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Sup Forums RAGE thread
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you won't tell me what to do
People on Sup Forums promoting closed source proprietary browsers while acting like they don't care about their private data.
>while acting like they don't care about their private data.
Not an act, I don't care about my private data.
>cute black girl at work asks me how much ram I have
>hesitate, I don't want to overshoot it or she'll think I'm a loser
>tell her 8
>she laughs at me
>"my fucking NAS has more than that man"
>feel like a fucking joke
>can't admit I have 32 now or she'll know I lied
That's like "not caring" about your lungs when smoking. It's not really that people don't care, it's just that ignoring the huge risks is more convenient now. It never was a rational decision for a smoker to destroy his/her lungs. It's just not yet a problem but it will lead to massive regret and disabilities in the future. Just like leaking your private information.
You "don't care" now because you don't really understand the implications but you will have to live here in this world having your data out there for multiple decades to come.
>mfw gaymer GPU's cost twice as much now and gaymer faggots are seething because of it
you could say the same thing about global warming, stop using electricity already
i dont are about privacy i care about performance
And stop farting. Methane is the most destructive of all Greenhouse Effect gasses.
>mfw obese lardwhale fat activist tumblrinas leave the biggest carbon footprint in history
>their weight forces more fuel consumption in vehicles
>their size requires more water and boiler energy wasted
>their anuses release several volumes more greenhouse gases than the average person
>the clothes industry needs to waste more resources to create clothes that fit them
>they produce several volumes more trash than the average person thereby polluting both land and air several times more
Good God.
I fucking hate fat people. I really do.
>mfw all modern AAA games are dog shit and my old r7-260x still handles everything actually worth playing
That's a bad comparison I think. Smoking is an addiction, lethal, and does something (fills your lungs with inhaled, burnt organic matter) that you would otherwise completely avoid doing if you didn't choose to smoke.
People on Sup Forums and INFOSEC twitter and whatever else are constantly talking about being spied on. I go outside, there are cameras everywhere on the streets, inside stores, watching what I do, what I buy, what trains I take, who I talk to. Apparently Facebook and the NSA and NASA and whomever else have secret chips inside all my electronic devices that monitor all my data and watch me through cameras and listen through mics etc.
If I can't escape a lack of privacy unless I start living like the unabomber, then I'll take my free email and google maps while I'm at it. It is accurate to say I don't care about giving up this data, because a. I don't find this data to be that valuable and b. apparently "they" would be getting the data regardless.
whoa, rare
>Smoking is an addiction
It's not. I smoked a few times and that was about it.
An addiction comes from underlying psychological problems within a person, not the object of addiction itself.
That's why wars on addictions are all useless worthless shit, because they don't tackle a person's underlying problems that pushed them to seek an addiction, they just tackle the object and ignore the root of the problem.
I hope you were this retarded on purpose
I am just correcting your uneducated and incorrect statement. An addiction is not a matter of choice, it's a matter of underlying problems.
I don't find smoking addictive at all either. Just saying it's a stupid comparison.
Launching a VM in VirtualBox crashes my whole computer and makes me have to reinstall, but I don't want to, as I'm 2 comfy rn.
Really makes me rage.
Let memtest86+ run for the night.
I know for a fact that it isn't that, it's something else I fucked up myself. But I might run a memtest anyway.
Choose one
stop using logic please, let us live in our bubble in the basement
People on Sup Forums promoting uncompiled "free" software and acting like they are totally paranoid about their terabytes of CP, while clearly giving off the fact they are neet rejects and for the most part students/unemployed with no fucking idea what's about working in a team
You're lucky this is a sfw board young man.
You two fags cannot be this retarded.
You can get physically dependent on nicotine, tho.
Your liver can also get physically dependent on prioritizing carbohydrates over breaking down fats, which is how people get fat from sugar dependence.
However sweets aren't what got you addicted, an underlying psychological problem such as massive depression or anger issues or who knows what other source, pushed you into eating candy like a mongrel because it lifts you from that problem.
Everyone enjoys sweets, but it takes mental problems to wantonly seek that enjoyment until you are destroying your body.
Same with drugs, alcohol, smoking (where the controlled breathing byproduct of the act makes you feel relaxed), etc.
That's why the only successful cases of rehabilitation are not related to tackling the object of addiction but fixing the person's psychological traumas and making them aware of what's originally pushing them to destroy themselves.
Thanks user that helps
3 4
>vega 56 at fucking 1000 trump dollars
Why does God allow that?
>still blaming systemd for MSI incompetence.
>systemd fucks something up
>still blaming MSI for doing a nigger-tier implementation of UEFI standard
something something formatting a dev xbox .jpg
why are you systemdfags so obsessed with this? As if it's the only option that exists.
Because almost nobody uses these :^)
>Because almost nobody uses these :^)
Nobody uses GNU/Linux :^)
We should all just install Windows I guess...
We already addressed this.
Why do you want things to be larger than they have to be to complete their function?
Why do you like big attack surfaces?
>Why do you like big attack surfaces?
aka he is shit at programming and has an iq of 98
Or at least use a lightweight one like LXQT
Fucking this. You have no idea how much better my system performance and stability has gotten since I switched to using startx.
choose one
I can afford ram.
>le epic nobody uses linux maymay
>le epic implying that someone uses opensysvinit
>le epic big surface and nsa maymay
You should go to some shit like BSD/NoDrivers
I have an 8gb video card and 32gigs of ram. But i still use dwm as my wm. But i run multiple virtual machines and that takes up ram. I also gpu passthrough
tldr you dont know me
t. gnome user
>crying "muh increased attack surface"
>oh, but when the kernel gets bigger and monolithic nobody bats an eye
>>le epic nobody uses linux maymay
>le epic failing to respond to the point and resorting to "le epic maymay" maymay
>>le epic implying that someone uses opensysvinit
Guys, why does this user not shut the fuck up about sysvinit? What's his problem? Is it some kind of tic?
>>le epic big surface and nsa maymay
Once again, failing to respond to the legitimate point and resorting to ridicule, only making my original point seem even more legitimate by comparison.
>You should go to some shit like BSD/NoDrivers
cuck license
The kernel has an excuse for being as big as it is: Drivers. It needs to have drivers to be able to support all the hardware it supports, spanning several CPU architectures and tons of peripherals.
Although to be honest, a Microkernel sounds like a better idea, but unfortunately there are no practical ones that can be used.
>baw stop talking about the only real alternative to systemd ;_;
>Once again, failing to respond to the legitimate point and resorting to ridicule, only making my original point seem even more legitimate by comparison.
Legitimate my ass. That concern is vague as fuck and you can scale it at kernel level (monolithic and bloated kernel) to a end user desktop system (with lots of vectors to attack)
>the kernel has an excuse
Systemd also has an excuse. It has to manage the system.
>there are no practical ones
What is L4?
What's Minix?
What's QNX?
In fact, you are already using a microkernel OS probably.
Bitch. Compile your own kernel
Minimalism is a good thing, too much of something is never good
>minimalism is a good thing
Until you have to do shit in real world.
Minimalism is a privilegie for the rich and the academia.
Young man!
Like what real shit in the real word.
You ghey
>baw stop talking about the only real alternative to systemd ;_;
We've already established that there are other alternatives. I'm sorry that you don't think they're real.
>Legitimate my ass. That concern is vague as fuck and you can scale it at kernel level (monolithic and bloated kernel) to a end user desktop system (with lots of vectors to attack)
For kernel level, see below. For Desktop level, that's why I recommend XFCE and LXQT over the needlessly bloated GNOME desktop.
>Systemd also has an excuse. It has to manage the system.
No it doesn't. It quite literally doesn't. Systemd doesn't HAVE to manage the system by itself and expand its scope to cover literally everything. GNU/Linux and other Unix-likes are perfectly capable of running with more minimal, separated, interchangeable parts.
>What is L4?
>What's Minix?
>What's QNX?
>In fact, you are already using a microkernel OS probably.
These projects are not finished at this point. L4 does not have an implementation yet, and most likely lacks any sort of driver support. Minix I don't even think can handle USB at all on x86. QNX is likely in a similar state. HURD is dead.
>We've already established that there are other alternatives. I'm sorry that you don't think they're real.
I didn't say that they aren't real, I said that they are almost irrelevant because their small user base.
>No it doesn't. It quite literally doesn't. Systemd doesn't HAVE to manage the system by itself and expand its scope to cover literally everything.
Why systemd can't do what is designed to do?
>GNU/Linux and other Unix-likes are perfectly capable of running with more minimal, separated, interchangeable parts.
Yes, with the issues that the systems at the time had, like not able to reconfigure themselves when resources appear and dissapear, incompatible daemonization techniques between distros and machines, broken scripting, uncontrollable double forking, etc.
>These projects are not finished at this point. These projects are not finished at this point. L4 does not have an implementation yet, and most likely lacks any sort of driver support. Minix I don't even think can handle USB at all on x86. QNX is likely in a similar state. HURD is dead.
Most of them are used now in their respective fields, stop saying bullshit.
Minix is the operating system of Intel ME and it supports USB. L4 is one of the most deployed OS in the world (for example, Apple cryptoprocessors) and Genode OS (one of their implementations that is capable of being used) is capable of being used as desktop OS. QNX is completely usable as Desktop os (It ran pretty damn well in my old Pentium III-Based IBM netvista with a usb keyboard) and is/was the standard of the automotive industry.
This is the FUD that always linux zealots spouts about microkernels thanks to Torvalds massive antipathy against them.
>L4 does not have an implementation yet
It has like 20
I use lightdm, if I just uninstall it, it will send me to a tty on boot and let me login from there right?
>Although to be honest, a Microkernel sounds like a better idea, but unfortunately there are no practical ones that can be used in my gay ming computer.
Yep! You'll probably have to manually edit your .xinitrc to have it launch your DE/WM, but after that it should work.
Any for the desktop?
How about server use?
Once again, Minix doesn't even support USB on x86 last I checked, and if there's any good non-embedded implementations of the others, I wouldn't know.
>I said that they are almost irrelevant because their small user base.
Going by that, desktop GNU/Linux is irrelevant because of its small user base.
Also, I hear Alpine (OpenRC) is quite popular for Docker, and its implementation of grsecurity would make it quite secure for server use as well.
>Why systemd can't do what is designed to do?
Because what it is designed to do should not be a part of the GNU/Linux OS. Again, there's a better way.
>Random issues
I take it you're not talking about modern alternatives such as OpenRC, Runit, or Shepherd here.
i fucking love being IT
>dudes at my workplace (teachers) leaving their desktops unlocked and they leave the classrooms
>student info and shit visible on projector to the whole class
>retarded kids who break laptop screens and rip keys out and then say "it just fell out"
>retards who get angry when they're told not to abuse their computers but make a ticket instead
>one fucking megaretard who broke a printer by trying to fish out a piece of paper with scissors
>the super retard who almost gave his bitlocker key + logins to a fucking janitor
>Most of them are used now in their respective fields, stop saying bullshit.
Right, mostly embedded, am I right?
>Minix is the operating system of Intel ME and it supports USB. L4 is one of the most deployed OS in the world (for example, Apple cryptoprocessors) and Genode OS (one of their implementations that is capable of being used) is capable of being used as desktop OS. QNX is completely usable as Desktop os (It ran pretty damn well in my old Pentium III-Based IBM netvista with a usb keyboard) and is/was the standard of the automotive industry.
Yeah I was right.
For Minix USB, I meant actually installing it on an x86 main processor.
From the download page: wiki.minix3.org
"Please note that on x86, MINIX3 does not support USB at all (yet!)"
For QNX, I just checked, and it appears to be proprietary.
>This is the FUD that always linux zealots spouts about microkernels thanks to Torvalds massive antipathy against them.
Oh don't get me wrong. I'm not shitting on Microkernels, but it is clear that the current implementations are not very useful outside of embedded.
>ignoring Genode OS
I'll look into it.
Stop overcomplicating shit! I'm sick and tired of your supposed fancy design and layouts when in fact they're a fad that forces oldfags to learn how to use shit they were already comfortable using until you went and fucking changed it. Always give oldfags a backwards compatible mode so they don't have to put up with this bullshit. Lastly, fuck your mobile-first design approach; I get everyone's glued to their fucking phones, but they're not glued to your shitty program. Make it a desktop-first so the thing actually fit for fucking purpose, then provide a minimal version for phonefags.
If you tell me to click on the "menu" but there's no button or widget with "menu" clearly visible on it, moreover there's no way I can CTRL+F for it, then I'm going to fucking slap you. If I am forced to login to an application that is not dependent on the internet (especially if it's free) then expect me to uninstall your crap. Lastly, I don't want to have to jump through 50 fucking hoops before your program does what it was supposed to do in the first fucking place.
okay, grandpa, let me get your blanket and turn on blue bloods for you. don't worry, no one is going to make you buy a new phone.
>bought 8GB RX470 on release, $340 after import taxes
>search for it now
>all selling for ~$650
mein scotneger
This always makes me angry.