Finishing up my second year of my CompSci BS

Finishing up my second year of my CompSci BS.
Loving everything I do in class. But I have an honest question guys:

In terms of getting a good job related to my degree, how fucked am I?

There are few fields where it is as easy to get a well-paying job as computer science. You are set for life, career-wise.

Is this a new meme?

You'll be richer than anyone else on here,besides other CompSci majors, EEs and the management that runs your division

thanks guys, I've been hearing memes of over-saturation in the field

1. Do a years placement. A lot of the more academic universities won't mention that it's important but it absolutely is. When you go for interviews at companies after university they're going to ask you if you have any experience. A years placement is that experience. You may have to leave a lot of friends behind by deferring a year but it's worth it.

2. If you absolutely cannot do a placement then do a summer internship.

3. Start your dissertation project now if you have to do any kind of dissertation project in 3rd year. Getting a good grade is all about jumping through hoops and not trying to fight the marking scheme. If you can have something cool working before you start your dissertation spend the time you have with your adviser making sure that the coursework is correct. (Don't let on that you did the project early)

4. Don't be afraid to apply for as many places as you can after university. I was apprehensive and suffered. Put aside some money for travel. Do the tests and the assessment centres. It's a pain but if you're cool and not an asshole you should do well.

5. Get a linked in now and add anyone you meet at a careers fair that agrees. Add all of your lecturers and anyone you can with any contacts.

Do all of that and you should stand the best chance of landing a good job. It doesn't matter how glamorous your job is at first because once you have some paid experience and more experience of the industry you can jump to somewhere better.

Thank you so much.

np. The market is extremely good for programmers right now. I fucked up a little at first and only managed to scrape into a shitty web-house after university. I hated it there but after a couple of months they fired me and I managed to get an interview at a good medium sized company where I've gained a load of experience and become very employable at any of the giants.

There are still far more jobs doing programmy things than there are people to do these jobs.

Anyone knows if Computer Science With Software Development is the same meme as Comp Sci or something different?

I'm heavily involved in the hiring process at a good medium sized company in London, SF, NY and Melbourne.

The market is not saturated with good programmers. I really struggle to hire competent mid and senior level people.

There are a lot of seriously good people floating around places like London but they try to go for the most well known brands. For the mid level companies (that still pay well) it's very difficult trying to attract talent when you're competing against places like Google.

You also have a million code school people that know absolutely nothing.

DO INTERNSHIPS*. Thank you for attention

*or some other type of work experience (not personal projects)

There's lots of shit programmer/CS people. If you stick out from the bunch you'll have no issues finding work

I'm 26 and am in my last year of a CS program? How fucked am I? Will I really only have ~13 years before I become too aged to find work? Do I just start suing when I hit 40 and places won't hire me?

Most of the devs at my place are 40+. Software is a meritocracy. If you're good nobody cares how old you are.

Our new lead platform architect is in his mid 60's. He's also a certified wizard.

There is a healthy amount of competition, but you'll do fine. Not like you're a communications major.

Is it true that the computer science field is filled with chinks and pajeets? I rather do a law degree than work with chinks and indians.

bump for interest

Not fucked at all. has some really good advice. I'd like to add:

1. Get a GitHub account and start loading it up with solid projects. Having well-documented projects goes a long way.

2. Have at least one project live (deployed onto a cloud provider). Engineering managers love to see that you have a working product out in the wild.

3. Start grinding for technical interviews. You're going to want an internship (should definitely do one after your sophomore year) and strong tech companies require algorithm-heavy interviews. Get good at them. Read Cracking the Coding Interview, do the problems, then get to work on Leetcode.

I'm graduating this May and going to SF for ~180K at my dream company in an amazing role.
If you stay on track and put in hard work, you'll end up in a great place after graduation.

Yeah, you will very rarely see an american in a CS course or technology company.

at the worst case , you can become a comp sci teacher easily.

You're fucked dude. I'm a year above you and still nothing. I love my major too btw. You're going to have to do something big to fight off the massive horde of other CSfags looking for an internship. You are also fighting Indians and Asians that got degrees in their home country and have more experience than you for those same entry positions and internships.

Make no mistake the jobs are there for sure. But the retards at HR are only looking for senior level experience even for entry level jobs now. Keep that in mind while trying to stay on top of skills looked for in industry. Summer is around the corner and I'm getting desperate. I think it's going to be another year I failed to get my career going. I'm already looking at grad school options cause if I can't get an internship now it's guaranteed I end up a NEET after graduating.

I noticed all the faggots getting internships and hired around me are all fucking ITfags getting their first degrees, already spent their younger years working for a company, or had mommy and daddy hook them up. My advice is start pumping shit out. Code daily nonstop. Read some of cracking the coding interview at least every day. If you haven't been busting your ass yet you need to right away to keep up.

I agree with none of this accept the fact you should be grinding CTCI and coding every day.

My peers and I have landed top tier full-time and internship gigs from mastering tech interviews.
(am not indian/asian)

except*, whoops.

>how fucked am I?

>being privileged enough to go to a university that actually offers a placement program let alone a single fucking internship, or a dissertation option for that matter

Otherwise, I'm a good programmer. Just this shit school man.

Good shit man. What's your portfolio look like btw?

Idk everyone is telling me 35 is the year you drop off cause you can't keep up with the 21yos anymore. I hope it's not true though

It's not your school, it's you. CS is a meritocracy. Make yourself marketable.

~30 public repos on GitHub, some are just forks and stuff but most are full-stack projects that I've built. Luckily for me I've done projects in a bunch of different contexts (Full-stack web, iOS, web scraping, other python stuff, OS level stuff)

I also maintain a blog where I talk about technical topics and have detailed post-mortems on finished projects.

Aside from that, lots of internship experience and nice relevant coursework.

Idk I see a bunch of people complaining but I have an okay 3.4 gpa and just landed my first intership. Even though I only applied to 3 places all 3 wanted me. I dont grind out gay leetcode shit or study algorithms all day or whatever these losers do.
I think I just make decent grades, interview well, and choose cool projects to do for my classes. None of which are even on GitHub though.

Also, all of my non-autistic CS peers are getting full time jobs right out of college with little to no experience.
I seriously think it's autism that decides if you get a job or not. One my smartest friends with a 4.0 gpa can't interview for shit and nobody will hire him. Meanwhile my average classmates with good social skills are getting offers just after talking to recruiters.

>Here are the US Job vacancies
>and the global amount of stem degrees
Not fucked at all

Yes. Nobody wants to work with someone who can't communicate. For a majority of engineering positions, of the set [communication, dev ability], dev ability is the easier (and less costly) one to improve.

Get a mediocre dev who can thrive on a team and he'll be way more useful to your org than a "talented" programmer who can't work in a business setting.

What does that mean? My school literally does not offer internships or dissertations or placements.
I'm putting the work in for that on my own.

Managed to land an okay ($50k in mid-low cost of living area) entry software job out of college which I plan to hang around in for 2-3 years until the stain of no experience is completely washed away.

Anyone know how the Florida market is for those with experience?

Most schools don't. I know of zero people (I have a lot of friends at Big N) who have internships or placement programs.

Don't expect your school to handhold you. You're an adult - you need to go out and network, find positions, talk to recruiters, and get your foot in the door.

The only schools I can think of that do placements/etc. are the ones who have required co-op programs (Canadian schools I think?).

Friend of mine submitted ~140 apps before he got his offers. I submitted 50 two years ago. I didn't have to submit much then or now (submitted ~12 for full-time jobs, received 2 offers and cancelled 3 interviews).

Your job is to be applying to jobs.

Does the quality of school matter a lot in getting a good job?

software development is like an application of CS, working with people and teams on writing code for sotware that a higher up details for you usually.

CS alone is the science of computation itself, how machines think, turing machines, logic, etc

the only thing that matters is quality of code

seriously if you came from a subpar school but had a shit ton of code on your github thats what really matters. I mean CS jobs/internships are tecnical positions. It makes sense that the most important thing would be to have code


Personal projects are just fine IF AND ONLY IF they are either profitable or have over 1000 users.

You can argue with a resume, but “I made 200 bucks off a 2 weekend project” sounds like you’re driven and hustling in comparison to your classmates

Strong disagreement with this guy.

Major companies have never looked at my github, only my resume and programming interviews.

duley noted,

what type of stuff do you have on your resume? Im trying to get a internship rn

>global amount

Data science work with a local charity, web dev classes I took in my spare time and made a few sample sites for, and a ton of robotics competition stuff from high-school.

If you need resume boosts, ask your professors to help with their research (find out what they do first, and have an idea or two you’d want to explore, they’ll say yes if they can)

Customer project firms usually have a lot of "older" people since a consult isn't that believable with a babyface.
In-house development and stuff is from my experience usually for the younger hipster/new tech/straight out of school/moms basement kinda guys.

You also have to remember that you’ll get paid more because of where you’ll likely be living, though. I’m also (going to) go into the same field, most jobs are in expensive metropolitan areas which make the money not go as far.

And you always will here these things.

Protip: There are a lot more wealthy and influential people that come to Sup Forums (Sup Forums, and ) specifically than you'd believe and further more Sup Forums specifically wants you to think as a collective we are dumber and out of touch than we actually are. If you think there aren't seeds of anti-competition being laid here with the 19 - 30 year old demographic to influence wage prices you would be mistaken. I've been on Sup Forums since 2004 and have seen these boards and their subtle influence take hold on the internet as a whole.