WTF is this shit...

WTF is this shit, why is everyone suddenly talking about it and why is everyone on plebbit so salty when it comes to criticizing it or simply asking questions about how it works or why it works this way?

Other urls found in this thread:

Have you tried to actually watch the presentation: ?



Enjoy your segfaults and data races, m8.


he's right though, JSON parsers and serializes have great performance and are available for every language. Would prefer msgpack but JSON-RPC is not bad in any (relevant) way.


Why the FUCK do hipsters need to rewrite editors every few years? Editors are the simplest possible complex app and they are DONE. Fuck, my Vic20 from 1981 had a built in editor with syntax checking and interactive commands.

fuck this gay-ass shit

project gonna last 6 months tops, all due to the shitty CoC

it's like saying xe instead of he/her

SJWs will love it

those who do not know about sam and acme are doomed to reimplement them, poorly

what are they designing here, a fucking OS?

I don't know what a pipeline is or does, sorry

damn, it is the master meme editor

You spend your entire day in an editor, if someone can come up with a way to make you more productive why wouldn't you try it?

Xi editing

Acme blew my damn mind when I saw it for the first time. I'm a big vim user and I can't imagine switching to a mouse orientated editor, but Acme is like the remnants of dimension where guis didn't become oversimplified windows shit.

but how can Xi make me more productive?
An over engineered back-end does not affect my workflow in any way

newfag here, what was so special about sam and acme?

Xi feels more like a platform than an editor in itself. It's build to offer an extensive base for plugins to do interesting things. The result remains to be seen, but it's an interesting idea.

Think about what devs have done with emacs. Now imagine that with a modern foundation and the freedom of choosing a language best for your task.

This is a pretty cool demo of Acme.

t. hobby fizzbuzzer


Are there any videos of this editor?

>Mouse-driven text editor
Rob Pike is a generator of horrible ideas, no wonder Go is shit.

The Xi itself is a core without any UI, there are several front-ends available: .

knowing google, non profit projects like this will die soon enough

What's that WM you're using, specifically that bottom bar?

So let me get this straight, the only redeeming quality of this editor is that it's fast to repaint text?

is that such a horrible idea, given the abortions of electron apps that are the "mainstream code editors"? maybe people having an interest in a responsive, snappy application will make them reconsider decisions with terrible performance and stability implications that yield them only minor development benefits

looking at you atom, vs code, sublime, etc.

The screenshot is from .


hipsters love json and rust

The core doesn't even have UI, the redeeming quality is that it's really fast on navigating huge files.

hello revyposter

>"mainstream code editors"

not arguing the fact that emacs is a superior editor to any of the bloated messes provided, but it is certainly not mainstream

>A front-end for the xi-editor built with modern web technologies.
>modern web technologies
this is so vile
when will this die
i'm all for a standardized cross-platform mechanism to represent UI but why did it have to be the organically-grown cancer that is HTML, CSS, and Javascript

Another garbage editor.

I didn't know this was a google project until now, into the trash it goes

>emacs is a superior editor to any of the bloated messes provided
Emacs is the bloatest of them all, it's a huge mess of badly written, unbearable slow decades-old lisp code, half-assed plugins and completely retarded keyboard controls designed for keyboards from the 70s.
t. been using emacs since 2008, switching to spacemacs in 2016 improved things a lot, been thinking about switching to neovim for a while, but I'm too used to this piece of shit

they (especially acme) were really transparently modular and extensible, they sat very well with the standard unix tools like grep and sed, and literally any other command-line text filter. also, to script the editor you would simply read/write the synthetic control files that acme exposes in the filesystem hierarchy. you can therefore write acme plugins in any language.

i've noticed that VSCode has surprisingly taken a similar approach; rather than implementing an ad hoc scripting language inside the editor like vim, or a big API for loaded DLLs, VSCode plugins seem to be external tools that read and write JSON to communicate with the editor, as far as i've seen.

you have to understand how novel mice & graphical text editors were at the time acme and sam were written. i don't understand why hotkeys were mostly neglected but at least it's easy to add them in the source code.

i suppose i did imply, by placing 'emacs' across from 'bloated messes', that emacs was not bloated. this was an error on my part. but i would argue that running a web server and browser (with all the associated complexities that brings) as merely a ui layer within a program is truly, uniquely wasteful

To illustrate - I'm literally having 2-3 seconds lag on keypresses when I try to edit 6kloc C++ file because emacs has to recalculate line number and reparse the entire file to color syntax, most of which is done by slow Lisp code.

yeah really fast

> 100% CPU usage by opening a big-ish file
Not even Atom sucks so hard

>Searching in 1Gb file takes 2seconds
Now try this in any other text editor.

we are doomed to rebuild the wheel until the end of time

>what are they designing here, modular and extensible general purpose software?

is modular and extensible the new slow and bloated?

that ~300 microsecond RPC latency is impressive, pretty interesting talk. not sold on xi but i guess i'll try it if it ever gets a stable release.

The idea wasn't Pike's, but Wirth's. Pike copied the Oberon user interface to make acme. In Oberon it made more sense because the entire operating system was live-programmable in the Oberon language. To execute some code written in Oberon you just needed to type its name anywhere in the user interface and middle click the text.

The idea wasn't Pike's, but Wirth's. Pike copied the Oberon user interface to make acme. In Oberon it made more sense because the entire operating system was live-programmable in the Oberon language. To execute some code written in Oberon you just needed to type its name anywhere in the user interface and middle click the text.



Boring unless there's a vim keybinding available

Give sam a try too - get it running and read the paper while using it. I like the layout a bit more. It will at least give you the basics of the command language which is also in acme.

let's just break up all programs and build them out of "modules", each module containing web layout engines and javascript interpreters

that isn't what Xi is though you dumb idiot

triple dubs confirm

It's something he does on his own time. Google just owns him and all his output.

Sublime is not electron and is incredibly fast.

>Swift frontend
>Rust core

does anyone other than macfags use Swift?

it sounds really complicated for something that edits text files.