule the US for are caused by the parasitic Jews in our government?

ISPs never cared about torrenting, only in the early 2000s when it became popular and their infrastructure couldn't handle it. It was always the RIAA and others that were trying to bring it down.

Soy Neutrality

>collect rainwater in your back garden

>cross the road at an undesignated place

>My right to collect rainwater is more important than free speech

European NN ≠ American NN.

>don't you think it's safer for the children for things to be policed?
Is this satire

The funny part is that everyone will blame the future president for it, even though it was not only not Trump, but the FCC independence that caused it.

No, it's a fact
You'd be blind not to see this
(Or else pretending not to see it, to virtue signal)

>some europeans have the fastest speeds on the planet
You mean Romanians? That's because they have the least regulation on internet.

>>Destroy "the environment"
Non-American here; environmentally speaking, the US is one of the better countries in the world. Do you even know how shit brown (i.e., most) countries are?

>literally nothing has changed
I guess it was pointless to repeal it then.

Are you really this ignorant or are you just memeing?

>You mean Romanians? That's because they have the least regulation on internet.

Lies. All EU countries follow the same common rules.

The mean income for a Jewish male is 300,000+

Don't forget about the fact that american ISPs can now sell their own user data

source or kill yourself
protip: kill yourself anyway

what regulation prevented that?

how delusional is it possible to be?

>say " I love Donald Trump's limo, it's the bomb" on facebook
>get knock on the door the next day

>drug and gangrape a disabled child with a bunch of hobos
What the fuck america? I thought that was the land of the free!

doesn't matter. companies have to abide by both

hmm, why do people keep shilling that pai dude's decision? i mean net neutrality was repealed. what else is there? do they want the public to support this? everyone has long forgot about that anyway...

There are efforts on multiple levels to have title II re-instated.

Industries move slowly, we likely wouldn't see effects immediately even if NN was completely gone.

If nothing changed why did ISPs fight so hard to have it removed in the first placed?

Also what is rarely mentioned is that the lack of NN has a chilling effect on start ups. If you don't have the money to pay for your company to get through the filters you wont be able to start up in the first place. It can effect the market in ways that cannot be directly observed.

I honestly wonder what must go through the mind of the moron that makes a dumb wojak meme like this that becomes big.

>hmm, i'll just create this quick retarded meme of a sony fanboy sucking up a nintendo fanboy up his ass like a vacuum. the nintendo guy will be like NOOOOOOOOOOOO, haha
>oh wow, now it's become a standard image for shitposting, this wasn't supposed to happen

Nothing cahnges FOR THE END USER
A lot of shit changes for bigger companies, that's why literally everyone was shilling against the repeal

Allow me to use an example.
Who would profit the MOST from all companies paying the same no matter what they use, Google or my Taiwanese server that displays html?
Its the same paradox in a sense as the minimum wage; the people that gain the most from there being a minimum wage are the ones that dont have to employ anyone and whose employees already work for more than the minimum wage, as minimum wage doesnt allow possible startups and competing businesses to expand

Not saying that ISPs give a shit for you, but now they can get more money out of bigger companies, so they win.
Its just that it HAPPENS to align with something that's also good.for us, for once

Well Romania has fewer /additional/ regulations.