What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not enough anime.
Push out normies.
:s/g/pol/ - Derp
Freetards who don't $ for a single software or hardware.
real Sup Forums went to /diy/ and the same 25 amateur man children that roam Sup Forums are poor basement dwelling virgins that jerk off to anime all day and spit "install Gentoo" all day long because they no life/family/job.
They think because they installed an ftp server for experimental reasons and have installed a distro makes them l33t. They don't know shit and talk shit all day long and as soon as they get challenged abandon thread.
Better question, what threads and topics should we be discussing to make this place better?
Too much racism ( Sup Forums invasion )
Sup Forums was originally a radical leftist / anarchist forum, in the spirit of early Sup Forums and GNU
The "botnet" obsession killed Sup Forums
The original political/anarchist Sup Forums went to found /biz/, most of them are now retired and out of crypto-frenzy
The majority of us became salary-cucks working White-collar jobs at some large/medium-sized company
Nu-Sup Forums basically migrated from Sup Forums, which most of them came from r/the_donald. Your normies don't care enough about technolo/g/y to bother posting here, unless they have stolen an iPhone and need help unlocking it.
What went right is /glmg/
Also I've seen a lot more threads about people asking "how do I code" or "I want to get into coding, where do I start, lel." 10 years ago, if you asked a question like that, you'd be chased out of here. Again, the old crew are either retired or are too busy with their full-time jobs. Nu-Sup Forums are a bunch of script kiddie wanna-bes who probably won't accomplish much in life aside from asinine postings on Sup Forums.
other neural nets
technology that breaks ethical barriers
less soyboy homescreen threads
Sup Forums
honestly the only problem with Sup Forums is the fucking consumer-focused generals. there's no reason to have a headphone general on this board. there's no reason to have a private torrent circlejerk on this board
>the only problem
I have no idea what technology is or does sorry.
Normalfags being normal (muh games, nothing to hide), wanting normal topics (consumer ekectronics) and normal humor (haha poo in loo xddd). Sadly the bad humor made Sup Forums think they're in good company here.
traps ( please fuck off to )
far leftism
Indians started posting.
desktop threads were banned.
>technology that breaks ethical barriers
Im indian and nobody even knows what an imageboard is in India
>item X
>I use item X
>nobody from India knows about X
>I am from India
>>>I use something I don't even know about
Typical non-white logic
>Sup Forums was radical lefitsm
in your dreams bait poster
do you have some proof? leftism is cancer that is killing a lot of projects today
There are too many fags here who only play video games on their computers and think they belong here because they can argue about graphic cards and CPUs for hours at an end.
The only thing that can save Sup Forums are people who actually make stuff and talk about it here. Look at /diy/, they have a community of people who actually know tech.
Its all about making the gaming population feel unwelcome with multiple threads about topics unknown to them
No, rightism is killing. People.
Also, your proof is in the archives. Check out what Sup Forums looked like 8 years ago: warosu.org
The archives don't seem to go any earlier than that. I've been on Sup Forums since 2008.
the most tech illiterate people ever
There isn't any leftism on the archives, are you mentally ill? in fact is actually better because they focus in at least discuss some shit
>rightism is killing
your brain is dying it seems
also to add on, this board is full of leftists
it really compliments how incompetent people are here
These people are infecting the industries with a lot of money: games, movies, comics, and technology
Gentle reminder discussing politics just attracts the actual Sup Forums users. This is simply not the place for this discussion. Just ignore any political discussion
this whole sites been reddit since the faps
Old Sup Forums was guro
We lost best board
Fuck you
leftism and liberalism aren't the same thing
conservatism and capitalism
one can be a socialist consertive or a liberal capitalist
Also this isn't Sup Forums
he asked what the problems with the board are, and we answered.
Sup Forums was always unironically terrible
Over here, too, huh? This site, and everything else beyond it, truly can never run from time and society. I miss my sekrit klub.
No it wasn't
what will you do in 2 decades?
Sup Forums
personal tech support threads