Can someone please recommend a good resource for learning Java? An online course, or downloadable text book would be great. Thanks
Can someone please recommend a good resource for learning Java? An online course...
Other urls found in this thread: Java it's there somewhere, good resource
Just learn from the ones that own it.
Tim buchalka course at udemy
Don't, Java is a shit tier language for pajeets and monolithic spaghetti code corporations
What do you recommend learning if I want to train to be a programmer?
Probably C or C++
Python isn't that bad either, gets a bad wrap for being high level but it's honestly still very good for most things.
C and ASM.
Car car = new Car();
you now know java, good luck
always, ALWAYS, start with problem statement first. Fuck language, or tech. Find a problem to solve and build it up from there.
Could you elaborate?
not op but im doing right now. will complete it some days. any suggestions on what I should do next?
Are you a retard, user? It's self explained.
Just build a solution to something you come up with.
Not him but how the fuck are you supposed to do that without programming knowledge?
Exactly. I'm a beginner, and just want some good suggestions. Telling me to make a solution and solve it, without any further information is not enough.
If I've already started learning Java basics in a high school course should I just pick up C++ now or should I continue with Java?
Hopefully my joke sentence is enough to fool you into thinking I am a literal retard
to-do list
print "Hello world" in console
Learn java the hard way. It's a good book, but I won't give you my copy because I don't want to give out my email address. Only 20 pounds though
Are there any good online IDEs for Java? Something like stackblitz that does fast boilerplating?