Bois, need help

Today my wifi connection started randomly disconnecting. After a while I noticed another SSID with the same name as mine, open, no password, unprotected, low signal level. When connecting, I immediately get sent to a webpage asking for my router password.

If I reset the router I get kicked out of my own connection after a while, the "connected but no internet access" thing.

Tried changing the SSID and after a while the same happened, kicked of my own (all devices) duplicate SSID with the same bullshit pass stealing page.

Turned router off, and that network is still there. Im no professional "hacker" so I desperately need advice on what to do, because this must clearly be some sort of attack

just go outside and play for a few hours and hopefully the hacking attempt will be over by the time you return.

Please this is serious, I just want to know hoe to get his fucker out for good

Change your SSID for starters, that will temporarily stop your devices from connecting to the rogue access point.

Forget my post above. Since you have tried changing your SSID, and the attacker changes it quite quickly to the new one, they might be actively monitoring this attack. Might be a good idea to just wait for them to give up. Disconnect your devices and do something else for a while.

But why would they do something like that against me? I live in a flat, so ubless they want to get some free internet I don't know why they chose my net instead of the many there are.

Changed and hided ssid, will turn on mac filtering. Not going to turn wifi again ultil tomorrow. Changed router adress and admin password.

But boy, I would love to know who that motherfucker is and break his legs.

>connect to the rogue AP
>turn on the "app" form the router's vendor which has features for diagnosing issues
>follow the signal. as the signal strength increases you are getting closer to you potential assbeating victim

its probably a kid trying out his new "How to set up a MiTM attack on Kahlee Leenux (Hindu subs)"

Do you have a shotgun?

Find out what public IP the router has and report it to your ISP

No, but I whish I had

far fetched, but arp-scan the network, it should give you the info of the attackers device that you are connected to... there are in fact an infinite number of ways you can fuck with them because you noticed them

Go to his website that asks for router message and type in "You live by the poo, you die in the loo" and he will be scared shitless

you don't need to do all that, any wifi analyzer app can guide you in the general direction of the access point, but it's pretty much useless in places like apartment buildings

But wifi signal is of limited range, so user can technically just knock on doors

I wish someone would try this on mine, sounds like a fun night .

Not fun unless you notice it. You can always ask someone to phish you, its basically equally fun

This. Do it OP. Also download cp and make a fake bomb threat on a burner device all while connected to this impostor router.

Could he download malware in my computer if I connect to try to find his IP?

It doesn't work like that but lets say they are ways to trap a system...besides, if you are thinking of just being on the same network as they are (since you dont need more to find an ip out) then it is either hardly or plain out no.

use a livecd

Do you really think that someone who got discovered by pure power of looking at things will be adept enough to put malware on your system by simply being a middleman?

Hide your SSID

already did

How to get IP bois? can't connect to Whatsmyip because I'm being constantly redirected to that pass grabing website


>When connecting, I immediately get sent to a webpage asking for my router password.
Does this login page match the design and style of your routers login page?

no it doesnt, it is a very badly designed, plain website that feels as if it was some kind of free template.

Turn off connect automatically on your computers then stop broadcasting your SSID and change it. Pajeet will probably give up after he realizes you are not giving him your password.

That doesn't matter anyway. There are free templates for dozens of different manufacturers that mirror the real website’s design.

I've changed my ssid, wifi pass, router admin pass, hidden ssid and enabled mac filtering on my two devices only.

"My old" network is still there, tried nmapping it but couldn't as i couldn't properly connect that time and I was afraid to keep on that network so I left.

I'm going to see if I don't have any more attempts, hopefully pajeet will notice that I'm not taking the bait and stop trying. If it keeps on persisting tomorrow I'm going to try to get his ip and/or get the cops involved.

Set your router to not display the SSID. the inconvenience is you have to type in the SSID as well as the password to connect but at least your hacker buddy will be locked out.

Nah, I'd actually be excited someone in my methlab neighborhood was at least curious to try something like this. Hunting where the signal is coming from, trying to counter attack them, etc. I have enough gear to make it fun for the attacker as well.

t. Middle aged man with wife and kids and no life or friends.

>stop broadcasting SSID
Lol as if that will actually help. The BSSID is all the hacker needs. No point not broadcasting the ESSID. It'll just slow down the hacker
You just need to stop connecting for a while. The hacker will stop forcing deauth packets if he sees you are aware of what's happening. Like everyone else said, stop using the internet, switch off your router and go play outside for a few hours.