Bill Gates on suicide watch

Libre Office 6.0 is the MS Office killer:

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You wish. Till gaymers exist winblows will perceiver.



why is this allowed

She makes that face but I'm sure she's thinking of the succ.

Get out of your Sup Forums/reddit bubble. Nobody's playing games on computers anymore. People just buy a console or play on their phones.

post that big tittie women

Keep living in your fantasies.
How many people you know? 3? Your mom, dad and sister?

>Libre Office 6.0 is the MS Office killer
>can't even implement docx correctly
>several other programs have sprouted up that can implement docx correctly and they still haven't done it

Even MS Office can't implement docx correctly.

They made docx, user.

They have a shitty mascot tho

Doesn’t mean they can implement it correctly.

They made the definition of correct implementation for docx, user.

That doesn't mean they can correctly implement it though, fucking lol. By this, I mean, you can clean install office 2016, write up a document with some fucked up data using only tools provided by the GUI written by people intentionally exploiting bugs in Office 2016. Then email the .docx to someone else, and it will fail to open. Save and close, and it will fail to open. There are lots of changes that occur between the years as well. Heaven forbid you were retarded enough to do this, but if you wrote any science-y thesis in .docx on, lets say Word 2007, and then open it up in Office 2016, good fucking luck, your shits fubar.

MS Office exists to communicate with identical versions of same in business settings and to leverage the years of Office experience in the workforce. It doesn't have to be great, just fit in the existing ecosystem with little fuss.

If you are outside that ecosystem you may not need it. If you do it's easy enough to torrent and use.

>Keep living in your fantasies.
Says the gamer...

Naive minor.

Do you know why companies don't care about people who pirate at home, like you?

Because they want you to be addicted to their software and demand it whenever/if you get an office job.

And they do go after companies that pirate. And the fines are huge.

>tfw libreoffice turned down the bitchin parrot because of some autistic technicality.

A technicality which was waived for several finalists, some of which also straight up violated copyright law

You realise libreoffice runs on Windows too.

The spreadsheet program is weak as shit

You can't do serious working involving large datasets, sorry OP

baka goddess

Can it import word and powerpoint files without fucking up the formatting yet?

>design still looks like MS Office 2000

Look at .fbx Autodesk owns Motionbuilder, where .fbx originated yet not a single other Autodesk program implements .fbx properly

epicly pwned br0

Any news on cowsay 6.0?

>that logo
This piece of shit will never kill MS Office as long as it looks like it's a learning program for children with special needs

PC gaming is more popular and affordable now than ever before.

People don't even buy PCs anymore. They use their smartphones for everything. You're misled because of your bubble.

Nah it's about the same amount of "gamers" around today it's just normies play on their phones now too.

>doing """""serious"""""" work involving large data sets in a spreadsheet program

LibreOffice can't even implement ODT properly.

>write up document in libreoffice
>do all my formatting
>save and close
>open it up later
>formatting is all fucked

Wow, you're retarded.

If I had a dime for every teen I've heard talking about PC gaming, I'd be able to afford a hooker for an hour.

This. xbox one runs windows 10 now. It literally is a PC.

>PC market is the same as PC gaming market
user you aren't really this stupid are you?

I bet you only know baby tier shit like vlookup

Factually incorrect.

I work at a computer shop in southern Virginia. Most customers are like 15 to 20 something. If we've got this many customers in this impoverished area (which likely has a less effective school system), it stands to reason that, in areas of greater wealth, and by extension, greater education, the average person would be more inclined to work with technology, including that of the PC variety.

In the end, anecdotal evidence is the only evidence, regardless of how many people agree upon it.

Maybe this isn't entirely true, but have this (You).

One of the thousands of other explanations - and which makes more sense - is that in your religious rural shithole youths have no entertainment options, so they need to play Mario or whatever.

In cities however there's PARTIES and SEX and lots of other things to do. Only nerds care about computer games in cities.

It's past your bedtime, Gramps!

>samefagging this hard

>Libre Office 6.0 is the MS Office killer:
Oh get over yourself with your hyperbolic bullshit.

I like, use, and sometimes even promote the use of Libre Office, but it's still got a lot that needs a good polish and shine. No doubt it will be the case with 6.0

Despite that, it's still got complete functionality for the average MS Office user, as most people use a very limited range of functions.

I never had any trouble with opening large, specally formatted docx's between libreoffice and word

>He hasn't looked at GPU or RAM prices in the last year

>Bill Gates on suicide watch
lol, no.

But parties and sex are degenerate and only lead to depression and unhappyness


That’s what most companies do, and why subscription services have free/cheap student option. You’ll often see professional software going for 3-5k, since that’s the point businesses start having to review purchases, and everything cheaper might as well be free as far as approvals for purchasing it goes.

Still no OneNote alternative.

thats why league made 2.1B dollars last year, yeah ok bud

Docx is a moving target. You can't just get it right and forget about it.

this. wrote document in office 2016 and it failed to open with same formatting in office 2016 on another machine.

>freefags really believe this
Lmao how deluded can one be? Businesses will not change from Office 365 unless Microsoft is disappearing forever.

>Make simple 3 page document on MS Word with just 2 images, a few tables, some simple shit
>Open it on Google Docs and WPS, 4 pages, slightly misplaced, can be fixed in a second
>Open it on LibreOffice Write
>8 pages
>An image doesn't even show up

yeah fuck off and eat a cock-

Can it resize jpg's without looking like complete ass?

Real question, how well does libreoffice work with endnote or bibtex?

thinking of switching to linux for grad school.

How did you guys feel when you were watching this and saw this scene?

>Microsoft is disappearing forever.
We can help on it.

Is 2018, dare I say it, the Year of Linux Desktop?

I dropped windows long ago. Most likely you still were an underage.

What is pubg, mobas, pretty much every high competitive gayme.
Fuck off with your delusions.
t.not a gaymer

>Get out of your Sup Forums/reddit bubble. Nobody's playing games on computers anymore. People just buy a console or play on their phones.
>Source: my bleeding asshole

>You wish. Till gaymers exist winblows will perceiver.
It took me a while to realize that this retard meant 'persevere'. Is this the power of the American education?

>64548081 (OP)
Use LaTeX

The only reason you would use a spreadsheet for a large dataset should be for reconciliation, anything else should be left to specialised programs for the task you require

>Hey Jim, I'm sending over the spreadsheet. The relevant data is in the 1025th column. Get back to me on this ASAP.


>"Office killer"


Maybe word can be replaced, but excel is god tier

why would they limit it so low?

Who cares, libreoffice is a piece of shit that can't render .docx files properly
Maybe this was fixed in 6.0?

Nobody cares what you think wintard, enjoy your proprietary spyware

Bullshit, Google Sheets is God Tier, Excel is clunky and unintuitive.

I see you've never used Power Query and Data Models in Excel. I used to agree with you until I was introduced to these new features. That shit is insanely powerful and is the future, its sad little people know about it at the moment. you won't get it until you try it

There's a 16384 column spreadsheet attached to this bug. Could someone with 6.0 installed test it?

PS4 and XboxOne are literally killing consoles, PC gaming is more relevant than ever now


I wish gamers would fuck off back to rebbit

Do you die if you don't pull this shit once a day?

Games are part of Sup Forums culture baby, maybe you should go back.

Do you die if you don’t play video games underage soy boy
Anime website, not gaming website. You have to go back >>>/reddit/


Sup Forums is one of the original boards, but I think you don't know that since you haven't be here for so long huh

>RAM prices
Shortage/price gouging.

Openoffice vs Libreoffice, which is better and why?

Sup Forums wasn't added until a year after Sup Forums was up and running. Please read the news sometime and fuck off back to rebbit

>Do you die if you don’t play video games underage soy boy
It will be extremely painful

So? Sup Forums was not popular back then, moot was just messing with things, adding and deleting boards all the time. And Sup Forums is alive since then, so yes, one of the original boards, and yes, part of the Sup Forums culture.

>needing to check news for something like that
This alone tells you are a newfag. Maybe try harder next time.

I used the news as a citation since dumbass rebbitors like you need everything spoon-fed to you. This website is 18+, sorry gamer

Stay mad, kid

the only children here are the ones who play video games, please stay on your containment board


Is it as good and flexible as manipulating data with scripting language (i.e. python)?

Yes. And bonus point for the fact not everyone in an office environment knows scripting languages like python. It's built into Office and easy to learn, and you can write complex tasks if you need to. It eliminated 90% of VBA scripts I used in older Excel, and does it more elegantly. My large excel files have reduced from 80Mb to a measly 2Mb