What is the point of this asking this in a technical interview?

what is the point of this asking this in a technical interview?

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No one gets asked this question. I refuse to accept that someone actually got asked about this basic shit unless they worked for some serious brainlet tier company.

>No one gets asked this question. I refuse to accept that someone actually got asked about this basic shit unless they worked for some serious brainlet tier company.
People were saying basically that yesterday in another thread, but for inverting a binary tree in C on a whiteboard

Apples and oranges my friend, that at least takes some knowledge of computers (kinda), data structures, and algorithms. This is legitimately a brainlet question.

the creator of Homebrew was laughed out of the interview at Google for not being able to do that

>inverting binary tree
how is that a problem? it just a simple recursively walk the tree post-order and swap left/right pointer... kindergarten monkey could think this out

yes this is the point of this post can your read?

It's a pretty easy way to tell if you know how to code at all.
You'd be surprised the amount of people who think they can just bullshit you by lying on their resume about things they know nothing about.
Also, if you're a degree holder and can't at least ATTEMPT to describe your thought process in solving this simple puzzle problem, you have no right attempting to seek employment writing computer code for a living.

>You'd be surprised the amount of people who think they can just bullshit you by lying on their resume about things they know nothing about.
I worked with Indians. This. So much.

Yet you look at people complaining about interviews, and it's them failing even more trivial questions than fizzbuzz.


If you can't rotate a matrix by first grade and write your own lisp interpreter by 3rd grade you're an literal autist

>t. can't invert a binary tree

What really confuses me is that a lot of the Indians work through the same somewhat decent university settings & degrees that competent people do but come out just as stupid as they went in. How?


>somewhat decent university settings

I meant international students going to European or American universities, brainlet. l2read

Not bad but if the tree is not balanced your code will fail to invert it.

Not him, but how? I don't see how an unbalanced tree would fail that.

try to run it with this tree:
tree = {
left: null, right: {
left: { value: 6 },
right: { value: 9 },
value: 7
value: 4

Seems fine. If you're talking about the left node being null, he already accounts for that with the first line of the function.

it eliminates poos I guess.

our company asks for an A* implementation to apply

>phone screen for controls engineer:
>what is pi
>what are area and circumference in terms of pi
>what is ohms law
>what is typical voltage drop across diode

Sad that these things are necessary to ask

TFW not a code monkey but want the code monkey autism bucks

>>phone screen for controls engineer:
>>what is pi
an irrational number that describes the amount of multiples of a circle's radius can wrap around half it's circumference
>>what are area and circumference in terms of pi
area: pi scaled by radius squared circumference: twice pi scaled by radius
>>what is ohms law
ohm's law describes the linear relationship between voltage and current, scaling with resistance. should be noted that not all systems are Ohmic and should not be treated as such
>>what is typical voltage drop across diode
0.7V, I think?

Can I have a job now?

t. unemployed CompEng

When is it not ohmic?

a transistor is saturation is non-ohmic just as an off the top of my head answer

>what are area and circumference in terms of pi
Area and circumference /of what/ in terms of pi?

A diode, by definition, can't be an Ohmic component

>that horrendous running time
This is why they ask. I'd trash your resume on the spot if you gave O(n) code. Congratulations on failing.

for my current job (3 years in):

>looked for jobs fresh out college
>this looks garbage, apply anyway
>short phone interview (a few questions about my cv)
>super relaxed job interview
>got a job offer a day later
>I didn't really want to work for that company
>"if you like you can work a day for us (paid) to see if you like it here"
>didn't have anything else to do

this but unironically

It weeds out the faking niggers.

>Can I have a job now?
>t. unemployed CompEng
No. Not succint and wasting time, you wouldn't be a good fit.
For example:
>Q: what is ohms law
>A: V = IR
Better luck next time

>wanting rote memorization answers in a field where you literally pay people 6 figures for their critical thinking ability
ask me how I know you're LARPing

Rate my prime sum, Sup Forums

int main() {
int max{};
std::cout max;
max = max/2 - 1;
clock_t start = clock();
int *sieve = (int *) calloc(max, sizeof(int));
long sum = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i) {
if (sieve[i] == 0) {
sum += 2*i + 3;
if (i*i

>int main {
> }

>using 4 spaces for any language other than python

To see how you approach the problem. Does your answer simply get the job done?
Does it allow for easy modification? ...today it needs to work on 3 & 6, or output hurr durr.
Is your code super efficient and employ ingenious tricks, but is hard to read?
Did you use spaces or tabs?


Please enlighten me on proper C++ syntax

>allman style
>8 spaces

>rote memorization
How about being concise to show knowledge about the topic while also being prepared to explain further if asked. It's wasteful to immediately jump farther in than was requested.

I gave the short answers during that phone screen, got the in-person interview the following day, went deeper into the subjects then, and got the job offer. Not larping

Adding to this, it also checks if a candidate totally freezes up when under a little pressure

I'm a "software engineer", it's my job. This word has different signification across people.

It means I'm here to understand some needs and problems, gather them, and elaborate a solution (often with creating software, but not always).
I'm not saying I'm a god or an genius developer (I'm not), but my time is precious, to me and to the company which pay me.

For some people, being able to do a basic mobile app with a lot of code pasted from the web, makes you a software developer.
For others, being able to create a blog Wordpress, and vaguely recognize keyword from variables in source code, is sufficient.

The problem is these people are legion. For one real dev, we get ten persons barely able to cite three programming language.

So, fizzbuzz is a filter. We try to recruit someone ?
"Here take this. Call me when you've finished.". Then I leave and come back 10 minutes latter. "Not yet ? GTFO !"
Half the candidates don't pass the basic exercises.

dude shut the fuck up you're a code monkey
if you were anything more than that, you'd be a software architect

Yeah. Basically that. I am shy to report on certain skill but saw people bragging about two lines of code they wrote in 2017. The gap is huge and fizzbuzz is a small bridge that you walk blind (and smiling) - or you just fall really hard and fast.

I architect systems worth a few hundred k a year - and I call myself a programmer. You got a problem?

I've worked essentially in small structures. We don't have a software architect. It has been part of the dev job.

>an irrational number that describes the amount of multiples of a circle's radius can wrap around half it's circumference
That's a really roundabout way of trying to define pi.

Pi the ratio of a circle's diameter to it's circumference.

Young, fresh college entering computer science autist here,

What the hell is the point of these questions? It's the equivalent of a standardized test and it's basically a 'how well can you memorize code from google' competition.

Not to go full autist, but a company who seriously asks this kind of question would really make me want to walk out. Memorization < Skills, Drive, Passion, and Talent.

So this is Javascript?
It's painful to read.

Because any retard is able to say they have skills, drive, etc. on a resume, even if the reality is that they are too retarded to write a loop and some if statements.

Massive amounts of cheating. Same goes for most students from Asia

Let me ask then, would you believe a company is in the right to see someone with an impressive portfolio, credentials, etc. and decline them for a job because on the spot they couldn't write a loop and some if statements?

I've never seen one. Usually interview tests go something like this:
1) Simple question, weeding out candidates who clearly aren't ready. Something like "Sort a list of strings using the string read backwards"
2) Question it's easy to brute force, but will be extremely slow to do so, expecting you to find a more efficient solution. (can't think of an actual interview example I've had off the top of my head, but like that finding the shortest path down a triangle in Project Euler)
3) Something a little more difficult and analytical, but still concise, which they don't necessarily expect you to be able to solve and doesn't necessarily mean you'll get the job if you do and everyone else doesn't, but they like to have around to compare candidates, all other things being equal.

Anyone can fake a portfolio too, do you think any hiring manager has the time to check whether github code is plagiarized? Also in most cases, they ask whiteboard questions to see your thought process and how you act under pressure. For all they know, you might be the kind of dumbass who googles literally everything, even loop syntax, and most companies don’t want someone like that slowing down their dev process.

They would be in the right for assuming their portfolio is fabricated and their credentials are bullshit.

How is this even a question?
It's like asking if a woodworker should be denied a job because he doesn't know how to carve wood.

I written physics engines and raytracers from scratch but after looking up the problem and thinking about for a few minutes , i still cant solve it ( recursively ). What does this say about me?

You need to KYS (Know Your data-Structures)

OP you'd be surprised how many people can not pass this... even with degrees.

Software Firm Executive.
Yes I fuck around on Sup Forums alot.

It's to make sure you understand how to use modulus. That's literally it.

>More than 3 indents
You're screwed, fix your code.


Who is this?
Please tell me this is porn

If I can mathematically say what you'd do or do some handwavey pseudo code is that enough ? Do they really want me to get all syntax right ? That just seems silly

Retarded outdated challenges created by business drones who think memorization equals skills.

The correct answer would be:
>I google for the fastest algorithm for the problem and then I implement it

Anyone of the article from that lady who went to a JS interview and threw a fit because they asked her to do fizzbuzz and she couldn't?


lul this stupid bint
>>HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript.
>I'm a master at the first two

obviously not because you can fucking write fizzbuzz in a few lines of shitty CSS

what the fuck

>apply for programming job
>get asked what i have made in my spare time
>show them 20 projects
>taking use of openjpeg and documenting everything while using new features of c++ impressed them the most because it showed i knew how to allocate arrays
>allocating an array was the only thing that got me hired
>was expecting to fizzbuzz in C without iterator use
>still dont know how to fizzbuzz

Yeah CSS has loads of stupid clever things you can do.
Look into the sibling operator if you wanna see something really useful

>the comments
its like a museum of failure. look at all the soyface in the comments

is this a trap?

your link is not using HTML5 or CSS3. i can also write a C program that outputs an HTML file with the fizzbuzz output but I wouldn't call that doing fizzbuzz in HTML.

I did three interviews today. One was good. Here are answers from the other two:

Question: In your programming language of choice, print out all the odd numbers between 0-100.

Answer 1:
>printf("All the odd numbers from 0 to 100");

Answer 2:
>Candidate: Uh.... can you give me a minute?
Me: Sure
>C: *click clack click clack*
>C: Ok! I got it!
>C: *reads some suspiciously perfect code
M: Can you let me know how the code works?
>C: I... I... Maybe... ummmm.... I think it... uhh....
M: Can you explain what this line means?
>if((i%2)==1) coutC: Uhhhh... it is a percent... to... check.... the percentage....uhhh....
M: Have you ever used this "%" before?
>C: *relieved to hear a question they can actually answer* No! Never before!
M: So this is the first time you used "%" in your code?
>C: Yes. The first time.
M: ....
>C: *realizes what he just said* I mean... I mean... uh....

These ultra easy questions serve a purpose: To weed out the totally inept.

>I refuse to accept that someone actually got asked about this basic shit unless they worked for some serious brainlet tier company.
I was asked to reverse a string inplace for a Google interview, and to check for a substring in a Microsoft interview. It's part of the screening process, usually done over telephone.

>Answer 1:
>>printf("All the odd numbers from 0 to 100");

how do you respond to a cheeky response like that

That was not cheeky. THIS is cheeky.

That... was just a very unfortunate failure in the modern education system.

Don't call us, we'll call you.

>Not an "accomplished student of Windows 8.1"
Into the trash it goes

that's pretty impressive for a highschool student imo

Wish he would pick up his phone. Called him twice, but he does not pick up. How am I supposed to set up an interview with a candidate who does not pick up the phone?

Those are pretty simple. Internship I'm guessing?

I was asked DP and graph theory at Amazon and VMware.

I wanted to let you know that I appreciated your post, user.

I don't want to work for somebody who think markup is programming.


void fizz(int n);
void buzz(int n);
void fizzbuzz(int n);
void n(int n);

int main()
void (*func[])(int) = {
fizzbuzz, n, n, fizz, n,
buzz, fizz, n, n, fizz,
buzz, n, fizz, n, n};

for (int i = 1; i

>tfw seeing that code

Huh, Malaysia?

You should insist


>he doesn't know what a preprocessor is
Oh turbo-retard, here you go

where the fuck did I say markup was programming you fagmotron?
I simply stated that this stupid bint thought she was an expert in HTML5 and CSS3, and can't even use nth-child properly

>he studied windows, but not the blade
sorry, at mallninjaco we need qualfiied candidates

it's just a simple function table, go look up how they work in C, not as bad as the syntax would lead you to think

I interviewed for a brainlet company once for a position that paid cents above minimum wage. You had to do lengthy project problems a step or two above fizzbuzz to even get an interview.
Apparently they considered a modular array to be a hard to read "trick".

Fizzbuzz is literally can you write a simple loop, a basic if statement and know what a modulus operator is. There's no excuse to not be able to think through questions around the level of fizzbuzz.

I don't blame people who aren't desperate for a job just shopping around and struggle with harder technical questions dealing with things they haven't used in a while.

If you're trying to be competitive you should obviously be expecting algorithms questions. This is just basic sense.

To be honest I'm kind of salty from reading years and years worth of posts complaining about fizzbuzz. When I get interviewed I'm typically told I'm one of the most competent people they've ever talked to (and I don't mean to boast, but shit like that is genuinely surprising to me because I'm not a Hitman-tier consummate professional) but the job search is still a struggle.

def fizzbuzz():
f = lambda n: ("Fizz" if n%3==0 else "") + ("Buzz" if n%5==0 else "")
l = [print(str(i) if f(i)=="" else f(i)) for i in range(1,101)]

The sad part is that this resume can genuinely land the fella some decent jobs.
