this kill Office
Office 2019 will only run on Windows 10
the only thing it kills is faggots like you. microsoft is pushing windows 10 for "unknown" reasons, and the only way to avoid it is to go loonix.
They are always pushing the newest version
Better upgrade to Tinfoil 2019 too, just to be safe
Anyone that uses Office for publishing serious articles (other than LaTeX) only uses the 2007 version on Windows 7, so it's not a problem.
Every new version is shittier than the previous one.
If everyone switches to LibreOffice, this won't be an issue. Microsoft cares about money, The Document Foundation cares about documents that can be still be opened many years into the future.
>Microsoft forces update to polaris every windows 10 computer.
>All .exe file stops to work anymore, evil companies cannot distribute his .exes of programs that trick you into paying for a service with alarming messages about the health of your computer or pirated Office copies that installs malware
>People get pissed off because software that trick you into paying for a service with alarming messages about the health of your computer or pirated Office copies that installs malware stop working
>Then microsoft says they need to get this software from windows store (just pay for software you never already paid).
Oh boy i wanna see the chaos and global shitstorm microsoft is about to create.
People still use Microsoft? Anything it touches is utter cr*p. Excuse my language.
I have an Office365 subscription and I only use it on Safari. I see no point in installing the full app.
Don't care, still using office 2003.
And I'm moving to LibreOffice. Stuff like KMSpico were extremely useful, but this is just ridiculous.
Who cares? Office 2010 still works.
implying you need more than 2010
Who the fuck uses that garbage anymore?
isn't everything on current office automatically backed up to the cloud?
2007 is the worst version of Office ever released, even worse than XP. It's a horrendous clusterfuck.
Use either 2010 or 2003 depending on preference
Windows 10 will be 70% of the install base by then.
Probably UWP-ing Office, as expected.
Oh well, LO and older versions of MSO are available.
>Microsoft forces update to polaris every windows 10 computer.
You still pushing that retarded meme?
It's been 3 years, man!
Any version of MS Office past 2010 is absolute garbage. It’s not even worth your time pirating it, those twenty or so minutes that it takes to do it, let alone paying for it. Office 2019 is just going to be more of the same trash, only with more “cloud” in it.
Tried 2016, saw a huge push towards "the cloud", reinstalled libreoffice.
Indeed. I think that's the idea behind O2019. More towards "the cloud" since many people won't be able to use it due to absurd OS limitations.
Same thing here, except that I reinstalled office 2010 because libreoffice is trash
What are differences between Office versions? I just feel like since 2007 nothing new has actually been created.
On the other hand I didn't touch Office for over 10 years.
Basically Office 2003 was the pinnacle of Office, before the Ribbon UI was introduced. The Ribbon is pretty terrible for finding stuff, but it's still better than what came before it, which endless menus and sub-menus.
Office 2010 is probably the pinnacle of Ribbon-based, although 2013 is basically the same.
I've never used any versions past 2013.
I honestly just use Google Docs for everything now, except Excel, because Excel is still more powerful for my business needs than Google Sheets.
libreoffice is actual fucking garbage
Let me guess.. you're 24?
if you have a hard time finding stuff, 2016 has search bar, it's ez best version of office currently
People are still using Office 2003/2007
The ribbon is cancer. Chews up real estate while still not making things objectively easier to find. You could customize the older menu bar with all the things you needed if you had half an idea what you were doing. But the newer it gets and the more flat the design goes, the more shit it looks. The workspace should be very visually separate from the UI
Yes, because they haven't added a ton of groundbreaking features that are useful to 99% of users. Word, Excel, they do exactly the same things so the only reason they keep fucking with the look is to get people to upgrade.
Your extension is broken
Who the fuck wastes money on Microsoft Office?
LibreOffice works just fine.
It's a "I hate everything that's new" episode.
>LibreOffice works just fine.
Said no one ever.
why is this surprising when you put a street shitter incharge
Depends on your needs, but paying for software is usually silly. I just pirate if I need Windows soft for something. I also find it odd that all of Sup Forums doesn't now how to get any and all warez they may want. In the Win9x days that was the first thing you learned after basic PC operation.
There’s a word! See, they made that. Something that should not be even entertained for a minute that powerful people might get together and have a plan.” ― George Carlin.
Office 2007 is literally unusable. Office 2010 fixed an enormous amount of issues, including the schizophrenic dual UI (reminiscent of the later Windows 8 situation in many respects).
When you have an entirely different equation editor in Word and PowerPoint, you know you have a garbage Office version.
Fuck, yes! Exactly. How did you do it? (:
So what? Office 2010 was the last good version of office.
How dare a company push it's used into one larger base than having to support over a half of a dozen versions of their OS.
No, it kills older versions of Windows, you idiot.
This, but unironically. Microsoft has the resources.
Don't care. I'd honestly rather just use Apple Pages via my browser than this trash
Thanks for making the gayest statement on Sup Forums I have seen today. I may now go to sleep
Microsoft supports exactly 3 versions of Windows: 7, 8, and 10.
That's really not that much.
>implying anyone used Office anyways
q: Has microsoft given us any reason to want to use 2019 to begin with?
black theme
Cool, may try torrenting it but probably not because anti piracy service is a jew on wangblows 10. Wish someone would find a good solution for that shit.
Is this not black enough for you?
>can't tell the difference between gray and black
Sup Forums, everyone.
Do any of the new office programs even do anything more than Office 97 did?
>I just pirate
>all of Sup Forums doesn't now how to get any and all warez they may want.
Not if you make a living off working on your PC, which many people here do. Pirating is often simply not worth the bother and if you can't spare a couple hudred on software after shelling out many times that for a 1080Ti then kys.
That's what you used in school?
satellite pic or map? how large is the area?
I still use 2007.
The WDDM and their scheduler is pretty good. Too bad everything above the NT kernel is fucked by extreme overhead.
Office 13 and W7. Fuck W10.
Like really fuck W10 anally with pic related but the safety bar removed
Excel has seen so many improvements and 2003>2007
If you are using Windows and still not on Win10 then simply end your life.
None issue unless there are file compatibility issues between relevant versions. 2007 and up that is.
What's my incentive?
Not only that, but we're all aware what the PRISM project is thanks to Snowden. It hasn't been speculation and conspiracy theories for years.
Or macos
whats the point of updating office? all the old versions work just fine and have nicer uis too.
Universities, various companies that actually do productive stuff, government agencies...
I think I have at least 3 separate office licenses at this point. All tied to work accounts though, so I can't resell. Annoying.
There's a dark gray theme in the current office already. Not pure black, but honestly good enough as far as dark themes go.
pajeetsoft office is garbage
Using Windows 10 right now. It's unironically getting better over the years. I've already noticed quite a few bugs have been fixed since 2016.
Not a shill btw.
No. I used 2007.