DAGs can be used to solve any problem in CS proove me wrong

DAGs can be used to solve any problem in CS proove me wrong

fizzbuzz version or gtfo


"Draw a graph containing a 3 node cycle"

> graph
> 3 node

Short path algorithm on Non-DAG

But yep DAG mapping any recursive function

What's wrong with that you retard

>google for "dag fizzbuzz"
>this thread is already in the 8th and 9th results
what the fuck

that's the power of Sup Forums my dude

digraph {
A -> B[label="1"];
B -> C[label="3"];
B -> D[label="2"];
B -> E;
C -> E[label="4"];
D -> E[labe="2"];
E -> F[label="3"];
G -> D[label="1"];
C -> D[label="1",color=red];
D -> A[label="2",color=red];

where is the fizzbuzz tho?

you'd need a stack as well. DAG could be a finite state machine, which isn't turing complete.

an example problem: identify strings of the form (a^x)(b^x)(c^x) where a^x is a repeated x times and juxtaposition is concatenation. e.g. "", "abc", "aabbcc", "aaabbbccc"

What if there is a relationship that isn't linear?

digraph {
Start -> A;
A -> B[label="false"];
B -> "toString(n)"[label="false"];
B -> "Buzz"[label="true"];
A -> C[label="true"];
C -> "Fizz"[label="false"];
C -> "FizzBuzz"[label="true"];

o shit it's the third result right now

Great work!

We made it to #1. Congrats everyone

i proved you wrong though

that looks more like a flowchart

Calculate the sum of all prime numbers below two million in less than one second.

Implement an algorithm that solves the travelling salesman problem in polynomial time.

Three 1-node DAGs placed inside a circularly linked list.

Halting problem. /thread

It's a digraph, and only two on the node pairs have bidirectional edges.

Graph with a single node of value 142913828922. This is also O(1)

A regular linked list containing:
>A circular linked list with two 1-node DAGs
>A 1-node DAG

NP on me

NP me on

Not you can't really argue /that's/ using only DAGs. You might as well implement a great data structure, which would be the only sane API to express what I'm describing anyway.

Listen to this OP, you also need a stack.

Here's another example: detect whether the input string is a palindrome.

Also are we just doing your homework?