Which Language?

C# or C++? Which is better and why? Which one will land you more jobs?

learn all 3

in what order? not OP but also very interested. was seconds away from googling "how to learn c#" before figuring i should check Sup Forums while i'm at it.

start with java, more beginner frendly then others

Depends on what kind of jobs you are looking for. Once you are an experienced programmer, learning a new language will become easy for you.

I suggest you learn first the programming language that is best for what you want to do. Ie, don't learn Python first if you want to program microcontrollers, don't learn C if you want to build websites, etc.

After you are competent, doing what you want to do, try to learn a variety of programming languages that expand your horizons. For instance, I know C++, Python, Java, and Rust, and am competent in JavaScript, C, Haskell, and am familiar with a bunch of others. C++, C, Python, Java, dependency-injection / asynchronous DAG-based Java, Rust, Haskell, and JavaScript all have major differences in both their syntax, semantics, and implementation.

if you're starting out, imo learn C#. For me personally it has been an easy experience. Java (so im told) is very similar to C#. C++ is of course still seen as the 'serious' programming language for jobs in the industry (video games) although C++ is shrinking every year. If you want to learn C# and not purely for making games, learn MonoGame. It's a C# framework which has produced really good games such as stardew valley. In my personal opinion if you try to learn C# for unity you will develop alot of bad programming habits which will be hard to transfer onto other languages or just pure C# programming.

m8 just start but learning any of them

Hell even Java would probably be better to start with

And java is based on C++, So if you learnt Java and C++ youd be qualified for most jobs

learning c++ is a bit more difficult, but shows when you start learning other languages
>>c++ teaches more cs than java or c#
your main two are going to be c++ and java for the standard job if that is your route

>Java is based on C++
What do you mean by that? They're extremely different languages.

x86_64 assembly

I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

They would get a better grasp of how everything works, I'm not saying they should learn to write large programs with it that would be kind of brutal, but there is some good things to learn by tinkering with it.

I agree with that, but I think for learning purposes a simpler ISA would be better. People generally overestimate how difficult writing assembly is, when design patterns in assembly and machine code informed the creation of structured programming languages.

It really doesn't matter.
If you consider yourself a competent developer, you should be capable of switching between imperative languages within a day's effort.

I'm not saying that you have to be a C# god the moment you start, after years of experience with C++ or Java, but that you should be capable of making any given application with any given imperative language.

If you live in US, Java
If you live in EU, C#

If you want higher paying job, C++.

C++, it's the chad programming language. it's got like 3 accidentally turing complete languages inside of it, and you have massive job security if you can understand other peoples bullshit TMP.


Neither? They're for completely different purposes
That's like asking "IS PYTHON BETTER THAN C?????"

No they are in the same bucket.

They are all purpose built for their own level of problems. You don't necessarily want to build a webservice with C, and vice versa not build a driver with Java

The entire field is flaming hot right now, so knowing anything tangentially related can get you a job.

It completely depends on what you want to do, but purely from a language design standpoint, C# is miles ahead of both Java and the flaming pile of terrible ideas that is C++.

Likely Java wins the job market, with C# trailing super close behind in most areas.
C++ is genuinely ugly and takes a bit of background to learn. Syntactically, all 3 will have a lot of common ground until you either begin doing memory shit or inheritance. I recommend Java as its pretty straightforward without a background. If your feet are wet and you're interested in memory, C++. If you like Windows then C#. Objectively you'd probably be better off if you made decent progress with C++, as memory management instead of garbage collection is what Sup Forums believes to separate the minority numen from the patrician white software engineers.

>i should check Sup Forums while i'm at it
Sup Forums is full of hobbyists, dont expect a non-meme answer here

if you dont know how to program yet just learn python. it lets you start coding without dealing with boilerplate code like java or C# and without the memory stuff like with C++.
i know people here will start saying that low level stuff is important (and it is), but it doesnt mean you should deal with it from the first second

python will let you master the most basic stuff like control flow and variables before moving to the more advanced stuff

if you're curious about jobs though, it depends where you live.

this is kind of offtopic, but I'd like to thanks all anons on Sup Forums who guided me and helped me in the development world. I finally got a job as a C# programmer in a company.

btw it really doesny matter that much what language you start with

the most important thing when you start learning programming is having a lot of motivation and ambition.
the second most important thing is good resources, like a good beginners book.
the language you choose is only third in its importance

a lot of people dont get that and thats why its really common that starters spend too much time choosing the language to start with when its the least productive thing to do

tldr just pick one and start, dont waste anymore time on this question

Seems most people prefer PHP for web development.

PHP is still very prevalent in industry because of how long it's been around.

Tons of companies are using full-stack JS (or even Python), especially if you're looking for work in the SV.

> i should check Sup Forums while i'm at it

In all seriousness, don't. People on Sup Forums only know how to autistically screech over which language is "better" without actually achieving anything. Learn as much in as many languages as you can, it is the best way to move forward.

C++ if you're smart
Java if you're in the US
C# if you're in the EU and like Microsoft
PHP+MySQL if you want an easy webdev job
JS if you want to be a part of the future

>Java if you're in the US and the rest of spic shithole countries
fixed it for you

> JS
> Future
