>using systemd
>being a trendy that only uses popular distros.
There's a handful of distros without systemd that make to the top 30 on distrowatch's popularity contest. Explain yourself, user.
Using systemd
Other urls found in this thread:
if i was trendy i would be using windows 10
>upload this because file picker.png
That's what happens when you're a GTKuck+
Could someone please explain me what's wrong with systemd?
In my (very limited experience), systemd unit files are a lot easier to write and maintain than sysvinit scripts. Also I'm using Fedora so systemd integrates really well
People who dislike it generally claim it's bloated, meaning:
It consumes more resources than it should.
It exposes a large attack surface to potential attackers.
It violates Unix philosophy by doing more than one thing.
>goes against the Unix philosophy of each program doing one thing well
>is a large attack surface for hackers
>bizarre design decisions like binary logs
>suspiciously adopted too quickly by too many of the major distros, suggesting coercion by cia niggers for the purpose of introducing backdoors to Linux systems
Do you trust your repos?
If not, then do you read and compile every single piece of software?
Do you run a x86 CPU?
Chances are that you're super fucked already.
distrowatch rankings are meaningless in regards to userbase.
Switch to BSD. Linux isn't edgy since the early 2000s, but children cling to it so. BSD is good enough for the most valuable computer company in the world.
> muh resources
> implying resource usage is even much of a problem these days
Because it suffers extreme feature creep and does retarded shit like pic related
Easy to follow visual example of Systemd's feature creep
I'm afraid to fuck up my HDD and my dualboot setup. I would trash debian if I knew how to safely substitute it. I'm a coward.
Void scares me. I feel like I'm too inexperienced with Linux to use it.
tell that to firefox or chrome
There's a LOT of reasons why people don't like it, and I think the people who don't like it all likely have their own reasons for not liking it.
Here's a posting about someone discovering a massive memory leak that used up 4GB of ram. While I have yet to see something this massive, I have definitely noticed Systemd using more memory than the alternatives, and some leakage here and there as well.
Some see it as an unnecessary security risk due to its massive attack surface. It recently hit 1 million lines of code.
Some don't like it because they dislike its habit of scope creep. The project ends up assimilating things that historically should not have anything to do with init.
There's also some other design decisions that people have an issue with, such as using Google DNS as the fallback by default (because of course systemd can handle DNS), using binary logs, etc.
Lastly there's the conspiracy theory side of it, which alleges that systemd is an NSA attempt to compromise GNU/Linux, and due to Systemd as a project moving way too fast, it can't be properly audited.
For more links and arguments, see:
>goes against the Unix philosophy of each program doing one thing well
Don't use the Linux kernel at all, it does a shit ton of things.
Meanwhile systemd does two things by default, init and logging, everything else is optional
>is a large attack surface for hackers
Bullshit, it's no larger than having the same functionality provided by other third party binaries. The BIG plus here is that the systemd components are being developed by a LOT of people unlike the other solutions, which means there are a LOT of people reading the code.
>bizarre design decisions like binary logs
I agree with this one, but you can log to text as well so it's not a problem in practice.
>suspiciously adopted too quickly by too many of the major distros
Bullshit, the major distros had been following systemd long before it had a stable release, some distros actually had developers working on systemd, and from a distro maintainment standpoint, systemd is a boon compared to shitty scripts which is of course why adoption was swift.
Overall systemd is the best solution at the moment if you are a distro maintainer and for 99.9% of users out there it makes no difference whatsoever.
But it has some shitty design aspects which means that eventually developers will want to redesign this solution from the ground up again, which will result in something better, and then ...
oh you sad fag
>Nice picture dude
Also if your using windows, search up disk partitions and you should get to disk manager. There you will see all the partitions your drive has. Choose the one that has debian (you should know how much space your distro has to know which partition has that specific space) and simply click "delete volume" and your set. you now have whterver amount of allocated space, in other words debian is ded, now replace your distro and have fun!
t. Leonard Potatoring
You can fit a mainframe computer in that disgusting gap between your teeth.
My main reason for hating it is the main dev behind it being a retard.
Constantly things crash and the faggot that is poettering is too busy jerking off to scat porn so he always tags important shit as WONTFIX.
Also why dont people use runit or openrc? Shit's way easier to set up.
Rarely can't kill some kind of processes or kill it when it shouldn't. Aside that, it's pretty comfy. Some idiot still assume it's still an init, while still forgot to fork upstart or file a patch in the right time. Probably many of them are just trolls and linux haters.
>Also why dont people use runit or openrc? Shit's way easier to set up.
Because systemd shills have brainwashed people into thinking anything else is "old", "outdated", and "not acceptable for a modern OS."
It's KISS... for distro maintainers. Some idiot still amazed by its usage.
If you're not using slackware you're not doing it right
The only non-shit one listed is PCLinuxOS.
Do r*ddit fags unironically think this is readable?
Distrowatch should close its doors and apologize that it gave the false impression that a click counter on their website equals the popularity of GNU/Linux distributions.
If it consumes so much resources how come I can run it on this POS with no problems whatsover
We all know you aint got important shit to do so chill.
>Fuckin normies
You are what you think, faggot.
>Overall systemd is the best solution at the moment if you are a distro maintainer and for 99.9% of users out there it makes no difference whatsoever.
Get off your fucking highhorse. This is the metallity shilled by systemd that we've been trying to mitigate.
I want it good made/choosable not fast/forced
>adopted too quickly
I was creeped in over the years, thats WORSE.
>You want to kill the vicitim slowly, drain the life out over time
Atleast a warning, like Sup Forums has.