Let's go fa/g/gots
Bet you can't even beat my $60 African internet
Let's go fa/g/gots
Bet you can't even beat my $60 African internet
>literally just testing the speed between you and your own isp
$50 arab internet
Bet you still have on that third world american internet.
Internetlet too afraid to post his shitty DSL 5mb/s.
There are like 10 speedtest servers i can test to under 50km away, several owned by other ISPs, or Speedtest.net themselves.
my ping high for some reason it's usually better especially in lol
>my ping high for some reason
You're testing to a server in Korea when you live in the US.
>>Singapore OG internet
GB for only SGD 100
it somehow got worse
Don't worry. NN will save us.
>1600 miles away
test to a server nearby you dumb cunt
that is nearby, it's the closest server for us alaskans
new speedtest with a better server
fuck off moron
oh look it's fake
meant for
oh no look, he's found me out
Dope. I could get Gigabit down and 500Mbit up but I don't need it. Happy with the lowest fiber speeds that my ISP can offer the cheapest. That is 300 down and 150 up. Unlimited, no throttling.
mine offers 100/100 or 940/940
Might as well get gigabit. Price difference is $30/month.
It's not fake you autistic sperg. You hacked his pc in order to find out. I just reported you to my local authorities. I've emailed moot for your IP. You are going down you fucking sperg. You better be ready for the gaping cock holes that is gonna happen to you. Faggots like you annoy the fuck out of me, you think you own the internet. Well look now faggot. You going to jail to get gang banged. I hope your mother is proud of you for being a dumb motherfucking ass cunt. You fucked up big time. Spergs should get trannied and then blacked by the 12 inch syrian cocks.
gigabit cable + TV package for $100 moose money in canada
upload speed isnt that great
jealous? not many are stronger than your country!
shame, my syrian internet is cheaper, could get 1gbit for just $25 more, get fucked
Yeah. I am a cheapskate and I only have fiber from my ISP. I purposely asked them to no offer me TV, landline and mobile offers and they were not complaining. They even allowed me to pick the lowest tier and they don't call me to upgrade. Initially I had only 100Mbit up but they upgraded it to 150 free of charge.
Yeah, instead of living in Syria i get to live in a suburb of Washington DC surrounded by every amenity i could ever want/need.
I've had fiber with this ISP since about 2007. Started at 15mbps, then 25mbps, then 50mbps, then 150mbps, then gigabit.
I've never paid more than $100/month.
Without having to sign another contract or start over with my contract.
$25 in syria buys you a house for a month
You niggas cant beat me.
if it's real post the result iD
fast internet is for retards, i purposefuly invest in an internet solution that matches my read/write sequence speeds of my HDD so that i have absolutely 0 bottlenecking, you don't get that sort of intelligents from retards on Sup Forums
Well I only pay about $7.5 for that speed. The highest is about $8.5. Eventually they will get rid of the 300 down option and probably will upgrade everyone for the 500 down option free of charge for the same price. There's lots of competition here.
There is a good amount of competition here too, i can get 2gbps or 1gbps from another company.
No data caps either.
I just live in an area where most houses are $400,000+ and the average household income is around $140,000.
Say wha-
9 euros here.
Yeah 3rd world country here where the corruption is still high. There's still fucking communist leaders that must go. The only good thing we have is our high speed internet infrastructure. And that's about it.
Lies. It's a little over 8 euros but nowhere near 9.
It may be 8 euros. But you have to compete with syrians for that gig speed. Truely you are the loser in this equation.
Also show us your 500 up. That's not still not gigabit. You got owned by murricans.
i think google lies
even 1gbps isn't enough to saturate a modern HDD write speed.
Are you retarded?
Pic related, my 5TB western digital black 7200 RPM drive.
All my primary drives are SSDs anyway and can get far beyond this.
Remember, 1gbps is 125MB/s
1gbps < 200mb/s
I only use public wifi. I will not give my money to Comcast.
That is what I said yes.
1gig = 1000 mega bits retard, i dont see how you arent understanding this
yes, and 8megabits is equal to 1 megaByte.
So 1000mbps is = to 125MB/s
no a megabit is an alternative phrase for megabyte created by Alfred Bitstein, they're interchangeable you moron
alright, back the fuck up faggots, you retards aint got shit on me
How retarded is this guy
>they're interchangeable you moron
lol w/e i fucked your mom and you got owned :)
wonder how it must feel to be retarded AND have slow dog shit internet.
me and ur mom lol we had sex and shes pregant now,
She's 53, if she's pregnant that would be impressive as fuck. Good for her.
This guy knows how to fuck.
>Cable TV
Do you live with your parents or something?
Some people like to have TV on in the background. I don't really understand it myself, but I know a few people who have cable just for that.
They don't really watch anything in particular. they just always have it on.
>Syrians in Romania
Underrated post
C'mon slow pokes.
Not even your home connection Microcuck employee. You are a fag.
This is from my phone when connected to home network.
how y'all people have such low ping? I'm testing in my own city and it never drops below 10ms
just depends how your ISP handles their internal routing.
>143ms ping
>calling other people 'internetlet'
He's testing to a server over 9000km away. (~9650km)
that ping time is actually fantastic, and about the limit of what you could expect with current infrastructure.
I have access to gigabit service, but it's about $30/month more expensive and I have no realistic use for it. It's nice to know I can always get a huge upgrade though.
around here they don't have 50/50 anymore, they have 100/100 for $39.99 and gigabit for $69.99
Why do people need more than 10mbps upload? That should be more than enough for steaming, no? Is it just people that live for torrents and usenet?
Oh neat I just checked, and it's the same here too. i wonder if I can get a free upgrade; thanks for the heads up.
It's useful for cloud backups too.
syria or DC
that's a tough choice actually
What kind of network interface does your computer use? What kind of routeR?
Knowing how jewish Verizon is probably not.
my vpn
£29/month, advertised 100/100. I could go for 1gb/1gb at £48/month but my housemate won't go halves on it and I'm a poor student so I'm sticking with this for now.
>those shitty speeds
>faster than 95% of TR
The absolute state of turkroachistan.
Yup, I just checked and you're right. The internet service is fucking great but they are definitely jewish as shit.
i wish my jewish masters at spectrum would be less stingy with the upload
Such is life on DOCSIS.
Yeah, not shocked. I regularly switch between my wife and my own SS number every 2 years, just cancel the account and sign up as a new customer under the other's SS number.
Only way to continuously get new customer pricing.
Isn't this what everybody with copper has? Unless you have fiber, of course.
Well considering there are over 15 million people in the US with access to fiber, (mainly on the east coast), it's not like there aren't a ton of americans out there with it.
The majority of the US is using DOCSIS however. And as such, until they upgrade to DOCSIS 3.1 Full Duplex, the upload bandwidth simply isn't going to be enough for more than 10-30mbps.
Even comcast's 1gbps plan has 35-40mbps upload speed.
Australia, 100/40, unlimited
Because it's a lot easier to build a high tech fast network in a small community than it is to build a network that would stretch across the entire US.
Shit stain countries like romania can easily build out their infrastructure because their population density is quite a bit higher than the US.
Oh, I didn't realize that upload was limited over DOCSIS. Such is life in the midwest.