Best cheap headphones?

Has anyone tried these?



I own a pair, very hard to drive these with a phone. But on anything else powered it's easily the best I got for the price. They are quite big however, so it gets stuffy, with that said I would buy them again anyways. Go for it user, you won't be disappointed

hey, i own these. They have pretty good Sounds and with Velour they are pretty comfy. Nothing in comparison to my DT990, but still very good

Objectively speaking even the apple earbuds sound better than these. Better get them, but do get legit (not Chinese knockoffs).

These are like 10 times cheaper, and you don't need to recharge them

I'm talking about the 5s/6/p era earpods. Even though i have hd800, i use earpods for before-sleep youtube stuff. They are good at what they do, and you can get them for like 20.

At first my ears would get a bit sweaty with these but then I got used to it or my body just adapted.

I'm not too much of a pro so I don't have a good frame of reference but they beat Porta Pros easily unless you're on the move.

I'm happy with them. Would buy again if something happened to them or I'd lost them.

I have some superlux 668b and they're some of my favorite headphones of all time. The downsides are that they're not comfortable at all and they're terrible for fps gaming (the positional audio is poor even though the sound stage is large). They're also pretty bright, but I don't think it ever bothered me when listening to music. Insane value headphones imo

i never had problems with CSGO and HD681B

> Objectively speaking
> Opinion

you meant "Subjectively"

Jesus christ they look EXACTLY like the Presonus HD7.
Probably the same chinese company behind other name.

Phillips SHP9500s

Superlux is the chinese company making all of them.

I have the HD668B and can tell you its pretty good with a pad replacement.

I have them stock, what difference does the pad replacement make?

More comfy and leather cracks over time.

Monoprice Retro Headphones

Change out the earpads and they are killer.

30 for the headphones and 30 for the earpads. Yes the pads were as much as the headphones but the stock pads are shit.

Hd668b owner.
They were similar afaik.

>Not playing muh position-dependant gayms with open headphones
Why even bother trying them for fps games?

My solution was adding a pair of socks around the stock pads (cutting the part of the feet, leaving a big hole in the center) and it did the job. Found the tutorial in a simple google search.

Superlux HD662

i just ordered the Samson SASR850C because i read they are the same as the superlux but with a different type of padding. Are they comfortable for a long use? how is the sound for games and movies?

Jesus christ they look EXACTLY like the AKG K240.
Probably the same chinese company behind other name.

Jesus christ they look EXACTLY like the Focusrite HP60.
Probably the same chinese company behind other name.

I have the 668b. You get sweaty ears, shitty bass and they're pretty tight on your head.
>terrible for fps gaming
works on my machine

The Evos look nicer and are better.

Source: I had a pair.