/dgg/- DeGoogle General

Friendly reminder that if you're a person who respects their individual privacy and freedom, there is no reason to be using the products created by the botnet that is the Google company. There is a plethora of options available for you to replace your Google apps that are lighter, faster and better in general, including respect for freedom and privacy.

Reddit hub:
>search engine?
SearX, DuckDuckGo, Findx, StartPage
Brave, IceCat
Self Host, cock.li, Proton Mail, Hotmail (Still Botnet)
>cloud storage?
Syncthing, ownCloud, Nextcloud
Librem laptops by puri.sm
>app store?
F-Droid, Yalp for Play Store front end
XMPP, Signal, [Wire](wire.com/en/)
Nextcloud, ownCloud, RadiCAL
NextCloud, keep it in your emails.
RSS client, Librenews
>List of Software you can Self-Host
>NextCloud Providers
>OwnCloud Providers,
>WebMail Comparison

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off with your retarded pasta

I support this cause

Add Waterfox to the browser list. NewPipe and Hooktube for YouTube.

>Also, nice copy paste.

google is love

Hooktube and NewPipe aren't alternatives to Youtube. They're short term solutions for a larger problem.

This is excellent.


I'm using chrome on my phone because Firefox isn't working for Sup Forums. Is there some way to fix this so I can escape the botnet?

Brave is pretty good on mobile. They have an official release as opposed to their desktop version that's still in beta.

>on my phone
I know we need to redpill normies, but you are already a lost cause

>le phoneposter meme

This looks like spam

Ur mom looks like spam kek brAaaaaaap



I've noticed this recently. What's up with it?

have you ever wondered not everything is a meme? Why would you want to break off google when you are too weak to lay down your fancy tetris? have some integrity man

the only 'solution' to youtube will be dedicated film studios/companies outbid them for content creators a la netflix, maybe twitch.
the new issue being a rise of drm and fragmentation

fancy tetris? Sorry, I don't speak broken English.

Creative destruction.

I would use Brave but it doesn't have my fucking addons, not even 4chanX.

>Not even 4chanX
Does Brave have an addon or built-in support for userscripts? Because that's all you need.

They're actively developing add-ones. You have to realize, the desktop version hasn't had a stable release yet.

Alright well call me back when it has the stuff I use every day, I'll be over here on Waterfox.

youtube is doing a pretty good job alienating its users tho. Not that they produce anything of value, youtube is low quality trash entertainment, it is easily replaceable with the next cheap attention grabbing attraction

Enjoy your cucked Mozilla shit then.

regarding smartphones: are we sure google isn't including tracking capabilites in aosp like they do in chromium? i remember cyanogenmod having to be 'ungoogled', but there doesn't seem to be anything like that for lineage os.
is ios an acceptable alternative privacy-wise? i'm mostly concerned about companies, less about the nsa, although they surely have access to any data google gathers.

It's better than Google.

I think so.

I tried duckcuckgo but it's really awful at search results. 99% of the time I end up having to go back and add !g to get what I want to see.

this list is shit.

>stopped reading, typed this

This image pisses me off so much, the creator couldn't even follow the pattern right. The first e should be yellow, as that's the colour that comes before blue. And the D isn't even the right size.

Pic related.

I want to drop Google and Apple altogether while still retaining an updateable way to use WhatsApp

Is emulating WhatsApp via Windows Phone emulation viable?

Nice. Thank you.

Bluestacks is an option.

You forgot to mention costing companies thousands of dollars a month


we need to up this concept

I meant per-person.

Please make this a daily general.

>chromium reskins
>fucking hotmail

what a shit list

should make a guide on how to self host

Anyone else here use an RSS reader to follow youtube channels? It's really conventient and in my opinion way better than the standard youtube subscription model.

Good shit, we need more of this.
Also, add Waterfox, youtube-dl, maybe some noob-friendly linux distros
Thoughts on 1&1 Webmail? I got it a long time ago for I don't know what reason, is it worth overcoming this crushing laziness to switch to cock.li or something?

Yes but the one I'm using now sucks, got any suggestions?

This made my day holy shit well done
The trackball iced it so good

what about email clients, aka alternative to thunderbird?

I'm currently using quiteRSS, but once I get a raspberry Pi I plan to host my own with FreshRSS.

Mutt is quite cool if you're into that.

How do I enable Google ads blocking and hiding with AdNauseam?

>You forgot to mention costing companies thousands of dollars a month
I fail to see a problem.

>Reddit hub:
So, this is final chapter. The downward spiral of the useless generals has come to most cancerous end.
We have shills operating 24/7. We have constant consumer generals fuelled by the same faggots. And now we're subredditing subreddits, pasting randomly a bunch of shit
I'm done

You think I give a shit?

>Brave, IceCat
why not firefox? and brave is shit on desktop

checkmate faggots

Done with what? Sup Forums?

You'll come crawling back.

Is pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-nextcloud-server/ a good guide for setting up nextcloud on a raspberry pi home server? Computer brainlet who is trying to escape the botnet

>check the reddit
>5 alternative to google search
>its a ((Youtube)) video

>raspberry p

the way of the trash it goes

umatrix has problems with fucking captcha, what configuration do you guys use?

i tend to minimize my exposure to captcha

Elaborate or fuck off


that subreddit is pure cancer

stupid '''computer''' for stupid people, just use some leftover hardware. Close but no hipster points for this tekkbro
literally multi replies without a captcha, shh it's a secret

>>search engine?
>SearX, DuckDuckGo, Findx, StartPage
i use DDG, hate startpage, never tried searx/findx, and i stick with google for things i can't easily find on DDG. maybe i'll try searx for a while though
>shilling brave
i'll stick with seamonkey
>Self Host, cock.li
i use these two, protonmail is meme
>>cloud storage?
college gave me unlimited google drive space for life so i just encrypt everything and upload it; i don't see an issue with it
is AMD alright for cpu? also what does hardware necessarily have to do with google
>>app store?
>F-Droid, Yalp
i wish yalp wasn't as shit
just use newpipe and youtube-dl if you need a youtube video
this and silence
buy one :)
>RSS client, Librenews
RSS seems to be dying these days sadly

>multi replies without a captcha

+ the fuck you need ''''cloud''' for, literally a pr term for renting shit hw @ high prices

>adnauseum shills are back

dunno man, I just check persistent quick reply and it skips the captcha.
but I can give multiple (uuu)s in one post
see, it is that ez
I don't think I would consider any service with a captcha

I don't have any leftover hardware, I'm a student.

get a pass :^)


>google drones sweating

imagine being this shit scared that a random webextension

Buy a 4meme pass. Just kidding don't actually do that.

then buy a shitpi and join the circlejerk, keep us updated

No because other services are fucking shit and im not a conspiracy sucking brainlet.

>hurr what if diz habben to u. ur gonna be sorry

>ublock and umatrix
>both proven to block ads and reduce your profile from advertisers

>no actual proof that it works, only vague promises that it costs ad agencies a lot of money
>implying ad agencies aren't going to build a profile on adnauseum users and just eliminate their impressions from revenue calculations

Youtube operates at a loss, so of course there is no competition. No sane person would offer what they do

This. Vid.me had a decent following and they still tanked.

I am sick of this shit, GOOGLE IS FUCKING CANCER. Their captcha needs tweaks after tweaks to work, and THE FUCKING TRACK YOU. You need to host their fucking cookies for the FUCKING CAPTCHA TO WORK.

Welcome to the club.

>t. Sundar Pichai


Thanks senpai. Shouldn't be too hard, and I'm looking forward to a botnet free cloud server + email.

If you are trying to copycat another poster, dont. Fuck off google shill.

>edging to ad revenue power fantasies

your pathetic reply is more proof that the concept is sound than the whitepaper

what did this autist mean by this?

I wish I could, but I use Google drive in my job

I have been Google free for almost five years now.

Proton Mail is SJW and cock.li is unprofessional and not very secure.

Nice! What do you use?

Google services are too comfy

t. NEET who doesn't know it's their job to analyse data trends

Search engines are just all noticeably slower for me because google has servers near my location. Same for their DNS server.
Replacing youtube with vimeo is stupid. Youtube is not about the platform itself but the content. Good luck getting people to upload their stuff to vimeo.

>cock.li is unprofessional and not very secure.
Unprofessional maybe (if you dont know about arimail), but not very secure? I agree webmail is not very secure by default but the cock service is more secure than google imho.

try using a dns server from opennicproject.org
they have servers pretty much everywhere

Only use Brave on phones, it's not competitive on Desktop. Icecat unfortunately seems to have issues with the latest versions of Freetype at the moment (or so has been reported to me by numerous people). Various other Firefox derivatives like Pale Moon and Waterfox are alright, but the latter doesn't really offer too much more than a Firefox with an altered about:config (I still use it on my Windows because 58 fucked up the font rendering for me). qutebrowser is good too, and I think Chromium is still a great browser so long as you apply the Inox patchsets.

I have de-googled, including blocking all of its trackers (through painstaking whitelisting). Sucks I have to unblock to post on for-chin.

Dammit gookmoot we need better options

On the guy's site doesn't it say that he could read your emails if he really wants to but he doesn't? I remember reading something like that.

Could't find anything in South America.