Has India reached a new low?

Has India reached a new low?

It's Sup Forums, not Sup Forums

fucking pajeets, when will they ever learn?

And this is why they all have to go back now.

Sup Forums - pajeet happening watch

Harakiri yourself baka desu m8.

It's happened multiple times in the US already. How is this a new low?


>Has India reached a new low?
Yeah. They couldn't even spell "Asia" properly, and it's their own continent!


Why is western media interested in portraying India always in bad light? Get fucked.

>tfw no 8month old gf

One shits in the street, the other shits in Walmart. 56%'ers need to delude themselves in order to accept the hell that is their cucked lives.

No way this is real
>Google it
>it's real


baby rape is a daily occurrence in africa


I really don't get this image.

Do you guys think he raped the baby in the vagina or into the ass? Asking for a friend.

India would need to get above the depths of their poo filled streets first.

I have no idea what India is or does sorry.

>Association of International Schools in Africa
Clearly where India is not located.
I guess AISA stands for
Assault India Sexy Awwwriiiight

grrr, i can't find the image for this.

India is a shithole country where people shit on the street and rape babies.

>grrr, i can't find the image for this.
it's not the right pic for this board anyway.

wtf i love the US now

it's muslims, the guy is literally called Islam.
it's alwayt the muslims

I'm really liking where this meme is heading.

>Implying this doesn't happen in first world countries.


>1/billion is indicative of the rest of the billion
