Excuse me Sup Forums, we are on the hunt for Mac book fags...

Excuse me Sup Forums, we are on the hunt for Mac book fags, please present your business grade meme machine for inspection.

fuck off NSA

no u

>mom, look what I did to the computer

That's the ugliest fucking setup I've ever seen
How can you evne be productive with that?
It's just a wm not even a de
awesome/i3/i3-gaps sucks ass it just makes you look like a shitty hacker and it breaks shit 99% of the time, it was good 10 years ago when technology was outdated as shit and people still cared about shitty and obscure wms but now it's literally useless

I can do that too and still have a fully-functional desktop

That picture screams "business".

Patrician taste in music

Is that irssi or weechat?
Is that laptop librebooted?
Also are you an homosexual?


That was my guess.
Cool, man. Your setup looks very comfy.

Couldn't do a better photo cuz my phone camera is absolute shit.

I can make an exception for you :3

You realize that a old MBP will beat a Chinkpad from the same timeframe?

You realize that an old MBP will have an exploded battery and dead motherboard due to the constant overheating?

Keyboard and I have 2 hard drives in my chinkpad


had my first debian install on my chinkpad last night cant get wifi to work

What do

Can confirm. My 2010 Mac became a brick because of that.

What music player is that

Here you go, CIA.

Probably firmware, if you're comfortable with it, install the non free firmware version

lol i work from home

>muh i hate ricerz meme
fuck you. i am running a riced setup and is 100% usable outside of scrots. i finished it in two weeks inb4 lifeless.
