Hackintosh General

Here's my claim: nobody that has used macOS for more than a week can say that it isn't a dream to use. This means that all the members of the anti-apple brigade have literally never used macOS and yet they bash it. Isn't that ridiculous? Why not just set up a hackintosh? It's actually so simple if you have a modern intel CPU and know how to follow directions. You're literally doing yourself a disservice by not using macOS.

Hackintosh general.

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hackintosh on ryzen?

Prove it.

Apparently a thing, can't comment on it though as I have an intel CPU

I set up a Hackintosh once. It was no better or worse than using Windows or Linux. People just need to learn how2computer.

What's good about it? What benefits does it have over Debian?

I don't hate macOS but I also don't love it and I sure as hell wouldn't take it over Windows or any Linux distro that I've tried so far.

It didn't offer me anything Windows or Linux distros couldn't do, except look really pretty out of the box, but that's not a concern of mine.
One thing I will say though is that when I used macOS, the programs I used on it almost never crashed (Adobe After Effects, Cinema4D and Maya), while they are kinda crash prone on Windows, especially After Effects. Other than that though it was nothing to write home about, and I have no reason to use it at home on my workstation.

macOS is for power users and professionals, linux is for NEET kids. This is what I heard, not necessarily my own opinion on the matter.

It's fun to use

I used Mac OS for a year before I got sick of it and replaced my Macbook Pro. It looks nice but has usability problems. For example, there is no fast way to open a new application window without switching to it. This makes multiple workspaces unusable. In Linux docks, you can control click an application to open a new window. You also can't tell which desktop an application is open on so you switch workspaces by accident when clicking an application that you thought was open.

If Apple would come out with an AMD Imac I might build an AMD hackintosh. As it stands right now I just dont trust: 1. Intel or 2. Some random anonymous person to "modify" the macos kernel to work with AMD.

Stop lying. I unironically own a Mac Mini, its old as fuck, from 2011, i have plenty of experience with macOS and yet i dont think its a dream and greatly prefer debian with i3 over it

install macOS

Did make an Snowleopard Hackintosh. Played it with some time, kinda liked it even but then Apple went full retard with itunes-store, 64bit SSSE3(?) and "cloud".

This just wasn't worth it. Also the "non apple" Hardware Support is obviously super shit. It's obviously better to use Linux as main os and have some offline Windows PC for games and professional Software.

You can right click and open new windows for most apps from the dock. It's up to the developer. You can see what is open on every desktop with mission control.

i looove my computerrr
you never ask for mooore
u can be a princessss
or u can be my whooore

scaled down because hiro is a stingy jew


that's literally my only issue

I've installed Xcode, what now?

When dealing with 4k+ image res stretching to 21:9 1080p doesn't look bad at all on certain images (eg: the character's body occupies most of the horizontal space like the picture I posted).

>Using a shitty OS that barely has any market share or supports any useful software.

Macs don't have all the features of MS Office btw. They can't even make fucking Pivot Charts lol. Also Adobe is the leader which is optimized for nVidia and not AMD cards. Face it, Macs are shit

How do you get Mac OS onto an x200?

>Also Adobe is the leader which is optimized for nVidia and not AMD cards
>implying i don't have an nVidia card

very easily

Fuck off back to R*ddit and stay there. They have Applel containment subs for you faggots.

>Macs don't have all the features of MS Office btw
That's so 2016



should work for an x200 as well, if not, too bad lol

Vga port support for intel hd3000 when?

Macos is comfy for making music or visuals stuff. For daily usage, writing I like i3 better. If I could find a crack of bigwig on Linux. I'd never look back.

macOS is great. pic related.

I want to consider MacOS, but every argument I have seen for it is vague shit like
>once you use it for a week, you'll see it's a dream come true
>you just FEEL more productive
>everything is so smooth
I'm starting to become convinced that the Apple fans on this board have never used anything else, since they can't make hard comparisons, only "feelings."

after only ever using windows i switched to arch linux for 6 months then to macOS, never went back
sorry gamer winbaby

what browser is that?

I use both Windows and Mac. They're okay.

the cutest. cutebroswer.app

Yeah, you still didn't make any actual comparison. Just
>I switched and never went back
I've never heard of that feature, is it a MacOS exclusive?

yeah, learn English before writing on Sup Forums. this is an american website, pajeet

No, they are not shit. Stop being poor.


I've used macOS on my macbook pro for months and switched back to debian on it. GNU/Linux is much more responsive and overall stable than mac OS, it also allows me finer control over my hardware. I give macOS this: it was a bit lighter on the battery, I got around 8h on mac OS and now I get around 6-7h on debian (after a few tweaks) but that seems mostly to be due to the way mac OS handled my SSD/HDD combo as opposed to debian.
Sure macOS is nice and all and I would use it if I needed to use special commercial software to do my job (I don't) but it is simply not as nice as linux.

I know you're baiting (and probably don't actually use MacOS) but I still want a legitimate reason to switch.
Like, I don't want to disregard it, but I find it hard not to considering the aforementioned "arguments" for it.
And learn capitalization and punctuation before complaining about another's English, basterd bich boi

MacOS supports most major software and has its own exclusive software such as Beamer for casting video to apple tv/Chromecast and IINA, arguably the best mpv-based media player available.

bitch isn't censored on Sup Forums, please stop posting here until you are 18+, please learn english pajeet

>want install Hackintosh on Thinkpad
>Nvidia GPU = no support
>Wifi card = no support

Yeah, no fuck you.

open bob and vagene
And go back to and/or lurk more so you can actually recognize the memes you're talking about

memes are not allowed outside of goodbye pajeet

Nvidia web drivers, and buy a Broadcom wifi card.

I have an imac and this is bull. Osx is just Linux with less support (aka bsd) and Homebrew is broken beyond repair. The hardware is good though, considering I paid $50. Without the apple hardware, installing osx is just a waste.


>he tries to troll someone in an attempt to be part of an "epic screencap" that he can show to his Reddit buddies
>he still can't offer a legitimate reason why anyone should use MacOS
I promise to poo in the loo and not the street if you can turn down the "epic ftw"-dial and provide a legitimate argument instead of another pajeet-post.

macOS has more support than linux though. Also, homebrew works well, what's broken about it?

>Homebrew is broken beyond repair
It's certainly ugly in theory, but it works very well in practice.

>he tries to troll someone in an attempt to be part of an "epic screencap" that he can show to his Reddit buddies
1. there are no trolls on Sup Forums
2. i don't go on reddit, sorry but you can't flip my argument because i made you mad
>he still can't offer a legitimate reason why anyone should use MacOS
only laptops with decent battery life + no gay business/gamer design

>only laptops with decent battery life + no gay business/gamer design
Was that so hard?
What about for desktop, any other features you'd like share?

good enough for this old coot

>What about for desktop, any other features you'd like share?
I don't use desktops, I'm not a gamer or a boomer

Are you retarded? Not that guy but macOS is great because it's a UNIX system with wide software support (including development tools), that is rock-solid stable and beautifully designed. It's like a not-shit linux distro.

Now that's more what I was looking for.
And sure, I guess you could say I'm retarded, but ignorant would be a more accurate word.

Well, python is broken, the certs on curl are outdated, simple programs like irssi and neofetch fail to fetch dependencies..should I keep going? Nothing fucking works. Only program I got working was screenfetch

I see. I'm currently using it for redis, wget, svn, and the dependencies thereof; which all work fine. I use the system python and curl; is there any particular reason you wanted the homebrew ones?

It doesn't work, maybe on Desktop but on Laptop you have Intel GPU and Nvidia GPU. You can't disable Intel only Nvidia.
So i can disable Nvidia GPU and run it on Intel but it's 100% not worth.

Most nVidia cards should work just fine on hackintosh with nVidai web drivers.

OTOH, I generally advise against hackintoshing a laptop. There's just too many variables and too little hardware flexibility.

We have a nice little hackintosh in our office, one of our developers needed something beefier than his 15" MacBook Pro and bought a Lenovo workstation with a 7700K, he immediately remembered how much Windows sucks and had me install OSX on it. I had to install an nVidia GPU (apparently Kaby Lake GPUs are supported through some plist fuckery, but I couldn't be arsed) and buy a USB bluetooth dongle for mouse/keyboard. WiFi doesn't work, but IDGAF, it's a desktop.

The specs of the machine

>i7 7700k
>GTX 950
>32GB DDR4 2400
>256GB M.2 NVMe SSD
>Triple 1440 IPS monitors

~1600 shekels including the monitors. I also bought a 4K iMac for 1700 last week. Specs:

>i5 something
>16GB DDR4 something
>Radeon 55x something
>4k panel

All in all, hackintosh is definitely worth it.

The main reason I use macOS is for adobe and picking png images without downloading em. This saves me tons of time.

Also portability and battery life.

Does your father know you take cocks up your ass for a living?

>Using a poorfag hackintosh
Christ you people can't even be like normal Macfags

Did you even read that fucking article? There's still a ton of shit missing. But hey, you're a Macfag so I guess you're not interested in software that gets real work done right?

Yes, they are shit. Stop making excuses for your cuck overlords, faggot.

>Most major software.
Yeah but not the actually useful stuff it seems. It's just meant to be shiny and "different."

Could I set it up on a b75 i5-3570 based system with a radeon 7950? Also is it possible to dual boot it, cause I want to keep wangblows?

How did your father take the news when you told him you enjoy taking cocks up your ass?

Here's my claim: nobody that has used macOS for more than a week can say that they aren't gay. This means that all the members of the anti-apple brigade are literally homosexual. Isn't that ridiculous? Why not just take dick up your ass? It's actually so simple if you have a Starbucks near you. You're literally doing yourself a disservice by not using gettings AIDS.

Homosexuality general.

You do realize Macs can run Windows right? So if you honestly NEED some random Windows shit program then fucking run Windows in Bootcamp or a VM in Mac OS. It's not hard dipshit

You do realize Macs are for homosexuals right?

I apologize actually, I thought you were being obtuse on purpose, didn't realize you were legitimately trying to inquire about why macOS users enjoy macOS. For me, I like it because it's great for development, has a really damn nice trackpad (I bought a magic trackpad for desktop, it's that nice, only use the mouse for Dota 2 now), and it's really damn solid. It's also the hardest to virtualize with graphics accel. It's just a really, really, really polished OS that can run the same dev software that you can on linux but with the extra added bit that it has a plethora of proff software available. It looks great too, but the other points are far more important.

You don't know how to come up with arguments do you?

actually i have both

You don't know that Macs are for homosexuals do you?

>being a top AND a bottom
>the absolute state of macFAGs

>not being a qt macOS using trap

it’s like you enjoy being a retard

Enjoy your shit market share, shit hardware, shit software support, shit leaders, pajeet coders, overly politically correct bullshit, overpriced chink shit, oh and of course, don't forget the AIDS you ridiculous little Macfag iTodllers. Daily reminder that yo don't belong here and will never fit in here EVER. NOW FUCK OFF BACK TO R*DDIT


>>being a macOS using trap

It’s like you enjoy being a cock sucker.

Honestly, I've used MacOS for two years, and I'm pretty happy just using Ubuntu from now on.

Serious question:
What's the allure of building a hackintosh if you don't need to develop something specific to the platform? Isn't MacOS a less capable operating system then linux, and Windows.
Is garage band really worth all that trouble?

>Serious question:
> What's the allure of building a hackintosh if you don't need to develop something specific to the platform?
Closet homosexuality.

macOS is more capable than windows and linux actually. That's the appeal. Thtat's why these guys () use it.

I just got a Mac book pro this year after years of using Windows, Ubuntu and Debian. The track pad is definitely a wonder. Experience wise, MacOS is kinda the windows of the Linux world so a lot of packages are correctly configured for it.

>macOS is more capable than windows and linux actually.
Proof, and explanation please, because I'm under the impression that macs aren't compatible with many software, and standards.


macOS has the same shell utilities and shit that you have on linux. Even software written for linux, you can compile on macOS given you have the libraries, this is where homebrew comes in. In addition, you also have a plethora of proffessional software like MS Office, FCP, etc. AND you also have a bunch of great mac-only software like BTT and karabiner.

It's alright, I appreciate the feedback.
I probably did come off as asshole-ish, but I've asked similar questions twice before, and been stonewalled with "it just werks"
Some people on Sup Forums have said it's difficult to get MacOS to work on non-Mac hardware, is that true?
I'm asking because the idea of dual-booting has crossed my mind.

Hello Pajeet :^)

Here's my experience, no it isn't.

If you have compatible hardware, it's not hard at all. Like literally plug-and-play tier simple. Funny thing, i built my machine for programming and some gaming, and it just happened to be 100% hackintosh compatible, i think most systems would be honestly, you can check up to see how your hardware matches up. I'm actually dual booting with two SSDs, one for macOS and one for windows 10, but I spend almost all my time in macOS, windows is only there for games.

MacshitOS will never be unix. Deal with it.

Not that I enjoy using windows, or anything, but they do have the most software locked down to the os specifically, and everything you mentioned is available on windows, or linux (except the 2/3 mac only software that usually is a copy pasta open source program anyways).

Wait a minute, did the hint show the actual password (I'm assuming he typed 'password' for password)?

Windows cannot natively compile POSIX compliant code without a compatibility layer, macOS can.


Yes. This is the state of Applel street shitter """""""engineers"""""".