Learn to code and do typical desk job shit

>learn to code and do typical desk job shit
>learn to draw and take commissions from desperate nerds

Which one should I go for? Which would net the most money?

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Depends what you're most skilled in. Nobody should ever do things that "will make them the most money" because on top of being very miserable they'll do shit jobs and quickly get fired/lose customers.

But to that point, it's easier to get paid writing shit code

Right but if it's not something you're passionate about it won't end well. It be like that man.

Do neither.

That said, artfaggotry is the worse choice.

I am convinced that a programmer is as employable as a doctor.

Do you want to work for a typical company, or for desperate nerds?

I'm thinking that learning how to code is a good backbone while you learn how to draw. That way, you have stability as a codecuck and, at the same time, you can make extra shekels by doing commissions as an artist.

you cant do both?

>learn to code
>get lots of money
>jerk off
>go to sleep
>get more money

>learn to draw
>make a patreon
>make people pay money to jerk off to your art
>go to sleep
>can't pay your taxes

How many programmers are drawfag btw? I have met several on /ic/, theres the drawabox guy, theres me and the list goes on

i'd say that there's a good number of them. if you're a drawfag that's interested in game development, you're likely to be one of them.

It depends on how much effort you'll put into drawing and how good you are at it.
Talent doesn't exist, btw.

But my point is that if you're able to learn to draw well enough that you can draw porn and get high comissions then you'll have an easier time lasting than a programmer unless you get lucky with a major selling app or program.

See, as tech moves on, you'll have to keep learning or else be stuck with legacy software. And the other problem is that it's not going to be your code so you're working with other people's garbage.

Personally I'd try to do about 30-90 minutes of drawing at least a day for Feburary and see how you like it.
Same with programming 30-90 minutes a day and see how you like it.

I've actually just started programming classes. Right now I'm doing C# and Javascript shit. I was actually thinking about taking up drawing again in February since it was my New Year's Resolution. Fell out of it some time in high school, so I guess next month seems like a good time.

where do you learn to draw?

Book resources
Big google docs sticky


If you're an absolute beginner I would start with keys to drawing. Also you should do lesson 1 of draw a box as a small 10 min warm up before drawing so you can learn how to draw straight lines and boxes in any perspective.

Once you learn how to draw boxes and other shapes in perspective, it will be easy to draw anything you want from imagination.

thanks, user

I couldnt care less about gayming, all I want to draw are cute anime lolis

Another drawfag and programmer on the making I see

i'm personally sick of requesting shit from drawfags. i want to be able to do that shit on my own. maybe also fulfill the requests of other desperate anons like me.

Draw niche porn
I personally would commission you for large sums


what niche might that be?


That is how I learnd to draw, but less direct and provokativ.

Making non-japs draw jap.

I don't like to have black bars and pixels all over my porn tho

Question to you drawfags, how much time did it take you get to the point you would consider your creations decent?

a lot of drawfags' style is derived from the anime aesthetic

clever frog poster

isn't taxes a procentage of your income?
Why wouldn't you be able to pay your taxes?

this, why spend a quarter of your life doing something you don't somewhat enjoy?

most people get passionate about something because they get good at it. Don't fall for the passion meme


Thank you.