Which one bros

Which one bros

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Inb4 neither/other.


Neither desu

But if I had to pick, not java

Java is too bloat.

Java, because they're both very similar and is independent of MSFT. The WORA idea is nice.

C# is a nicer language, but platform matters.


C# is goto language for Mr. 9to5.

C# is a nicer language but career-wise, Java has more opportunities.

I fuxed with mono for a small OSX project a couple years ago. Only main issues I had was not liking GTKSharp UI.

Aside from the retarded delegate/event stuff and the upcoming nullable references (should’ve just had a Maybe type from the start), C# is one of if not the most complete and well-designed high-level languages in existence.

I vote for java


Java is deprecated.

Java. C# was dead on arrival. It's literally a worse and more closed down version of Java.


I've only messed with C# a little, but it's obvious they learned from Javas mistakes, the language feels better. However I prefer Java environment, and it feels like Java is catching up. Besides, you never know if Microsoft is just going to kill it one day (maybe less of a risk because of Mono these days).

>maybe less of a risk because of Mono these days

is this a post from 2005 ?


One this I hate about C# is the mandatory including of whole namespaces. Getting individual classes instead of whole libraries makes it easier to identify what I'm using, it is weird that they ditched that and stuck with the C approach.

Tiny thing but irks me a lot every time I work on my C# projects.

Fucking /thread
You need to get in on this functional programming shit OP, it's truly world changing.

You don't know what you are talking about

Java, but why not both? If you are gonna be a professional programmer you should be easily able to switch between the two with no struggle. If you can't pick up a new language in a week's time you are in the wrong industry. My 2 cents...

C#. Java is too bloat and although I hate the MS tie in with C# using LINQ if fucken awesome for complex lookups you don't want to write out

C#, why? Just werks

You don't know what you are talking about

Java for the droidbux.

It's entirely different from the C approach. The using keyword is just so that you don't have to use the fully qualified name of a class. It is only concerned with the logical separation of code and doesn't handle what gets compiled/included in your build. Assemblies handle the physical separation of code, and if you ever use a reference to some library then that assembly will be included in your compile.

Are you stupid op?
If portability is an issue, Java otherwise choose the brainlet language.

>portability issue
write c instead then retard
>fast as fuck, efficient as fuck, become cool as fuck

>answering something different than what was asked.

Oh boy I bet you're an imbecile.
>not recommending Holy C

they are both very similar languages and their main use case are the same for both(server side development).though they both found their own niche too.java can be used for programming smart devices(android phones,tablets,smartwatches,android TV,android auto...)and c# is used an insanely lot in gaming.(unity,cryengine,the in-house engine of ubisoft,the in-house engine of from software which was used to make dark souls,and theres a billion others out there too.

why are some fags saying Java is slow and will die in the next years?

Java, .net stack is a meme. Fuck m$

Contrarians. Java isnt going anywhere

I think you mean Kotlin. Scala isn't for people that actually need to get shit done, its for people that like to masturbate over language features

> JavaEE moved to eclipse
> Netbeans outdated and buggy
> Kotlin becoming king on mobile
> No decent support for WASM
> No decent feature coming in the next versions

It's dying.

Intellij my dude wtf u talking bout nigga

> Buy the Ultimate Version XDDD


Your employer pays for it you jobless NEET. Or get it for free using your school email. Otherwise get a life

well it is designed to be crossplatform for literally anything on a circuit board

PHP :^)

Java unless you like to suck ms cock

Depends on what you're writing programs for. Aren't most Android apps written in Java? Android sure isn't going anywhere.

C# is nice on Windows because you don't have to be like "plz install java to run my program" and WPF is pretty nice but wine can't even run WPF apps which is ass.

look at this faggot

both are a pile of shit, C is the only option

Java is dying so I'd go with C#.
The only strong point of Java is the better portability, but C# is becoming better and better in that regard.

have no idea what "PHP" (???) is or does, sorry

C# is literally just Java but better.
But in 2018 you should be using Rust.
It's time to move on.

Neither. But if I must pick, C#.

Doesn't matter.

lmgtfy.com/?q=What is PHP?

it was a great idea 20 years ago when the hardware landscape was diverse

>web development
no thanks

The Loo


F# + Javascript master race

Java for net development. C and C# for low tier stuff. Python for scripting. JavaScript for stupid frontend web development that makes you want to kill yourself while still being better than the alternatives.

what's wrong with PHP?


spaghetti code

mixing up presentation and logic

Shit copy of OCaml

>JavaScript for stupid frontend web development that makes you want to kill yourself
Can be used as backend code, which is doubly worse when you try to treat it as though it were a frontend web language.


is that more lucrative than ios apps?

Sadly there is a ton of entreprise shit written in Java that needs to be maintained. It's not going anywhere.

What's so bad about working from 9 to 5?

>interfaces and abstract classes are same shit
>interfaces are interfaces
what did he mean by this

net core will completely destoy java spring, node, python and other hipsters in next few years.
also consider that java ee is dead

>javatards STILL don't have anything like linq


>Aren't most Android apps written in Java? Android sure isn't going anywhere.
Android only recently added support for a subset of Java 8. It has been stuck at Java 7 for years. The OS is being scrapped for a completely new one not based on linux. As of today, Fuchsia is programmed in Dart. If Dart doesn't make it then it will be Javascript or Typescript, but in no way it will be Java again, Google had enough with Oracle's lawsuits.

I like C# better but hell if anyone will for it. Even finding junior roles has been a pain in the ass.
>10++++ years exp needed
C++ codebases are tedious as shit.

>>javatards STILL don't have anything like linq
That is because Oracle won't let what's left of Sun's development team do it without locking it behind a $12,000/month license fee.

Is c# the nicest and easiest language?

What is linq

>he hasn't convinced his project manager to switch over to Scala
Honestly it sounds like your're are life sucks, faggot. Perhaps becoming an hero is the best solution.

php is just a complete mess and a pain to deal with

See how retarded Java makes u? U Arent Even able to google it anymore

They are very similar.
C# is cleaner and has some powerful tools Java lacks. It's also used in the best IDE out there.
But Java is Java. Cross-platform C# is far from being mainstream and I don't even know how well it performs.

So, basically, if you have a job already and can choose between C# and Java - I would go for C#. If you don't have a job or don't know in what kind of field you'll be working in - Java is a much safer and a more versatile bet.
Learning one after another is very easy too.

Xojo is life

Screw you guys

I target multiple platforms no problem

Java if dealing with a giant amount of data,c# otherwise.

The writing's on the wall for plain old Java. It'll survive for a while, but it's aging terribly.

Now that C#'s got sophisticated mutli-platform support (especially for Linux servers), the only non-legacy reason you'd want to use Java over it was if you wanted to not deal with Microsoft. And, honestly, Oracle isn't that much better.

Kotlin's neat, but it's still a bit too young of a language.

But user I don't know java

>Cross-platform C# is far from being mainstream and I don't even know how well it performs.
Its consumer reach is questionable compared to Java but the important thing is it runs extremely well in controlled server environments, so it's being adopted remarkably fast in the industry.

Has the worst build system ever. Language itself isn't half bad though.

Hi guys I don't know what I want to do should I just use python

I work in BIG DATA btw

>Does job search
>twice as many Java jobs vs C#

pls give key/activation server
am lazy


>quantity = quality
I don't even know what to tell you, user. Why not consider a career as a cashier? Literally millions of jobs.

>be me
>read this
>laugh out loud
>wake up wife
>sleeping on couch now

Fuck you


Half the companies in my area are looking for .Net devs

I absolutely fucking hate that C# doesn't let you know what exceptions are thrown by each method.

Fucking hate it and it's the only reason I still even think about Java, I fucking love that nigger pestering me about adding the throws clause.

Naw nigga. That was true up to and including C# 2.0. It felt like a shitty and less polished Java 1.6.

That's where history comes in though. Sun was dying. They couldn't keep up work on Java. Everyone knew they would sell, and everyone was sure it would be to the only other major Java player -- IBM.

But then the Oracle bombshell went off.

Microsoft saw their chance and went all in with C# 3.0. All the good stuff like lambdas, linq, type inference and extension methods, with all the associated major core library overhaul.

And they were right. Java releases dried up, and Oracle didn't give much of a shit about Java now that they had a chokehold on MySQL, and had secured their server lineup.

It would take Java about six years to get even some of the features C# pushed in that period. Even the conservative dinosaur that is C++ beat them to most of it.

Ever since, C# has been the by far better language.

But I mean yeah, while C# is a fantastic language, .NET is not a great platform. Microsoft never managed to build the same kind of community Java had, and they really painted themselves into a corner by always ensuring it ran like shit on other OS.

Not sure how this turned into a 200 word essay but I'm having another drink.

Don't call me bro, boy.

That being said. Pic related.

As long as it doesn't use application-defined templates.

Erm, what?

>C++, post 2011
>conservative dinosaur