Why aren't you running Manjaro Xfce Sup Forums?
Why aren't you running Manjaro Xfce Sup Forums?
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Becaise I'm actually on KDE myself :^)
lxqt is more familiar
>manjaro terminal like screen on install
You know what they say about old habits. They die hard!
literally just wiped my Manjaro xfce for kde because I don't want to deal with that ugly nonsense
willing to give up customizability for a clean and thoughtful DE
daily reminder that i went from manjaro to debian
I was but I hate pacman so now I use Debian with XFCE. Manjaro is Arch on training wheels, yet these training wheels make your system functional.
Enjoy the inevitable day when you lose the entirety of your files and hard work / pictures because the bleeding edge updates brick your shit.
henry baby, your system is bloat. debloat it
because I've lost control of my privacy
>tfw ramlet
very nice running ubuntu at home and my gf enjoys it also.
I don't like it when my os breaks every day
I don't like screen tearing
Two things I very much like to live without.
>I don't like it when my os breaks every day
Me neither, thats why I use Manjaro
>I don't like screen tearing
Compton, though Xfce hasnt given me any problems. Werks on my machine :^)
I prefer bloatOS
looks like a chinese knockoff desu. why not make it look more original? give it some soul.
Running Arch with i3wm.
Because I'm not a faggot and like KDE
>1.5gb ram use when idle
More like KEK
because picrelated exists
Because I run Solus XFCE
Does Konqui seigh?
In version 3 he was definatelly seighing.
Dumb nig nog, you know I have 10 tabs in Firefox running in the background right?
Because I running Arch
I am, actually. Waiting to try out new Budgie when it comes out though.
Because I'm running Mint.
Is Manjaro the new Mint?
Has a great base and will eventually destroy its mothership.
So long you had a good run Arch.
because it broke when I did an update a year ago.
but i am, user
Nice dock, Gentoo user. What is it? I'm using Latte Dock myself.
Isn't it sort of a bad idea to show your username and computer name?
what could you even do with a user and computer name? fucking nothing?
i am using manjaro exclusively
for me it broke several times. it's mostly small stuff that has to do with AUR packages, but several times the graphical environment wouldn't start
just yesterday nvidia shit the bed again
I wouldnt give it up, but updates in a (semi)rolling release, always means babysitting
>Posts NSA/systemd distro
>Asks why we aren't running it
. . .
Not OP but is systemd really that bad, user?
you know you can install manjaro with grub instead
But grub is just a bootloader...
Because i can install arch
Not even once
because i am using manjaro with Cinnamon
Because I have no idea what XFCE is or does sorry.
Because Fedora with XFCE is better.
Wallpaper please
Looks comfy
Windows/10, and I don't mean that as an insult
You know what's funny? I know a guy who hates on linux because "muh gaymes" but whenever I see him on Steam he's playing one of the games on your desktop.
Hi i want to start using Linux, is manjaro a good one to start with? How is the learning curve and what you Sup Forumsuys recommend me doing? Besides gentoo...
Start with either Ubuntu or Linux Mint to see if it's right for you then you can work up from there
If you plan to change your DE, stick with KDE, I3, LXDE and for the love of god stay away from gnome or xfce
So a good way to start might be Mint with KDE? And there are any places that could teach me how to use Linux?