Hoiy guiys

hoiy guiys.
i made a python script that can convert data(of any type) into images by spitting the hexadecimal representation of the data into the RGBA of the image, and of course a script to turn it back.

it still needs a lot of improving, but it's certainly functional. i was wondering if anybody would be interested. here's a github i just made.
(It's uncommented. I'll get around to commenting my code soon.).
I also have another version that I don't have a github for that does only the RGB bands instead of RGBA. Bigger images, but nicer looking pictures ;p.

the syntax is as you'd expect.
python toimg.py
python tofile.py
Pic related is produced with this.

Other urls found in this thread:


oh yeah whoops. here's the github.

>page 3
i'll see if 8ch is more interested. ;;.
in the mean time. everybody should check out 'anons.wiki'. it's not mine, but it certainly needs more traffic for how cool of an idea it seems to be.

it's cool user but I've got to sleep now. you should've been here for previous projects including a script that does exactly what you did except with video, it could then transcode it into a youtube video that could be downloaded & untranscoded from

that has the be the least efficient method i've seen yet
pretty impressive, in a way

convert -size 500x450 rgba:HUMAN2GM.mka HUMAN2GM.png
convert HUMAN2GM.png rgba:HUMAN2GM.mka

>but nicer looking pictures ;p.

1) why

2) this shouldn't take more than 2 lines

good job on your first program though

Hiding data in images is called steganography. Its a really cool tool but I'm pretty sure uploading images like this is against the site rules.

m-mine makes squares!
thanks for the info i guess ;;.

err, convert doesn't seem to do that with text files?

because nice looking things are nice to look at. the first version of this used binary w/black pixels as 0's and white ones as 1's. it was a strip of height 8. it made bytes visualized nicely. i liked it.

>this shouldn't take more than 2 lines

>good job on your first program
i have to admit im not amazing but this is certainly not my first ;;

oh i did not know that.
it is not in any(other) way against the rules i promise ;;. it is music with video, that's all.

How do you deal, with files that aren't multiplies of two integers?

If you are talking about the size of the resulting image, the very first pixel stores how many pixels to ignore at the end.

>how many pixels
how many 'bands', really.

>youtube video
Don't they compress the source video when you upload it, making that useless?

I question the sincerity of this poster.

oh, why?
the source is all there. so, it shouldn't be too hard to check if it's a virus or there's a lie somewhere, I'd hope.

fine, here's one that makes squares
file=HUMAN2GM.mka; size=$(bc

You type like a child and I think you're doing it on purpose for some kind of attention.

you can use this to hide CP

Damn dude did you forget to take that stick out of your ass?

The poster is not being sincere.

that was me (sans the youtube stuff)
i used 1bit 8x8 pixels to prevent lossy compression ruining it


or send movies and/or archive files. which is probably why it's not allowed according to user :/.

>against the site rules

i like your song. as far as i tested, convert doesn't seem to work for plaintext :/.

>You type like a child and I think you're doing it on purpose for some kind of attention.
this would be a pretty shit troll in my opinion.
sorry about the typing I guess.

question is, how would they find out unless the poster literally said it was?

not him, but i admit i was pretty amazed when i finally realized that data is data and can be interpreted in many atypical ways
i've tried lots of things, i especially like messing with raw media and lossy formats, like putting video into mp3 or jpeg

check out this one i made a while back;
i="out.jpg"; ffmpeg -r 10 -pix_fmt monob -f rawvideo -s 160x120 -i

The site prompts you to read the Rules & FAQ pages before posting.

i think he was saying 'how would they find out it was secret hidden image message unless someone says so'. If nobody says so, tho, i doubt many would check, heh.

What else would this lossless noise be?
>i doubt many would check
People learned to check images over a decade ago and every few years they're reminded because of things like this

What's with that image?

who said it had to be lossless?
are you a bad enough dude to open what is in this?
convert rick32.jpg -depth 1 gray:- | tar xf -

tarbomb and/or zip decompression bomb?

fuck off with your pedo cp sharing hack shit

nope, it's a 32KiB rendition of rick dangerous
