Format your Linux install NOW

Microsoft Office 2019 Will Only Work on Windows 10 -

Other urls found in this thread:

>Office 2019
>releases in 2018

Linux is a kernel. The operating system is GNU.


I'm running Alpine, fuck you'r GNU/Linux shit

I'm actually fine with Jewgle's GDrive Google Docs cloud office suite and also LibreOffice if it's pre-installed

No Rupees for you, Rakeesh

The only time I used microsoft office is on take your kid to work day like 20 years ago where i was bored and wrote a story in my dads office when i was like 7. Useless software.

>2019 model car
>releases in 2018

This is a great way to make sure no one adopts Office 2019. Not because muh botnet, but because corporations don't want to reinstall their computers every time a new OS comes out. In fact most corporate drone computers will be thrown out before they have their OS' reinstalled because they cost like $400 which is not a lot compared to the logistics of helpdesk.

People are still on XP. I recently worked at a hospital and dealt with some XP SP0 machine riddled with viruses and the solution was to unplug it from the network because it was vendor supplied and by updating it we're possibly breaking the buggy ass proprietary multi-label-machine software.

I swear to god grad students are like cancer.

Actual professionals use LaTeX


Literally who cares?
Only faggots and retards have to use office software.


What benefits is 2019 bringing over 2016

>1998 model car.
>Releases in early-mid 1998.

Technically the operating system is now systemd

>ms still tries to push this failure of a system instead of admitting their mistake and extending win7 support
And this is why I switched to linux.

>since then, user never had a job

They are different products for different people.
It's like running around and screaming "Actual professionals use HTML + CSS!"

Probably the ability to use this kind of feature in native level.

I am unimpressed and afraid of the enormous amount of ram that will surely be wasted.

$0.002 have been deposited in your account
-From your friends at Microsoft


>hamfistedly forcing users to use win10 and msEdge for a new feature that could have been done a decade ago, but nobody wrote a plugin or widget or whatever because nobody wanted this feature
the microsoft we know and love

MS Office has been feature-complete since 1997. Literally every release since then has been MS thinking up some meme to convince people to buy a new version that they don't actually need.

I think Bryan Lunduke of (then) OpenSUSE says it best.

Get with the times grandpa, we use R Markdown.

Oh goodie, yet another reason to not switch to MS Office.

people still use Office?

So the only justification Microdicks have for using Wangblows is computer games and a shitty office suite?

How the fuck did Sup Forums become this shill infested garbage of a board? Was it this bad 7 years ago? I don't recall it being this terrible.

Fuck off RMS, work on your HURD.

What kind of retard directly links to verge articles?