
Why can't this piece of shit still not merge audio and video?

How fucking hard can it be?

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Tubemate doesnt have this problem

Shut the fuck up. It's perfect as it is. It just needs livestreaming. Also stop bitching and starting programming, brainlet.

I have never encountered this problem, what version are you using?

latest on fdroid.

>lacks obvious basic features
KYS fagget

Its open source fag. Why don't you add the feature if its not that hard?

works on my machine

No it doesn't. Newpipe can't handle those

works on my machine

works on my machine

Tubemate works on my machine.

It doesn't. devs have said it themselves

werks en me mechene

What the fuck are you trying to say? It works perfectly.

It doesn't include audio track with some options. Because it is too stupid to merge tracks. See the speaker icon

>Complaining on an image forum that a free app doesn't steal content good enough

works on my machine


Why did you crop out the muted speaker icons?

>watching YouTube videos is now stealing
How Jewish are you?



I don't know what you did to hide icons. But it will not download audio for those. Try it out

works for me. Maybe you or your phone are retarded

Stop pretending

>wants bloat
kys fat fuck

Merging audio is bloat?

Audio only works using the built in player. But it will not have audio when downloading to a file or playing in external player because it can't merge track to video.

Just use SkyTube.
Problem solved.

Open source doesn't imply that you're allowed to make modifications.

>Find issue
>Make a fix
>Pull request
Stop pretending you know what open source is.

I click download, and get no options

Code the new feature and create a merge request you stupid fucking faggot.
Also fucking sage.

Butthurt newfag spotted

How that makes me a newfag, retard?

Read the rules you newfag

Your phone probably just sucks

sage goes in all fields you stupid fag.
Don't you have some coding to do?

He's right though, newfag

Not him but my phone is better than yours

literally the only issue Newpipe has at the moment is not allowing off-screen playback without resorting to the rather shitty audio-only option. everything else is perfect and anyone having problems should just kill themselves.

Works here. Have you considered it could be your phone doesn't support the audio codec used for those streams?
Or maybe you're using an outdated version of newpipe.

>the fucking state of nu-Sup Forums

Not worth using the shitty built in player when you have mx player pro

My phone>your phone

Your phones is shit. Try downloading the one with separate audio stream. Disable use of internal player so it shows the icons

> 18.5:9 meme screen

>being this autistic
I was just shitposting like the rest of them. My phone is better though
>not wanting an extra 576k pixels

What's wrong with the internal player?

>using a phone for anything other than work contact

My razer phone should be faster than your gook shit

Fuck off hipster

Please remove the botnet from android then. Hey, it's open source.

>razer phone
>calls other phones gook shit

Your razer phone is island gookshit you manchild.

Comments and livestream support when?

Shut up nigger

Reee shut up

piece of shit

face the truth, bitch boy

Do tech illiterates like yourself even use a computer? How can you be content restricted behind a tiny screen, no keyboard, no freedom and control even with custom ROMs, and literal botnot like the baseband constantly on?

So what, use an even more incapable dumb phone because the alternative is a locked down computer?

Nah fuck off you luddite.

Top kek you're an actual mongrel

I hate people like this who are probably still on the grid and participate as a big fat data point generally, but when it comes to computers they act like a ghost ninja who cannot be tracked. Go roleplay somewhere else.


does Sup Forums FINALLY have janitors? thank fuck.

Did NewPipe add headset controls yet?

>Videos start playing in fullscreen landscape and can't fucking toggle it not even to portrait
>Background play is dog shit
>Background play only lets you play/listen to the audio in the background and you can't seamlessly switch back to the video to watch it and skip around such

I bet Pajeets develop and code this heap of shit

You can remove the botnet from all of the open sourced parts of android, there is closed source shit for the chipset, cpu, gpu, wifi module, bluetooth module, etc, that you can't modify to make it 100% open source. So the problem in that case is the manufacturers not giving the source code for their proprietary hardware, and that is not the case with open source high level applications, such as this one.

TL;DR you're a fucking moron.

You have to enable external player. Use mx player pro.


No. I know I can do that. Believe me. MX Player is GOAT player and all that. Trust me. I love MX Player as much as the next LagDroid user. I've tried said setting from NewPipe for MX Player, it's nice and all but I'd prefer to have it natively on NewPipe itself much more over the external player setting

Videoder doens't have this problem

I still get loads of random videos not loading and all newpipe has to say is "Stream cannot be played." They work in the official youtube app and Lightning just fine.

Newpipe is a great project and I wish it the best, but it is not complete, nor perfect, nor final, nor a usable full replacement for the official player yet. All you faggots acting like it are holding back newpipe.

Actually it does in this case since it's GNU GPL, also I can't follow which license you are quoting which doesn't allow you to fork / modify code for personal usage.

just use the fucking browser with an ad blocker, it's literally the same experience

fucking phonefags I swear



Floens this isnt your thread, get back to work

>can't even do basic functionality that youtube-dl, a python script, has done for years


You can do all of that though.

He didn't hide the icons, he's just a dumb shit who can't tell between playback quality selection and download quality selection.

1080p download doesn't fucking work with audio because the app is incapable of merging two separately served streams into one file.


skytube is better

Holy fucking shit you retard, its not newpipe's fault, youtube sends 1080p MPEG-4 and the audio as separate streams.
Just use ffmpeg faggot

Literally every other program or script knows to merge them. Fagget

And yet you don't
Just use ffmpeg

ytdl downloads the tracks separately then uses ffmpeg to mux them.

Hurrrr use ffmeg on android

>how fucking hard can it be
ffmpeg -i audio.mp3 -i movie.webm -c:v copy -c:a copy output.mkv

that hard, user

This is a thread about mobile solution you autistic fuck. Many alternatives to newpipe that do actually work, have already been suggested.

Your smartphone is a GNU distro, you styrofoam eater

Use lildebbie or termux if you're a brainlet, or just make your own distribution image to chroot into

So? Skytube does what I want using a single button without any autistic time wasting. Kys you mongrel.


>using tech is autism
You should realise, if you're not from Sup Forums, it is people like you who attract the kids from Sup Forums

Using something that takes more time and effort just because it's the nerdy thing is autistic.

One button solution already exists so why waste time unless your time is worthless?

Works for me, I don't understand what you are talking about

Read thread you brainlet

Oh but you see you retard, there is no other way to do it on my phone, except this. You "one button" solution can't set the audio bitrate, video bitrate, audio codec, video codec, multiple data streams, and a load of other things.
tl;dr the one button solution doesn't exist