
Why aren't you using slackware Sup Forums
>muh package manager
You don't need it, and if you do there are ones you can install
>muh friendly gui
you can add any DE you want
>muh windows installer
lul, noob
>muh boot to GUI
lul, noob
>muh autoupdate
lul, noob

if you can't figure out slackware you should go back to windows and Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

Another day, another neckbeard trying to push his shitty distro. yawn

>his shitty distro
jesus christ the absolute state of Sup Forums

Slackware was one of the first distros.

>muh package manager
> file not found
>no clue where to look for

>there are ones you can install
Which one would you recommend?

Fuck convenience.

Yes, and africa was one of the first places where humans existed. Every other place has surpassed it, same as your little distro

jokes on you, I'm a crypto fag from /biz/

slapt-get, pkgsrc, and swaret are good

Slackware was the very first linux distro I installed, about 15 years ago. I read the slack manual and stuff, felt really cool about it because I was about 16 years old.

I don't miss it all, I hope it improved since that time.

>Why aren't you using slackware Sup Forums
But I am.

>I'm better than you because I use X

>Why aren't you using slackware Sup Forums

the same reason why I don't use C++ or Rust

Slackware uses pulseaudio, yuck. Slackware is not stable, yuck.

Does slackware use systemd now? I'm out of the loop, but wasn't slackware one the distros that said fuck you systemd when the shitstorm began?

>Slackware uses pulseaudio, yuck.
You can very (very) easily disable that.

>Slackware is not stable, yuck.
lol gr8 b8

>Does slackware use systemd now?
No it doesn't.


i don't use that shit because there are objectively better OS like windows 10

Don't you have to recompile everything since all packages were compiled to use pulseaudio rather than ALSA?


You just edit a couple configs, like everything else in Slackware.

Imagine being so retarded that arguing for something that is less convenient solely because it's less convenient is feasible.
Give me one benefit of minimalist Linux distros besides bloat/load speeds/server use.
I'll wait

Because you want to use it

Tux is smoking a pipe.

How do I make minimal install and not fuck up with dependencies?

I've only used Gentoo. Can you compare the two for me ?


>muh alsa
>muh OSS

Netinstall image, and then deselect every single set. That's how I started, but I'm far from that now given all of the environments I have setup and all of the linked garbage I have installed.

It's a relic, an interesting piece of Linux history but practically useless these days.


Hi grandpa

Every Slackware developer = pic related.

It's not really minimalist when it comes on 12 CDs

>Pat Volkerding

dumb animeposter, I'm not talking about the fuckboi that made it

Nobody cares what do you want.

Nobody cares to use your dead distro ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm just here to laugh at you


>and then deselect every single set
I want to place something useful in 100 megs. Does it mean I've got to spare 10 gigs before I shrink it to 100 megs?

What lib should I install to run Links in framebuffer?

>hurr we all evolved from black people

Install Source Mage
Much better than your non-magical, not advanced distribution.

I use Slackware and even i find you to be cancerous with comments like that. Literally stop being a manchild and just use what YOU find to be good or desirable.

Sounds like a distribution that has no practical value aside from pandering to people that like roleplaying and "casting spells from their grimore"...oh look, it is just that.

Congratulations, you managed to install Slackware and you compiled some source code, god for you. You must want a pat on the back and a bit of praise right?

Pajeet, I don't think you understand what a software set is.

Can't decide if I like Tux smoking or Gentoo penguins more

I mean look at this thing

Neither you do.

But I do, Pang.

I wonder what would happen if you booted from a minimal netinstall image, and then didn't select any of the optional sets. Really gets my noggin joggin'.

Get a load of this ameritard

Why are you limiting yourself to 100MiB? The only good reason I can think of is some niche embedded use, in which case you're better off with something else anyway.

>some niche embedded use
Are modern Linuxes so bloated now?
I n-need just to install fairly modern system on the old PC...

Use slitaz

I bet you don't even manage to shit on the right street. The absolute fucking CITY of the OBSESSED third world.

>he's so obsessed with pajeets that he can't type a message without mentioning them
Go already find some Rajesh boyfriend, America is full of indians.

Does slacko count?

Is this the power of third world banter?

Imagine how would things go if you actually knew anything.
But no, you just came to shitpost. Would it be honest to blame you for living in shit-centered culture though?

What exactly am I missing?

The sets aren't installed, nor are they even present on this particular installation media. You're given an option to select sets to install after you setup a mirror to use.

Unless your old PC is a 386, it can handle hard drives larger than a hundred meg.

And you don't get the benefits of a modern system without the costs too. Not that even a gig or two is much of a cost these days.