Post your terminal fetch tool

Post your terminal fetch tool.
Neofetch, Archy, Screen Fetch, Ufetch, or anything else that displays your system information in a terminal window.

Pic related. I changed my ASCII from a Apple logo to a MTV logo. I might change the color so the logo to be red and the outline of the word TV to be yellow or visa versa.

>I changed my ASCII from a Apple logo to a MTV logo
but why


I thought it looked cool. The people I was chatting with thought it was cool and retro. I can change it to anything if I can find a ASCII image for it. I could probably convert tiny images into ascii.

I'm not 12, I swear!

1488MB of ram. I had software running in the background and used less than 900MB.
>No rice

What distro are you using?

Now open an internet browser

Mac OS (AMD Ryzen Hackintosh), but I have used different Gnu with Linux distros such as Arch. I was able to use XFCE on Arch with less than 300mb of ram and a tiny amount of packages. No bloat.

fixed your image for you

I had a internet browser open. I was using Safari, but I also use Firefox as that is my default browset. I usually end up using less than 1000MB of ram when I have Firefox with 2 tabs open, terminal, and iTunes open at the same time. Not a big deal. I always thought MacOS was heavy when it came to ram, but I guess not.




But what about neofetch and archey :^)

at least give us a uname then

? Strange. On Arch I'm @ 350mb at start-up but Firefox always bloats me up to around 2gb of ram usage. And not even particularly using that many tabs, maybe like 4 or 5.

2 tabs of waterfox open


What minimal browser to use?

Firefox sucks
Chromium sucks
Min sucks
Qutebrowser sucks
Opera sucks
Icecat sucks
Elinks sucks


just wget the html files and read them in vim I guess since you're such a faggot

install webkit
write a frondend for it with whatever you want

hello here is my screenfetch

do/g/ fetch

kys pedo

pls post terminal img src

it is originally a gif




Looks pretty gay if you ask me. And no, it's not cool to straight people.
Oh... You use apple... That explains everything.

Nice to see you survived Metro, Artyom

Try speccy? Or whatever windows use

Hy йoпт

pretty gay

ITT a bunch of ramlets and corelets. Psh, step up your game my dudes.

>Step up your game


normie at work reporting in


tfw didnt even know that this version has been eol for weeks

Update your fucking kernel man

Tor relay that pays for itself with mining
40 TB / month

my hackintosh eats like 5gb of ram with like only chrome open

arent you terrified that recent intel security holes mean anyone can link buttcoin back to human traffickers and other criminals now?

I'm not a human trafficker or otherwise criminal, so no, I'm not terrified.

>Fixed your image for you
>By shitting it all up

>needing a uname
>not being able to recognize what that is
Consider ricing your android terminal colors away from default.

>this is who shitposts against you on Sup Forums


gib wallpaper sempai


>16777218 MiB


At least try next time

holy fuck how do I get this color scheme


hopefully i remember to update before this version too is eol

Sooqa proigral

yes we know how to configure neofetch

Fags will be fags

You know MTV is now just teen Mom basically. Are you genuinely gay?


Maybe he's just feeling nostalgic.





What iz diz

sensible chuckle.jpg

shit because it does not work on android 4.1

We got us a l33t_h4kurr boys...


>Decently secure
>Every outside connection has to be manually activated
>lol y u aren't using my bloated wallpaper simulator

>debian based
>full of backdoors
>bloated with software you'll probably never use


>no DE
>no WM
Memory usage: 2507MiB

>emerging qtscript in one terminal
>downloading movie
>browsing chan

So... Talking about bloated...

That's not my kali.

Also, holy shit, over 16 days of uptime and almost 3k packages.

Do you even know what you have installed.

K, show us yours...


Nah. :^)

Aaaaaand, we're done here.

I posted it again.

I was but you clearly weren't.



Pretty comfy despite it being about 8 years old. Runs everything I need but I also have a desktop with windows 7.

kys underaged fag oldschool mtv was actually good


meant for:

dtterm keeps shitting on my .Xdefaults so no hip color scheme for now

>beavis and butthead
>happy tree friends
>south park
>desert punk
>celebrity deathmatch
Yes, MTV WAS good.
Now shut the fuck up before you embarrass yourself even more.


Da fuck is taking 4 gigs of RAM?!?

Looks like Firefox, Textual, Safari, and iTunes
I really don't like Firefox but I couldn't use Seamonkey any longer


It's the best music player available, especially when you use Apple Music.

>Apple Music

anime pictures are bloat