Where do I find one for under ten trillion shekels?

Where do I find one for under ten trillion shekels?
>imagine spending a day out in the park sitting on a blanket and making minimal synth tunes with this thing

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Who the fuck are you trying to be you faggot? Swedish House Mafia? Just because you saw it in a music video it doesn't means that shit is worth anything. It's just a meme piece of shit device. Even the Pocket Operators are trash. Fun for an hour or two then you get kinda bored. Don't waste your money on shit that you are not going to use.

I bought one when it came out for a friend bday for like $200.

It's isn't that impressive

websites like zzounds and sweetwater will have payment plans every now and then. They can be anywhere from paying over the course of three months to two years. It's a good deal when they don't have interest, but be prepared to be royally fucked if you ever miss a payment.

Anyway, that thing isn't really worth the investment. It's fun, but is really a one-trick pony despite being hyped up like crazy.

It's pretty fun to mess around with, admittedly I use one as a MIDI keyboard more than I do as a synth.
Nice lie.

Which is why I'm asking where I can find one for cheap.
I know it's not the best thing ever but it's still a nice toy to use when you're bored.

>Fun for an hour or two then you get kinda bored. Don't waste your money on shit that you are not going to use.
waaaah I'm uncreative and couldn't push myself to make something listenable after only putting in a single hour of work
it must be the op-1's fault

Dang i really want one, but that price is incredibly bonkers :'(

>Even the Pocket Operators are trash
yeah, bought the first three, then sold all but the drums one, which i pretty much only use as a metronome.
ignored the second generation, but bought the sampler, i actually think it could be fun / useful...

but really. i want the op-1

Is there any thing that i can use on my laptop that "emulates" the OP1? I just think that it has a good begginer friendly interface and is less overwhelming than other software

Just use synth1

You can try the used market. Maybe someone wants to get rid one that you can have cheap. Honestly you will end up selling it.

you should post in /prod/ on Sup Forums. they can probably help

critter and guitari makes neat little toy synths too. They're a bit cheaper and I see them pop up used every so often.

Might be worth looking into.

while the c&g stuff can produce more sounds and you can code your own sounds and flash them over, it's like the antithesis of the op-1 in terms of UX design

There aren't that many units out there for there to be a robust second hand market for OP-1.

The only way to get it is to get on the manufacturer's waiting list and hope to get your turn to buy it at full MSRP within six months (unless you're really lucky and there just happens to be a Tyrone trying to offload his burglary haul on your city's Craigslist).

It's kinda more better having programmable processor.

Also stop making that minimal bullshit.

Wow, this old Sup Forums meme/pasta has reached Sup Forums
Guess that happens when we have a good/prod/ thread like yesterday

Any electronic music other than absurdly minimalist compositions are tacky and tasteless. Prove me wrong if you think otherwise.

Go get an electribe. The new ones take batteries.

Or an iPad, or a Nintendo Switch (now that it's getting Korg apps) or a Yamaha QY10 or whatever
There's literally no reason for that shit to be expensive as it is, except hipster cred or having money to burn

Perfectcircuitaudio.com just got them back in stock. It’s simple to get a 10% discount if you ask.

>not investing in a glorius tower of rack units instead

Just take a guitar like everyone else


>All that Roland
>Not even a Yamaha TX81Z
Pleb tier

Pics not mine, just uploaded the biggest tower i could quickly find. I do have an 81z and an 802 though

I thought main draw of OP-1 was its portability.

>sitting in the park with a tower rack of units

>all those romplers
>not even a decent sampler there
Holy shit, hope the owner of that is memeing
I'm all into rackmounts, but that has to be a joke, right? right?

Yep nailed it. These are complete meme devices. Dont get me wrong, it's cool that a company makes shit like this purely for the creativity of the product but it's worthless.