Sister has shitty walmart-tier HP laptop with a TN panel and garbage CPU

>sister has shitty walmart-tier HP laptop with a TN panel and garbage CPU
>Sister just got a new, higher paying job
>Say to her that now maybe she can get a nicer laptop like one of those Dell XPS ones
>She seems confused and says something about how I'm never satisfied with what I have

My mom acts like this too in regards to updating tech, when I upgraded my TV from a small 720p to a larger 4k, she made some comment about how the 720 was "just fine". Are women naturally predisposed to be content with using low-quality tech or is it just my family who's retarded?

they're not interested in tech

Females are retarded, news at 11

They just don’t give a fuck about having the latest shit which is a good mindset to have.

While they save their money by not buying expensive toys, you’re a little consumer whore.

maybe they're happy with what they have and don't need more ?
??? are you retarded user

No, you just have autism. I have a HP laptop and it worked fine for years and still works fine. You are just too picky because you have an unfulfilling life and care about menial things and not about important things like getting a job or moving out of your moms basement.

Nice blog gaylord.

These... no reason to upgrade if what you have works for you.
Sent from my X220 from 2011ish.

Also... bait?

Women are people oriented
Men are things oriented

Caveman shit bruh

That XPS you recommend it complete trash and will break in no time. 4K is completely retarded for a TV which you don't use with your nose pressed against the glass.

Your sister and mom aren't retarded at all, since they actually seem to care about functionality and usability. They intent to use technology to their advantage.

It's you being a sneauxflake that faps on numbers from the spec sheet. I bet you buy devices you don't even need or devices with specifications far exceeding your requirements (like 4K TV or a gaymur laptop for work). This makes you the tech-illiterate consumer.

Let me guess, you have a Note 8 you use for Sup Forums, Reddit, Facebook and 9gag.

If it works, don't touch it - it's common sense, and your family knows it. Your sister's laptop works well, and your 720p TV was working well too, but your consumeristic feelings overtook and made you buy the latest and coolest shiny toy; congrats, fag.
another soulless consumerist retard. It's not about men vs women, it's about knowing your own needs. OP is a faggot, and doesn't know 'em.

All these fucking redditors in this thread oh my god, I'm fucking cool and you fags are gay nigger Jew tards fuck you

I didn't know Sup Forums hated technology this much.
You can have the latest and greatest without being a consumer whore, that's what Chink stuff like Xiaomi is for.

Let me guess as well. He uses a Note 8 for Sup Forums, an Apple phone X for Reddit, a Surface pro for Facebook and an Alienware game PC for 9gag.

it's even worse than that. I do think he is just a consumerist, but it's possible that OP might have more needs ie needs to do 3D modelling or sound producing, fine.
However he is here assuming that his sister and his mother should change; meaning he is projecting 100% like a true idiot.

Nice blog. Sage.

This is the opposite of reality. Women outspent men by several times on consumerist junk. It's why businesses are increasingly targeting female demographics, even ones that traditionally don't have female audiences

>I didn't know Sup Forums hated technology this much.
Sup Forums knows what tools are right for the job. Sounds to me that OP's sister and mom both know as well.
>You can have the latest and greatest without being a consumer whore
No, that pretty much sums up the definition of "consumer whore". Something cannot be "the greatest" when it's also the "latest" because time is needed to find out if it actually is.

Nothing wrong with spending money if you have it especially if you have a 720p tv in the year of our lord 2017, I only have a 1080p tv but going back to 720p one now would be borderline unwatchable


No it's true, but in the end a lot of men let their women decide on what crap to buy

those are the kind of people that watch horribly compressed 480i tv channels and think that it looks good

Maybe they're not consumerist sheep like you.

Post pics of ur sis

If they're genuinely satisfied, then who's doing it wrong, fa.m?

Ur sister and mom pics pls show boobies

720p resolution and 1080p are practically identical for a tv

I suppose some people (mainly women) like to stick to garbage tech simply because they don't care or have an appreciation for anything of a higher quality.

this pls op

im using a MacBook early 2009 model, works fine for me.
Got it $30 off of craigslist, got a $40 battery for it, fixed the screen myself (free), and upgraded the ram $12 bc my other newer MacBook pro 2012 has a shitty charging issue so it doesn't see much use anymore

>he still lives with his parents

>be me
>have gaymen pc from 2014(build around gtx 760)
>have x220 with dock
>watch shows on a 1080p cheap tv
>budget-tier 1080p screen
Literally no reason to upgrade at all. Triple a games are garbage anyways, my employer pays for an appropriate work machine and the rest of my electronics do their jobs just fine. Consumerist whores would probably upgrade everything in a heartbeat, but there's really no good reason for it other than "companies tell me up new shit is better"

in this episode of not everyone is a consumer whore like op

>Are women just predisposed to not being retards who need every new thing that comes out?
No, your family just has gender roles reversed. Check your dad's search history for the words "pegging" and "femdom".

>I suppose some people (mainly women) like to stick to garbage tech simply because they don't care or have an appreciation for anything of a higher quality.
When all requirements are met, bullshit like "higher quality" has no meaning. You're also just fapping at specs you consumer whore.

>be op
>try to convince others how to best spend their own money
>get confused when people don't spend their own money on what he thinks they should

>is it just my family who's retarded?

No it's you who's retarded. Responsible adults are content with what they have and save earnestly towards their future. Jobless, basement dwelling, manchildren like you prefer to spend what little they have (and often borrow against what they don't have) to constantly sait their meaningless and never ending materialistic urges.

>Are women naturally predisposed to be content with using low-quality tech or is it just my family who's retarded?

No, your family has been brought up understanding that you don't need to upgrade shit just because you can. You've bought into the consumerist, wasteful lifestyle where you are now dispositioned to think you have to buy new hardware when something "better" comes around.

Instead of criticising those around you, take this opportunity to look at your own behaviours and understand what you could do better next time. Judging by your reaction, you spend a lot of time indoors.

I recomended my sister a low performance laptop with good battety life because she literally just reads and writes with basic texteditors. Why would you act like a consumerist retard?

>While they save their money by not buying expensive toys, you’re a little consumer whore
Sure, but they'll spend money on new shoes and purses to brag to their friends.

>maybe they're happy with what they have

Have you actually ever interacted with a female?

Yes, consumerist retards are both make and female. Just look at the faggots here in the pcbuildibg general.

ITT: Rattled poorfags

>save money


Hi OP! Don't try to save it.

Stay mad poorfag

She is right. Also xps is bulky house fire

>Be well off
>Working on a core2duo laptop with a shitty display because you aren't a "consumer whore"
>Turn on your 720p 20 inch TV
>Think to yourself it could be better but at least you aren't a "consumer whore"
>Go to bed
>You can feel the springs digging into your back but you feel more comfy because you aren't a "consumer whore"

>Poorfags: Don't be a consumerist cuck user, my apple II from 1977 still works fine: *opens program, entire computer crashes*
>Richfags: HOLY FUCK I'M FUCKING RICH THIS NVIDIA TITAN V IS SO FUCKING FAAAAAST *jerks off to 500 tabs of porn at once*

>wall of text sperging about things that don’t happen

It’s more likely for a woman to update all their tech when they have the money than the male. Why does it bother you that your sister and mother supposedly not as much as consumerists sluts you wish them to be?

This is probably a troll thread that goes together with the "women are dumb consumerist iWhores" thread of yesterday.

I have a Dell Laptop from 2010 and I'm a CS major. Why do you need that new shit anyway OP?

Your sister is more Sup Forumsbro tier unlike you consumerist faggot.

methinks there is a woman in our midst

Id be inclined to agree with most of you, that saving is good, but really it isnt.

Saving the little money you make wont make a magnitude of difference later on. It will make things a little better, but overall your living standard will be the same.

Investing in possibly being happy later (if you dont die/inflation/disease) instead of being happy now -- thats pretty nuts if you think about it.

My former boss was like this to an extreme degree. He was making a shit ton of money from both his officer paycheck and renting out a bunch of garages downtown, but fed his entire family and his dog leftovers he collected from everyone at work (rations), never bought anything new, never got his kids anything worthwhile for birthday or Christmas, when we went for a lunch or drinking, he always kept fussing over his orders so that he didn't spend too much (i.e. anything over the bare minimum) etc. He's gonna be sitting on a small fortune before retirement, but everyone I know just pities him.

Why would you replace something that isn't broken? Stop sucking the jew's dick.

Nice blog post friendo, really made me think

>my parents having been trying to force smart habits upon me fuck them

Well i mean going too far thr other direction is t good either. Money cant buy happiness but it can ward off unhappiness (no food, no shelter, etc).

Gotta find something you enjoy and gives purpose. That isnt nessicarily tied to money. I guess jewing could be the end goal, then more power to him.

Hmm, pray tell, why do women have so many shoes? Hmm. Hmph!

*blocks your path*

Why do you even care? Just let everyone use, what fits there needs. Seems female is right in this case.

>I'm gay

lol xD

>constantly sait their meaningless and never ending materialistic urges

I have trouble taking people seriously who use words they never saw written.

They don't care about tech so don't discuss it with them. Women are not serious people. They are domestic fuck meat. They do not need to be anything else.

>getting a 4k tv when 99% of content is 1080p at most
Way to go retard.

No, they're 100% correct like said

>b-b-but it's PREMIUM shit!

Sounds like your mother and sister have good heads on their shoulders.

>upgraded my TV from a small 720p to a larger 4k, she made some comment about how the 720 was "just fine".

>watches tv
>thinks that he can actually watch things in 4k

Almost all of content out there is available in 1080p so upgrading to that is nice and 1080p tvs are cheaps now so that would make sense, upgrading to 4k though is stupid and pointless unless the tv is outragesly large and or very close to your sitting place, educate yourself on DPI and viewing distance in regards to human eyes via the internet at least,
and computers have basically stopped innovating specs wise for at least 5 years now, everything runs smoothly and nothing lags with a simple ssd upgrade, so the only idiots that actually buy new laptops are little consumer bitches that have nothing better in their lives to worry about,
The first step for you right now would be to clean up your room, work from there until you've moven out of your mother and have children to raise, you fucking manchild

>proceeds to buy bags and clothes that will rot in the drawers for decades to come

This 100%. In fact all an upgrade to 4K does for cable tv is make it look worse especially if you have good vision.

Chroma sub-sampling magnifies this problem since whatever pixel resolution 99% of video is actually half that (1080p = native 540p, 720p = native 360p) and most "HD" channels are still 720p.

>Nothing wrong with spending money if you have it
Yes, good goyim, gib the shekels.

They're subtly trying to hint to you that maybe you're spending too much money on tech stuff. A lot of young adults either put themselves in dangerous financial situations buying technology they don't need, or use the purchasing of products as something to 'look forward to', and then realize the end result of having a 4k TV didn't make them happy, and then rehash that cycle with another piece of tech.

Or, they don't care about technology as much as you. Big fuckin deal, you spaz.

If you don't save you have nothing.
I know about a family that was well off and now they are a million in debt because stupid fucks expected that money will flow forever.

Live from one paycheck to another and one day you will be on the street.

>not sleeping on the ground like a true stingy spartan
it's actually good for you

>tech stuff

It's a fucking tv. Not a marvel of technology, not something that allows you to make money and not a learning tool.

He bought a shitbox so he can watch government propaganda in 1080p and be told that it's 4k

I study telecomunications and it's impossible to stream a 4k video quality.

Even the 1080p is often converted and not full HD.

4K is overblown and I won't upgrade for the price until we can get atleast 4K 240hz, at which point I can safely say that I'm the bottleneck. Infact by the time affordable 4K monitors are here, 144hz will be more than enough for my old eyes.

>not grasping the difference between buying a new product that won't improve your life vs buying one that will

>be me
>asus random laptop with atleast nvidia gpu for some minor games
>using it as media server, cloud server, torrent seedbox with 4:3 display old as fuck, 1080p display old 4 years and laptop's integrated display
>USB hub to extend 3.0 ports

Gotta use all I have and not buy anothing else.

because most of them are social and not an indoor autist like you my man

>While they save their money by not buying expensive toys
m8 what fucking plane of reality do you fucking live in?

>be 10
>ask for PC for Christmas
>get a gateway that I loved and used for years
>about ten years later ask for parts to build a custom gaming rig
>why do you need to build a pc? You just got one!

most intelligent person known to date is a lady

Being 20 and asking for stuff like that from your parents. How does it feel being a failure?

My girlfriend doesn't spend money on things she doesn't need and has saved more money than I have over the past year. I had to convince her that she needs a new phone because I got sick of her phone constantly making noises every time it lost USB power from the fucked up micro B port. She owns two pairs of sneakers, some shitty flats, and two pairs of boots.

I mean, I did have to tell her to open a TFSA for the money she was saving rather than leave it sitting in her chequing account, but she's often more practical than I am.

>implying spending all your money on graphics cards to play video games is somehow better than buying shoes anyway

souls dont exist

there's no point hoarding money
it's just a bunch of paper that has no real value.

>Nothing wrong with spending money if you have it

enjoy being poor forever

You don't?

Food and electricity have real value.

Projecting? I have a job, family, and build PCs I see no failure here.

everyone said the same thing when i bought the X

>be op
>spend all of his savings on computers
>computers are love, computers are life
>buy 4k display for someone who doesn't even give a fuck and couldn't tell the difference anyway (simply because they're using tv to watch stuff instead of making sure there is enough cmos sensor noise saved up in uncompressed raw 16bit camera footage of a movie)
>suggest sister to waste $1000 on a laptop even though she's satisfied with her current one
your inability to understand that different people have different needs might be a problem here


No, you are the one who is retarded here.
There is absolutely no reason to upgrade your technology if it's fine for you.
If you _really_ need the latest tech, by all means go out and buy it, but don't go around sperging about others being ok with what they have.