Jai language by Jon Blow

>Jai language by Jon Blow
Is it a meme?

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perhaps. I've been hearing about it for a while now, but no public release of any sort has happened. Might just be vapourware

I'm interested in it. Limited release in 2 months I think.

He's planing to make a closed alpha of sorts soon.
He intents to have a fully functional compiler and lots of documentation and examples prepared to the public release.

It looks like a decent meme for game programming.
I'd much rather use that than C++ but I see little use for it otherwise.

>and examples prepared
including a full game engine. So full release may be along side his new sokoban game

:= ()

>:= ()

that syntax looks like some hipster bullshit

>It looks like a decent meme for game programming.
>I'd much rather use that than C++ but I see little use for it otherwise.
But isn't that what he's trying to build though, a hyper-specific language meant specifically for fulfilling the needs of game developers, and ignoring anything outside that realm?


I don't see the problem with him making the language. He's spent 20 odd years working with c based languages, and he's obviously gotten annoyed at the constraints of the languages for game dev.

Watching his streams though, it seems his problems with C/C++ aren't game development specific, rather C++ has problems that annoy him general.

I don't have a problem with him building it either, and I agree his problems with C++ are not gamedev-specific, but I don't think that means he isn't trying to make Jai an ideal gamedev language. At worst, he's trying to build a language that best serves his needs, and he happens to primarily be a game developer, and therefore the result will primarily suit game development, no?


And people say programmers aren't great at communication, psshhh.


I honestly don't feel a need for any language other than C and Assembly.

Maybe get rid of header files. That's really it. C++ is obviously a different story.

afaik he already changed that (pic is from 2014) to name :: (args) -> (multiple returns) {} but he also bragged about closures and lambdas having different notation from normal functions and idk how he decided on those

what's the difference between it and lua

Lua is an interpreted (or JIT-compiled if you want to be pedantic) and dynamically typed language mainly meant for scripting and lacks most low-level functionality needed to write performant code. It’s almost completely incomparable to Jai or even other C-family languages.

Basically it’s a language designed to allow you write high performance code, and it’s designed in a way that trusts that the developer knows what he is doing when it comes to manipulating memory.

The language itself isn’t specifically aimed towards game development, but IIRC its standard library is going to very gamedev-oriented, so that anyone can just download a compiler and get window management and OpenGL/Vulkan capabilities for free without having to muck around for hours searching for 3rd party libs.

>lacks most low-level functionality needed to write performant code
You should clarify that's only the case if you want to implement stuff in pure Lua. Lua is easily extensible with C and C++ and you can just have the low level details implemented in either of these languages and expose the functionality to Lua for high level implementations on top of it.

I'm pretty excited to be honest, it's not very original in a lot of its concepts but that's fine since no other language is coupling these concepts in these ways. Like doing certain things at compile time or having a better syntax for some feature, building certain things into the language itself. I love his obsession with trying to do as much shit at compile time as possible and in jai itself, no need to write a separate program, compile that, have it modify the source, compile the main program, with jai you just have a run directive at compile time that fills shit in like constexpr in C++ but without all the pointless restrictions.

Didn't Plan9's standard C library have a lot of UI stuff? That seems like a real nice thing to have today, deciding on a toolkit alone is usually a pain in the ass, having some cross platform GUI/graphics stuff the standard seems like a real benefit even if it's just a simple starting point.

Jon and Terry need to team up on a new language and OS.

And if you find PUC-Rio Lua to not be be performant enough, you could go with LuaJIT and not only having Lua -> C calls be as cheap as calling a function, but also be able to use C-types directly on the Lua side.

* function pointer

I wish Terry helped the reactOS fags instead of wasting his brain on his memeOS


>Is it a meme?
No, it's vaporware.
Partially interesting nonetheless, but until he releases the compiler to the public it may as well not exist at all.