Thank you, based GNOME.
Thank you, based GNOME
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Fuck Gnome.
>gnome devs so desperate, they start shilling on Sup Forums
this is great
Why not? if KDE devs can why not GNOME devs?
GNOME rules.
Just your threadly reminder that Lumina is the superior desktop environment choice.
They already had this feature on most of the gnome apps. Evince, for example, already looks like this on my Xfce. Which is a good thing since titlebars are useless.
Totally agree, CSD is the future, only dinosaurs stick to SSD.
So, where do you click to drag the window?
Any part that is free from any widget or you can just alt + drag.
have no idea what "XFCE" (???) is or does, sorry
have no idea what "KDE" (???) is or does, sorry
Google it, bitch.
have no idea what Lumina is or does sorry
fuck off gnome shill. just because your devs are to stupid to implement features that make the title bar useful doesn't mean that everybody else has to remove it.
No, GNOME has a vision and starts working on it instead of crying in a blog post as developers from others DE do.
it's fine if they have a vision. it's not fine if they try to force it on everybody else.
>complain gnome is too bloated -> gnome removes bloat -> complain gnome is removing features
>complain titlebar is a useless waste of space -> remove titlebar -> complain
>not using a wm
>still being a noob linux bby
Other toolkits are available
They are not forcing anyone, they are putting guidelines for those developers who wnat to see their applications well integrated for GNOME, it is up to the developer to make it or not, or to adapte it to GNOME and to any other DE, that whiny snowflake KDE developer can't understand it, he is just angry becuase he cannot let his dinosaur SSD idea go.
>gnome has
- Probably lots of bugs.
- Bad performance on old laptops, not minimal
- Doesn't have lower memory footprint
- hard maintainability
- lower scalability
- needs donations for the software to survive. aka bloated trash
- big attack surface
I have no idea what WM is or does, sorry
> Probably lots of bugs.
Probably does, but way more less than shitthy KDE.
> Bad performance on old laptops, not minimal
There are DEs that are special for that, like XFCE, why limit GNOME becuase you have an old latop, btw, GNOME working fine in my 2011 laptop, that's a 7 years old laptop.
->Doesn't have lower memory footprint
It consumes mess thatn 500megs, in my dictionary, that is aceptable.
>hard maintainability
Citation needed.
> lower scalability
Citation needed.
> needs donations for the software to survive. aka bloated trash
All DEs need donations to survive, all of them.
> big attack surface
Citation needed.
A bunch iof whiny KDE trolls taking the words of a single person, of course, what that GNOME contributor said it was the truth, GNOME owns shit to KDE, in the contrary, KDE is using technologies created by GNOME developers, but of course, it is music for the ears of those KDE fanboys who are butthurt because GNOME is the standar Linux DE and not shitty KDE.
>There are DEs that are special for that, like XFCE
All DEs are shit. Just use a wm. The only reason there are DEs is because noobs can use gnu/linux more easier. The next step of enlightenment is using a WM
They don't really need to. All the distros that matter already use it, including the entire enterprise space. Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL, SLES.
Ideally, click dragging literally anywhere in the titlebar including widgets should allow dragging, but it doesn't look like the GNOME devs have figured that one out yet, or don't care. I want to say Apple does in macOS though for usability purposes.
Nautilus is a fucking nightmare to move otherwise, barring use of the Alt modifier anyway.
>Filepicker still doesnt have thumbnails
>He uses a file picker
>He doesn't drag and drop from nautilus like an alfa user.
Stay pleb.
>he needs a citation for the huge gaping holes that is GNOME's code base.
you want to bet I can't find an RCE and privesc in your shitpile?
I have no idea what "Nautilus" (???) is or does, sorry.
>Im too retard to use google
I bet you are a mac user.
>He makes a statement but he can't back it up
Next time use a bigger bait.
>complain gnome is too bloated -> gnome removes bloat -> complain gnome is removing features
Gnome uses more resources now than it used when it had that "bloat"(features).
>complain titlebar is a useless waste of space -> remove titlebar -> complain
I don't have a strong opinion on this topic.
missed the joke there, that's what one of the GNOME devs said (albeit with XFCE)
>Using (((telegram)))
>app literally used by ISIS (aka MOSSAD)
Does that mean that Gnome and Redhat are CIA/MOSSAD creations after all?
Like Intel ME, Meltdown, and Systemd, the rumors were not unfounded.
Isis drinks water, should I stop doing that too?
KDE is your mama. And I've fucked her for free
I drink pee, had no problem with it.
>not drinking pork juice
reported to the CIA
based GNOME is the best DE
> using the mouse to move windows
No but you should be wary of a centralized service that gets goyim arrested but somehow allows Israelis to recruit people into ISIS.
>way more less
why would i use anything else if my hand is on my mouse all the time anyway, unless im typing?
>reddit spacing
Opinion discarded.
Krunner can do that without wasting 99% of your screen.
Finally we're getting rid of that ridiculously big title bar
KDE guy here, I think you can do so while holding alt
Would look better if they didn't make the bar so fucking thick
>no minimize/maximize buttons
What do you expect? Gnome doesn't support minimizing windows.
It does you just have to activate it.
I like you
i remember gnome2 from rh7.2 and mandrake being good.
what changed?
You might be able to hack it in through the tweak tool, but it's not officially supported. It goes against the Gnome design.
I love GNOME. GNOME is amazing and doesn't take shit from anyone.
Might as well go full Electron/webapp at that point
And by "shit", you mean feedback?
I honestly have no idea what anyone could possibly be upset by this about...
It seems like a much needed, desired, obvious, and necessary improvement.
After years of falling for Sup Forums"s meme hate of Gnome, a few months ago I decided to finally actually give it a try - I've found it to be very pleasantly cohesive and polished, not ultra minimal like the lone WMs of ricers, but a rather nice comprehensive DE with everything casuals need.
The fact that so many of you seem to be sperging out over this for no apparent reason leads me to believe that it's actually going to be the greatest improvement to Gnome ever.
If someone can explain to me what you're actually upset about (that doesn't amount to simply fearing change) I'll happily listen.
thank you based gnome
>developers based in ((dubai))
yeah nope, fuck gnome and fuck their sandjew glow in the dark cia niggers software example
>no desktop icons
>no hide and minimize/maximize buttons
>no taskbar
>they are seriously forcing these memes
That's why year of Desktop Linux is never coming.
They started designing for the users they want, not for the users they have.
They seriously seem to believe that Gnome can make it big on the tablet market if they just remove enough popular features, break enough configuration options, and add enough whitespace.
Only KDE listen to any stupid idea, that is why is so bloated in options.
ISIS don't drink water, they drink piss
See this: Most current Gnome users are not casuals. They came for the features and customization, so now they feel betrayed. For example, I copy a lot of files between deeply nested folder hierarchies. Nautilus can't do that quickly anymore since they removed the tree panel and the split view. A lot of basic stuff like theming has been relegated to third party extensions that Gnome keeps breaking with every update.
The latest anger is about Gnome trying to force its own interface guidelines into other DEs by pushing app developers to switch to client-side decorations. (The thick bar with buttons on top of a window that replaces the title and menu bars, and breaks UI consistency on everything except Gnome.)
minimising windows is wrong
The beauty of options is that you don't HAVE to use them.
"Bloated" is a misnomer, because KDE uses less resources than Gnome these days.
Windows lets minimizing windows
MacOS lets minimizing windows
And now here appears the special faggot (GNOME) which says me what's wrong or right.
>they removed the tree panel and the split view
Open two instances of nautilus, then drag and drop, *magic*
>The latest anger is about Gnome trying to force its own interface guidelines into other DEs by pushing app developers to switch to client-side decorations
Too many cooks, spoil the broth, nigger.
>They came for the features and customization
you are delusional
most people don't give a fuck about customizations and features whatsoever, and just use whatever they get to get their jobs done
you have a humongous selection bias because to you, "most people" means retarded unemployed children who visit Sup Forums and linux related subreddits, to show off their riced desktops. Real "most people" don't come anywhere near these stinkholes. 9 times out of 10 when you gonna see a photo ( not a neofetch screenshot ) of someone else's workspace, it's gonna be stock vanilla ubuntu, debian, fedora, etc.
Having options is good, having options unorganized "just because" show bad taste and lack of command.
> because KDE uses less resources than Gnome these days.
Bloat is not just about using ram, kido, and KDE is bloated like shit.
Yep. Same reason you don't see grown adults with posters all over their bedrooms. It's kiddie shit.
As if those subhumans were doing something productive with their computers.
options isn't just something you make and be done with it
options complicate testing and spread the development focus.
are you really that dense?
GNOME has a very specific vision of how modern desktop should function. And that specific vision doesn't involve minimising windows and then hunting them up from a taskbar in form of tiny icons. Instead it's all focused around the Activities screen. Don't want a window? Move it to the next workspace or close it. It's not wrong, nor is it right, it's just a different perspective. Just like with tiling wms.
you can ofcourse still enable window control buttons in tweaks, as well as install dash to dock or dash to panel extension to get the "classic" windows-like desktop. But at that point, why not just use KDE or windows or whatever else?
When is this being introduced in an official build?
I will switch from KDE if they fucking get rid of that ugly titlebar once and for all.
there is nothing wrong with covering up your shithole in posters
if you have an actual nice appartment or house, the desire to stick some shit on it will go away on its own.
>But at that point, why not just use KDE or windows or whatever else?
That's why the year of Desktop Linux will never come. Linux is going to continue on remaining the asylum for people with
>a very specific vision
with such attitude.
>doesn't involve minimising windows and then hunting them up from a taskbar in form of tiny icons. Instead it's all focused around the Activities screen. Don't want a window? Move it to the next workspace or close it. It's not wrong, nor is it right, it's just a different perspective. Just like with tiling wms.
This. I auto hide everything on my Gnome desktop because I don't use it that way. I originally was hooked on i3 but tried Gnome 3 and liked how it makes great use of keyboard shortcuts. In short, you can use it just like i3, if you want.
there is nothing wrong with having to pick between gnome or kde
there is however much wrong with having to pick between gnome, kde, mate, cinnamon, enlightenment, budgie, xfce, lxqt, lxde, openbox, fluxbox, and another 3439 tiling wms
But, typically, it's a symptom of a teenager trying to express their identity. Much like the ridiculous chest pounding and shilling that goes on in these threads.
Amen, my neger
>It's another GNOME """"feature""" that actually sucks and is copied from Windows
Well, to be fair, there's only so many options you can use before people start chimping out because you've strayed too far from the norm.
>mate, cinnamon, xfce
>lxqt, lxde
Other options are too small to be considered.
And even then that's too much.
Don't worry dude, keep shilling for GNOME. In no time at all Linux will just be a carbon copy of Windows!!! Just how your grandma wanted. So easy to use!
I've got a shell extension to try and help with this, some programs aren't compatible and waste a shitload of space with a separate title bar.
> In no time at all Linux will just be a carbon copy of Windows!!!
>what is KDE
i don't even
KDE is windows vista with flat design
now they are working on making it windows vista with acryllic design
>using gnomes
>In no time at all Linux will just be a carbon copy of Windows!!!
So actually functional?
>>what is KDE
It is amazing how much KDE has started to look like Wangdows 10.
Imagine being this retarded