Mfw the jews finally stop letting cryptofaggots pretend they're rich and straight up ban all crypto globally

>mfw the jews finally stop letting cryptofaggots pretend they're rich and straight up ban all crypto globally

It's gonna be a good day, boys.

Is this really happening? It would be beautiful

What difference does it make? People who make money on crypto will find other ways to make money, its the mentality that matters. Clearly you are just a bitter nocoiner or even worse, a gamer trash.

cryptocurrency is destroying the planet with it's energy consumption, imbecile.

>suicidal electronic monopoly money scammer mad that his scam operation is going to be destroyed.

lulz I cant even stop laughing at you.

>gamer trash
>cool gamer god of coolness

Fix'd, cryptocuck

riiiigh, it's about ecosystem and not vidya.

But crypto chads get all the hot pussy while gamers jack off in their basements spying on their mothers though a peepholes, you are a sick people.

post more haruhi

>crypto chads


>not playing fun video games and instead autistically monitoring pretend stock markets


>pretend stock markets
Kek spotted the forever poor basement dweller

Better to live in a basement than under a bridge


Video games are good and fun and enjoyable, you should try them.

>people made money on a natural ponzi
>its the mentality that matters
Why do people on this board lack basic economic knowledge

gamers are the normies now dude, and everyone knows normies get married and have 1.5 kids

Fuck off back to Sup Forums

Why is he a "little man" when the average German is higher than the average American?

It's the typical Sup Forums larper

Why is Sup Forums so retarded. Only PoW is taking the electricity, other methods take almost none.

>leftypol shills literally crying for an anti white safespace

Dat sjw kike meme sorcery.

ok kid