I'm a bit fed up with gnome- what are some nice minimalist linux desktop environments? Also thinking of setting up bspwm
Halp mi pls
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awesome wm
it's a keyboard driven WM that comes with preconfigured application menu, taskbar, clock, tray icons, notifications, window decorations. it can into floating too so with all these features it's a bit more than a WM, a minimalist DE of some sort.
you can use lxappearance to configure your GTK theme and icons easily.
personally i also use xfce daemons for easy (GUI) keyboard shortcuts configuration, power management, users management, sound volume control etc... but it can be used completely on its own.
>personally i also use xfce daemons
here with xfce4-settings-manager i can change my gtk theme in a single click.
the window in the foreground is not tiled, it's free floating. you can drag and resize it like with a normal DE.
KDE desu
this looks great really the minimal feel i'm looking for- what version is this?
Try Lumina, OP.
>Frosted glass on everything
It's like I'm living in 2006 again, and Windows Vista has just hit the shelves.
Here's a preview of the upcoming KDE release
literally anything tiling, like i3.
if you, like my parents, cannot use tiling wm, use KDE.
Plasma 5.
I just pick xfce since it's a decent middle ground from bloat, and minimalism for me. More specifically I like to use the custom xfce that mxlinux comes bundled with.
KDE is minimalist in comprising with Gnome.
KDE is German stuff. And German stuff is quality.
Here is KDE, that mimics Windows Vista, that mimics KDE.
I wish I could like tiling managers but I just can't stand them. They're ugly as shit, have terrible mouse support (yes yes, keyboard focus is great and all, but sometimes I only have one hand free), and they often seem less efficient in terms of space usage because with stacking window managers I can overlap windows to hide content that I don't need to see.
Actually, Vista is not that bad...
With the minimal top panel showing
So meta
Ban please
No thanks. Also ME was not that bad either.
XFCE, if will not tear on your machine.
If it will - KDE.
well, yes. there's two definitions of minimalism for a DE: the look and the features.
basically you can take a full feateured (some may say bloated) DE like KDE and make the desktop look minimal. like yours.
the on the other end of the spectrum you can take a rather minimal WM an make it look like a feature-rich desktop like op wasn't clear.
thanks i'm installing rn :)
>XFCE, if will not tear on your machine
>tear on your machine
Enable vertical blanking fixed this on my machine. Literally just a check box.
>And German stuff is quality.
Only Germans spread this meme.
>And German stuff is quality.
That's why I use herbstluftwm.
Also, should use herbstluftwm.
Meh, doen't work on my machine.
Give me German citizenship then.
>Give me German citizenship then.
Sure, but you need to be Muslim.
>Meh, doen't work on my machine
Yea, I don't think that you even have tried.
But I am jewish slav. Slavs and jews are not muslims.
I tried it, I tried changing xorg conf, I tried compiz, compton, and KWin.
Only KWin worked for me.
Intel HD 5000 on Broadwell? chip.
Have you tried xfce recently, because the screen tearing is an easy fix especially on Intel igpus.
I tried 4.12 I believe.
Good taste user
> muslims
> in germany
my sides
dat one-liner. best opening to an album ever