/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly search engine, mailing lists...
>b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
>b-but what e-mail providers respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try autistici or aktivix.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


>Just reposting from the last thread...

Anons, please help.
Im realy trying to go to Linux but this is mental.
I have an HD running Windows and put Ubuntu (I want something easy at first just to learn how to use it) on another HD.

EVerything was running smooth, with the boot screen asking me what kind of OS I wanted to use it when I turned the computer on.
But after a huge update for the Ubuntu, the Linux just stopped working. The screen was still show, but if you chose Ubuntu, it would go black, them restart the computer. The windows stills works tho.

So my question is, how to re-install Ubuntu on that HD and make the dualboot without having to format the HD with Microsoft on it?
I don't know who shoud be the master and who shoud be the slave and so on.

>So my question is, how to re-install Ubuntu on that HD and make the dualboot without having to format the HD with Microsoft on it?
Just load into Ubuntu Boot CD and seek for some option like "Recover system" or "Upgrade system"

Thanks user. Im really new at this.
Just 2 questions: which HD should be the master/slave and where should I install that small patch that will give me the option to those the OS in the boot menu when I turn the computer on?

Shuold the OS that I use more frequently be the master and thus, install the patch in the Microsoft HD, or vice-versa?

I'm retarded. Early today I installed debian with win32 debian loader on my 64bit Windows 10 version. Big mistake. This idiotproof solution failed with some kind of grub issue and added a dualboot menu to the W10 operating system selection screen (bootmanager)

Eventually I made a bootable USB with the netinst Debian ISO amd64 using Rufus with GPT and UEFI. After shrinking down the C: partition allocated to windows, I succesfully installed Debian with seperate /home, /tmp and /var.

Now I have a flawless and higly modded linux install from the USB which seems to have its own boot chooser with Windows bootmanager or my flawless linux install on it (grub I assume), Windows 10 and that broken win32 debian loader install.

How would I get rid of that broken debian install (or at least remove it from the bootmanager) without accidentally removing my precious successful debian install? msconfig doesn't have an entry for anything debian.

Thankyou for all advice.

>Now I have a flawless and higly modded linux install from the USB which seems to have its own boot chooser with Windows bootmanager or my flawless linux install on it (grub I assume), Windows 10 and that broken win32 debian loader install.
Sorry I meant to write:
Displayed on GRUB or whatever that selection screen is called: GOOD linux install, windows bootmanager
Displayed on windows bootmanager: Windows 10, flawed debian install asking me to 'continue with installation'

I can suppose GRUB doesn't care about these settings, so you should be fine with any setting.

>running gentoo
>just running dwm and a bunch of cobbled together scripts
>kinda want to try out plasma and cinnamon after having not used them in years
>if I install them it's more than likely going to require me to bring in a shitload of packages and deps
>it's also more than likely going to install Desktop Environment packages that override my scripts and defaults and install stuff I don't want

man why does it have to be so difficult

If you only want to TRY them out then grab a live distro featuring them.

I was thinking about that, I guess it wouldn't be too bad to give it a shot

ayy lmao that's not even half of it
and it wants to pull in pulseaudio too

Installed Arch in a VM as practice. Seems nice enough. Is there anything I should know before switching full time?

I use Windows right now btw. No games or anything, nor any Windows-specific software as such. Chrome + Sublime + git is fine for 90% of my work.

be prepared for a very steep learning curve if you haven't used linux a lot before

disable bluetooth USE flag globally, I think that pulls it in. Also, some shit pulls in webkit-gtk, that takes literal ages and maybe that depends on pulse too.

>kde has its own entire portage overlay
well looks like I'm not installing it one way or another

don't mention webkit-gtk, it's a dirty word.

it broke my entire system because it had dependency hell with another package. I couldn't uninstall one without first uninstalling the other.

I couldn't update my system for months because webkit-gtk would be one of the first few packages portage would try and update.
It would take nearly 4 hours to compile, just to fail, every time.

Yea, if you have audio on some obvious desktop type of software, you probably want pulseaudio. It's not like Gentoo's maintainers broke it every second week either.

And it's otherwise also pretty unsurprising. Though you probably can quite significantly reduce deps a bunch by manipulating USE-flags.

> I couldn't uninstall one without first uninstalling the other.
I don't think that is possible on Gentoo. You can *always* install packages independently. You can even disable entire stages (like the postinstall scripting) or run them individually.

> I couldn't update my system for months because webkit-gtk would be one of the first few packages portage would try and update
Why didn't you skip it after it failed? And why didn't you mask it? What about using --keep-going?

I don't see any excuse why this would block updates for months.

I'm just violently allergic to anything poetterberg has touched. I'll probably let it install anyway just because I want the features.

I knew it was gonna be a long list, I just don't see how I need stuff like speex or "mobile-broadband-provider-info", so I'm gonna go fuck around with package.use for a while I guess

believe me, I don't know how the system got as fucked up as it did, it just did. It wouldn't even pay attention to --keep-going, I masked the package, even deleted its entry from my local portage tree, nothing worked. I forget what I wound up doing to fix it. I might've wound up just re-installing.

>You can *always* install packages independently.
Uninstall. Typo.

Certainly, you can also try and install packages individually, but obviously it probably won't work due to missing dependencies.

> I'm just violently allergic to anything poetterberg has touched.
Why though? The things he and the other people who collaborated made generally work really quite well.

> so I'm gonna go fuck around with package.use for a while I guess
Yea, disabling features with use-flags will almost certainly cut off a lot of these dependencies.

> I don't know how the system got as fucked up as it did
The point was more that as long as you still have portage, you can tell it to do what you want.

> It wouldn't even pay attention to --keep-going
I'm not sure you got this right. --keep-going is just not quite equal to some automatic --skipfirs.

It will drop everything that would end up with unsatisfied dependencies, so I figure if it did not work at all, the issue was that EVERYTHING remaining depended directly or indirectly on the packages that failed.

> I masked the package
Maybe an incorrect entry, or you also had it unmasked in the unmask file.

> even deleted its entry from my local portage tree
If you literally don't have the ebuild anywhere anymore (main portage tree and overlays), it would HAVE to fail with a "no ebuild exists for this package" type of message. Definitely crazy if it didn't.

dankpad here,

looking for a configuration of three linux distros or 2x linux and 1x windoze that wont fuck each other up in the grub. I have three drives, 2xSSD and 1xmsata and would like to install a different distro on each drive. Perhaps there is a better way of doing this that I am not thinking of. I seem to be having trouble with elementary OS which I wanted to play with because my friend has a cluster of computers that run this OS. Whenever I install elementary next to mint in this way I seem to run into grub issues. I am willing to migrate off of elementary, and just want something stable for now. If anyone has three different linux OS'es working in this configuration please let me know.

I encrypt each drive, which is why I have a different distro on each driver rather than all on one drive.

Only in VMs and/or for a short period of time. Thanks, though.

>I seem to run into grub issues
What grub issues?


I have had parallel installs delete the grub entirely so I cannot boot one OS or the other. Currently facing this error which I haven't figured out yet.

ALERT! /dev/mapper/elementary--vg-root does not exist! dropping to shell

unrelated to grub issue, this one is just an elementary issue that just occurred after building what seemed like a stable install.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as GNU/Linux is in fact GNU/Linux/systemd/xorg/KDE/Gnome/xfce/fluxbox/tmux/Mozilla/chromium/dillo/lynx/vim/emacs/mutt/alpine/vlc/mplayer/cmus/abiword/libreoffice/gimp/inkscape/blender/python/perl/ruby/lua/erlang/git/mercurial/bzr/subversion/mysql/postgresql/sqlite/festival/pidgin, or as I've taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux plus xorg plus systemd plus KDE plus Gnome plus xfce plus fluxbox plus tmux plus Mozilla plus chromium plus dillo plus lynx plus vim plus emacs plus mutt plus alpine plus vlc plus mplayer plus cmus plus abiword plus libreoffice plus gimp plus inkscape plus blender plus python plus perl plus ruby plus lua plus erlang plus git plus mercurial plus bzr plus subversion plus mysql plus postgresql plus sqlite plus festival plus pidgin. Neither GNU nor Linux is not an operating system onto itself, but rather free components of a fully functioning GNU/Linux/systemd/xorg/KDE/Gnome/xfce/fluxbox/tmux/Mozilla/chromium/dillo/lynx/vim/emacs/mutt/alpine/vlc/mplayer/cmus/abiword/libreoffice/gimp/inkscape/blender/python/perl/ruby/lua/erlang/git/mercurial/bzr/subversion/mysql/postgresql/sqlite/festival/pidgin system made useful by the vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by actual users. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU/Linux/systemd/xorg/KDE/Gnome/xfce/fluxbox/tmux/Mozilla/chromium/dillo/lynx/vim/emacs/mutt/alpine/vlc/mplayer/cmus/abiword/libreoffice/gimp/inkscape/blender/python/perl/ruby/lua/erlang/git/mercurial/bzr/subversion/mysql/postgresql/sqlite/festival/pidgin system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events (i.e. people are lazy and have better things to do with their time), the version of GNU/Linux/systemd/xorg/KDE/Gnome/xfce/fluxbox/tmux/Mozilla/chromium/dillo/lynx/vim/emacs/mutt/alpine/vlc/mplayer/cmus/abiword/libreoffice/gimp/inkscape/blender/python/perl/ruby/lua/erlang/git/mercurial/bzr/subversion/mysql

/postgresql/sqlite/festival/pidgin which is widely used today is often just called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically a GNU/Linux/systemd/xorg/KDE/Gnome/xfce/fluxbox/tmux/Mozilla/chromium/dillo/lynx/vim/emacs/mutt/alpine/vlc/mplayer/cmus/abiword/libreoffice/gimp/inkscape/blender/python/perl/ruby/lua/erlang/git/mercurial/bzr/subversion/mysql/postgresql/sqlite/festival/pidgin project developed by each of those individual organizations. The kernel and core utilities are an essential part of an operating system, but usless by themselves; they can only function in the context of a complete operating system. GNU & Linux are normally used in combination with systemd/xorg/KDE/Gnome/xfce/fluxbox/tmux/Mozilla/chromium/dillo/lynx/vim/emacs/mutt/alpine/vlc/mplayer/cmus/abiword/libreoffice/gimp/inkscape/blender/python/perl/ruby/lua/erlang/git/mercurial/bzr/subversion/mysql/postgresql/sqlite/festival/pidgin: the whole system is basically systemd/xorg/KDE/Gnome/xfce/fluxbox/tmux/Mozilla/chromium/dillo/lynx/vim/emacs/mutt/alpine/vlc/mplayer/cmus/abiword/libreoffice/gimp/inkscape/blender/python/perl/ruby/lua/erlang/git/mercurial/bzr/subversion/mysql/postgresql/sqlite/festival/pidgin with GNU & Linux added, or GNU/Linux/systemd/xorg/KDE/Gnome/xfce/fluxbox/tmux/Mozilla/chromium/dillo/lynx/vim/emacs/mutt/alpine/vlc/mplayer/cmus/abiword/libreoffice/gimp/inkscape/blender/python/perl/ruby/lua/erlang/git/mercurial/bzr/subversion/mysql/postgresql/sqlite/festival/pidgin. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux/systemd/xorg/KDE/Gnome/xfce/fluxbox/tmux/Mozilla/chromium/dillo/lynx/vim/emacs/mutt/alpine/vlc/mplayer/cmus/abiword/libreoffice/gimp/inkscape/blender/python/perl/ruby/lua/erlang/git/mercurial/bzr/subversion/mysql/postgresql/sqlite/festival/pidgin.

$ free -m
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 1958 911 311 151 735 697
Swap: 1523 0 1523

>Fedora 27 Workstation on startup
fucking trash, but it is the only distro that didn't make me want to launch this shitbox against the wall. gnome3 alone doesn't suck this much ram, so where is the bloat?

>ALERT! /dev/mapper/elementary--vg-root does not exist!
Thats not grub related, your lvm isnt setup properly.
Can you boot in to windows at all?
Normally how you do it is windows >linux>linux2>etc and use os prober on the last install to get grub to notice windows and the other install plus the one you're running os-prober on and have it auto configure all of them so your grub will have three entries.

Read it
Then read it again
Then again
Then post.

Suppose I want to nuke my Python 2 and 3 libs and just reset them to my package manager's provided ones. I had a bad habit of using pip to update python libs and I'd like to return to the standard

How do you recommend I go about this? I already backed up both ~/.local/lib/python* and /usr/lib/python*

i did nigger, and there is only 697MB out of 1958 available ON STARTUP.
that is not normal, even for gnome3.

holy fuck his teeth
anyways /glmg/ is 10x better general than this gay shit

What exactly do you think ram does?
Why do you think NOT USING YOUR FUCKING RAM is a good thing?
You clearly didnt read the linked page.
Why did you buy so much ram if you dont want to use ram?

because nobody knows how to write a web browser that does not consume over 500MB on average you pathetic troll, and gnome3 is not at fault here.
not having to worry about your applications closing at random is a good fucking thing.

There is nothing else to be said here

Pls respond

What we say is that you ought to give the system's principal developer a share of the credit. The principal developer is the GNU Project, and the system is basically GNU.

If you feel even more strongly about giving credit where it is due, you might feel that some secondary contributors also deserve credit in the system's name. If so, far be it from us to argue against it. If you feel that X11 deserves credit in the system's name, and you want to call the system GNU/X11/Linux, please do. If you feel that Perl simply cries out for mention, and you want to write GNU/Linux/Perl, go ahead.

Since a long name such as GNU/X11/Apache/Linux/TeX/Perl/Python/FreeCiv becomes absurd, at some point you will have to set a threshold and omit the names of the many other secondary contributions. There is no one obvious right place to set the threshold, so wherever you set it, we won't argue against it.

Different threshold levels would lead to different choices of name for the system. But one name that cannot result from concerns of fairness and giving credit, not for any possible threshold level, is “Linux”. It can't be fair to give all the credit to one secondary contribution (Linux) while omitting the principal contribution (GNU).

yes there is, i am your dad

QNX did but it was rather primitive. They managed an OS with networking and browser that fit on a floppy. If it's that important, code your own.

wrong answer


Should be the official Sup Forums OS.

wrong answer, again
your ignorance is pathetic

Nevermind, I figured out a hacky way of doing it I guess

Everyone has seen FreeDOS. Menuet is more interesting.

I wish author make x64 version free.

>Menuet is more interesting.
go back to whatever shithole you came from, faggot

I came from Sup Forums

>FSF just got ~$1mil donation in buttcoin

Based cryptokeks bringing the golden age of GNU/Freedom.

>display turns off randomly
>cursor turns invisible randomly
>glitched tearing following the cursor
is it worth it switching to wayland?

you are not fooling anybody

Any idea what content-prefs.sqlite is for?

an alternative to ranger? it's buggy and sometime it freezes and use 100% cpu

Install sqlitebrowser and check it.

Create a new profile, you idiot. You could have imported all of your bookmarks by the time you're waiting to get an answer to that.

I've never used linux seriously only played around with it in the past.

However, social signalling aside I really like the idea of Arch, where you install just what you need rather than install a huge OS and removing what you don't. Also I like the AUR and their documentation.

That being said would it be a good idea do use something such as manjaro as a beginner distro?

This is an anonymous imageboard, no need to lie: did you choose Manjaro because it's on the top of the list of Distrowatch?

Well manjaro isn't too important but I thought it would be better to find a user friendly arch based distro than a debian based like ubuntu or mint

Just grab a live CD . I personally have arch and gentoo . On arch I install and try shit and I have Gentoo as my main os

>gnome3 alone doesn't suck this much ram
it actually does, 26 or 28 used about that much on arch or i may remember wrong but it was usually about 600 in idle, sometimes even about 400 but very rarely

Hey anons, I have a quick linux question.

I built my new PC with a Mini ITX Z170 from Asrock. I know Asrock doesn't support linux properly but I have some hope. I can always boot a live DVD/USB, but after installation it just doen't boot into it.

Any ideas?

Is it possible to recover from main Hardrive removal? Like copy the mount command at boot somewhere in the ram and have a key binding that mounts the partition to / ?

Yes, numerous live distros support copy2RAM where their initrd copies their rootfs to a ramdisk then start the system from there.

nvm I cannot read.

Well this was entertaining: openbsd-archive.7691.n7.nabble.com/Real-men-don-t-attack-straw-men-tt55042.html#none
A long long old thread, but fun to read.
tl;dr RMS joins openbsd mailing list, openbsd community throws poo at him

>I could recommend OpenBSD privately with a clear conscience to someone I know will not install those non-free programs, but it is rare that I am asked for such recommendations, and I know of no practical reason to prefer OpenBSD to gNewSense.
>The fact that OpenBSD is not a variant of GNU is not ethically important. If OpenBSD did not suggest non-free programs, I would recommend it along with the free GNU/Linux distros.
based rms

Some people are making a libre openBSD variant called LibertyBSD and want to get it to be a FSF endorsed OS btw.

this isn't linux per-se, but has anyone tried to install haiku on a thinkpad?
if so, did you have issues with the mouse buttons not working?

is kde connect a botnet? that thing was way too easy to set up for there to be no strings attached

Can you switch linux distros without formating your main drive?

yeah just install and format another hard drive

It's open source, so it is not.
But could be used as one if someone connects to your computer from local network I guess

you mean installing on a new drive?

How in THE FUCK do you install stuff to use qt5 and qmake together? I've been trying to install URXVTConfig and build it on Debian but I can't manage to figure out qmake and qt5.

I just installed MX Linux. Did I do good?
Based on Antix which is based on Debian without systemd.

Or a new partition.

of course

Is Void Linux a difficult distro? I don't see a whole lot of documentation.

do you faggots use i3-wm or i3-gaps?


I like how he keeps being a friendly gentleman.

Laughed at 'LoseAPI'. Classic Stallman.

Try Refracta if your use to breaking stuff beyond understanding and having infinite .iso backups

it works like this, you start with I3, go I3gaps, then you try stuff like awesome and DWM, realize that it makes only fun when you either know lua or c, then you get bspwm, love it for a while, play around with some noname wms and then the ways split to either
A you learn a programming language and start to actually enjoy something like awesome or suckless stuff
B you love scripting everything, try wmutils, go full nixers
C You go back to i3, don't bother and do some work
D you write your own WM

But that's just the cliché. I personally ended up with openbox and a tiling shell script.

tl;dr as usual try everything, use what makes your dick hard

How can I rename files from *-jpg to *.jpg?

prename 's/-jpg/.jpg/' *-jpg

Is there anything I should keep in mind when switching distro but wanting to keep /home intact? Or is it just as simple as tinkering a little bit with the partitions while installing the new one?

> you have to know C to use dwm
When will this one die? You have to know make and diff at most. Xmonad got me to learn Haskell though. No regrets.

>it was usually about 600 in idle, sometimes even about 400 but very rarely
yeah, those are the numbers i had in mind, that was centos though. thanks.

Keep autism-tier notes of everything you do during install

I already have, I'm just curious as to if I've lost anything of value.

I tried to view it with R, it wasn't very helpful.

Make a /home partition
Make a / partition

If distro switch or reinstall for whatever reason, tell installer to use your /home as /home and to not overwrite it, tell it to use your / as / and to force overwrite it

What DE is easiest to tweak into something approximating Win7?

It's a very prominent list actually.
Why did it took you so long to discover it?

What are your favorite non-flat gtk themes?

I second this. I would like a distro that looks and performs the closest possible to Windows 7.

That's just silly.
This thread is for serious GNU/Linux discussion.

The Gentoo standard install provides all you need.

Hello mates. I've never used linux before but I've been intending to get to grips with it for sometime now, so I thought I might use a new laptop (pic related ryzen apu refresh) to dive into it. I've got a few questions if you would be so kind.
>is there a best distro for touchscreen support+gestures? I like the sound of mint but reading online, using ubuntu and latest gnome.may be better?
>are there common issues with laptop wifi chips and linux? I've seen a few threads along those lines from google. Is there somewhere to check conpatibility with specific chips?
My uses will be mostly multimedia for personal, netflix, youtube, Sup Forums, audio streaming etc. Aside from that, I'll be using it to learn linux, networking and interface in future with my to-be headless home server. Thanks :)

Oh sorry I forgot
>does linux have a significant effect on battery life vs windows? Positive/negative? Vary much by distro?