What other parts of Sup Forums do you frequent?
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums, /sci/, /an/, /biz/, /gd/
about a 25% split between Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Sup Forums very occasionally when there's a good game on
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
>these fucking slow fading captchas
maybe soon i won't browse any of these boards
30% g
20% int
10% r9k
10% ck
10% sci
5% gd
5% his
5% vp
5% vr fa
infinitesimal: 3
Sup Forums /mlp/ /c/
>implying I’m not lonely
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Sup Forums - 40%
Sup Forums - 40%
/biz/ - 19%
Sup Forums, /ck/, Sup Forums, /diy/, Sup Forums -
>Sup Forums
What's exactly on Sup Forums these days? It seems like aeons since Sup Forums was relevant for the last time.
70% /sci/
20% Sup Forums
5% /p/
5% /ck/
>40% Sup Forums
/an/ because its one of few boards where is not anime
Sup Forums 93℅
/d/ 3%
/vg/wowg/ 2%
/x/ 1%
Sup Forums 1%
50% Sup Forums
50% Sup Forums
50% Sup Forums
10% /o/
60% Sup Forums
30% Sup Forums
9% Sup Forums
1% other boards
50% /k/
30% Sup Forums
10% Sup Forums
10% other boards
TEE VEE 100%
Sup Forums and /bant/
It'a just porn
>Sup Forums = 70%
>/gif/ = 10% (birb/ylyl threads)
>Sup Forums = /dpt/ and tech shitposting
I am on here 90 percent of the time. I check Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums /f/ /k/ now and then. Why do people go on Sup Forums when no one warches tv anymore?
>Sup Forums 90%
>Sup Forums 8%
>/diy/ 1%
>/k/ Sup Forums /gif/ /bant/ 1%
help me get outta here
50% Sup Forums
30% Sup Forums
10% /o/
10% Sup Forums and Sup Forums
/fit/ sometimes but that place is way too homosexual for me
Not much else anymore. This place went to hell and back around 2014 (and arguably earlier), so I don't come here much anymore.
There's nowhere to go. Sup Forums is shit, but that's still better than the rest of the internet.
forgot /wg/ in last 1%
yeah i suppose so
Sup Forums - probably 70%
/x/, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums the rest of the time. I visit Sup Forums pretty rarely, and almost never venture outside of those four boards.
I went on Sup Forums the other day but it's way too addictive just like Sup Forums so i think i'll limit it to one day a week. Used to go to Sup Forums but it got pretty boring, too bad i missed the whole riley posting fallout.
I don't go on Sup Forums anymore cause i got tired of the rigged steroid jew and Sup Forums is just too shitty outside of a few manga threads.
24% Sup Forums
20 % /biz/
56% Sup Forums
>56% Sup Forums
This murders the mutt.
/tg/, /out/, and sometimes /k/ and /diy/
>90% Sup Forums
>9% Sup Forums
>1% Sup Forums
Sup Forums - 40%
/diy/ - 30%
/biz/ - 10%
/sci/ - 5%
/fit/ - 5%
/ck/ - 5%
the other 5% is a mix of a bunch of other boards, gd, gif, lit, co, tv
same as /gif/ but with still images and trannies.
>56% Sup Forums
top kek
apart from Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>/asp/ for the airsoft thread.
>Sup Forums - 85%
>/o/ - 10%
>Sup Forums - 5%
Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums 15%
>/k/ 40%
>/fit/ 10%
>/ic/ 35%
People that spend time on Sup Forums should not be allowed to post on any other boards.
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
You will be first on the Day of the Rope.
As much as I will agree that Sup Forums is a circlejerk, this is a one dimensional statement. While more low-key, there is still some semblence of thought diversity there. There are people who aren't national socialist LARPers on Sup Forums, which might I remind you was a very libertarian board many years ago. All we need to agree on is that communists aren't people.
I hate the board, but I didn't day it should be deleted, or that Sup Forums users should be banned.
The reason I don't want them posting on other boards is because most of them bring up politics on boards/threads that are unrelated to politics.
Sup Forums most of the times and I take a look at Sup Forums once a week
And that is exactly why Sup Forums should be deleted (and moved to another website). They wouldn't be infecting other boards if Sup Forums belonged to another website.
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /sci/, /r9k/
Sup Forums
>delete Sup Forums
you do know that if you do that they'll go EVERYWHERE ELSE, that means here too.
just like you FUCKING NEVER pop pimples you simply DO NOT want to get rid of the ONLY quarentine keeping these people at bay.
100% Sup Forums
50% Sup Forums
50% Sup Forums
Are you me?
>Strg+F /jp/
>0 results
to all retards whining about Sup Forums, read the stats, 4chin is Sup Forums.
99% Sup Forums
Rarely /his/ and /o/ too and Sup Forums for just to shitpost.
Friendly reminder to buy/pirate the dvd.
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
You are scum
>>/gif/ = 10% (birb/ylyl threads)
That's on wsg you idiot
most frequent to least frequent:
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Agreed, simply because of how ridden with r3ddit immigrants it is
It really is just Sup Forums 2.0
I meant take Sup Forums out of Sup Forums and move it to another website. It wouldn't disappear, it would just move. Why would they go somewhere else if it'd have just been moved?
/diy/ /vr/ /out/ /e/ once in a while /s/ /w/ /wg/
Use to go to /biz/ but stop because its nothing but bitcoin and alt coins.
>Sup Forums 50%
>/fa/ 30%
>Sup Forums 20%
Sup Forums, /mlp/, /p/, Sup Forums, /vg/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums
In a perfect world people on Sup Forums would just have some decent fucking manners and talk about Sup Forums on Sup Forums
It's not most of us arent even particularly bothered by their point of view but are just sick of seeing the same shit on unrelated boards, as well as the endless wojaks/frogposting.
Sadly other user is right though, if you delete pol it just goes everywhere else. If you wanted to get rid of the place you'd have to have super strict janitoring for like a month minimum to convince most of them to set up somewhere else- i.e. never going to happen.
>not raiding and spamming other boards with Sup Forumsentooman memes
/soc/ mostly
Bear in mind that a huge part of the Sup Forums userbase are people who came from outside right into Sup Forums, as opposed to previous Sup Forums users who moved there. So if you remove Sup Forums there's no guarantee most of those people will stick around, they'll just move to whatever Sup Forums replacement website/board someone makes somewhere else.
Sup Forums (god bless /dpt/)
Sup Forums (it's cancer but there's no better place to talk about video games)
/his/ (i know nothing about history but it's fun as hell to read the interesting stories)
/sci/ (even though it's mostly iqposting)
/bant/ (even though it's s4s-lite)
Literally this.
Sup Forums is the cancer killing Sup Forums.
g b fit pol
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
oh and of course Sup Forums to get advice for my MacBooks and iPhones
g and ck only
Sup Forums
Main boards:
Once in a blue moon:
Sup Forums (Shitposting)
I'm not gonna make fun of you (I'm sure you get that enough) but why exactly do you even enjoy that? I'm curious.
I guess you are the guy who post the "coding fuel" threads here.
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about
This and before are the only times I've posted on either board for a long time.
Nevermind. I figured out what you meant by fuel.
All you need is water
Sup Forums and Sup Forums
80% Sup Forums
20% Sup Forums
Uh... To me it's 35% Sup Forums and rest is Sup Forums
How come all these pol fags are here when g is mostly non white
jews aren't white
people from plebbit should not be allowed to post in this website, Sup Forums was a crucial part of Sup Forums in it's begging due to all the privacy concerns, there were always threads about what firefox addons you should have how to proxy up and what vpn's to use, it is all dead know, partly because of unavoidable hardware vulnerabilities but also because of the masive influx of new users who don't know a shit about technology and also are thinskin butthurt faggots
Mostly porn.
And dick rating threads.
40% Sup Forums
40% /wg/
10% /w/
5% Sup Forums
5% Sup Forums
Yeah, I'm a weeb
Why you mad? Sup Forums is a board of peace.
At least you aren't a Sup Forumsyp
How about you go back to /r/the_donald?
>60% /bant/
>20% /s4s/
>20% Sup Forums
But I'm mostly on 8____chan these days.
>40% /greatawakening/ && /qresearch/
>40% /Christian/
>20% Sup Forums
Sup Forumsfags should be gassed.
Sup Forums 90%
Sup Forums 10%
95% /leftypol/
5% /leftpol/
50% /sci/
20% Sup Forums
20% Sup Forums
5% Sup Forums
3% /his/
2% /bant/