
Kali linux is good?

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Lightbulb: Linux PR idea: A competition where mascots of distributions battle to the death.

Yes, if you use it for what it's intended. No, if you just want to rice your desktop to impress imaginary girls who will never talk to you.

Great for installing on a friend's machine alongside a keylogger.

I prefer to have the tools i use I my desktop but it's worth it to have kali hanging around for anything you don't have and don't need regularly enough to warrant installing it on your desktop.

If you actually have the knowledge to make good use of the tools and packaged resources.

It's mostly used for security from what I've heard desu

main machine

Great for "pen testing"

Wouldn't bother for anything else. Put it on a USB stick and boot it when needed



Shared wifi > endless possibilities with Kali

ah so you're a creep, cool, but why would you use it as your main machine and not just run it live or as a vm?

>L33T HAx0r
>don't question that life

implying you wouldn't if you knew how.

what are you even talking about, bud? are you saying that it's some kind of feat to install kali as the primary OS? pressing enter 5-10 times and waiting isn't all that impressive.

it's retarded having it on anything other than a bootable live cd/drive or in a vm unless you're using slimmed down/portable hardware for pentesting on the go or something.

Literally not what i said. Would it make you feel better if i installed gentoo, bud?

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Try Gentoo/Pentoo Hardened, network tools you can write in Python3

why wouldn't you just install the applications that come with Kali on a normal distribution not intended as a live CD?

It's because you don't know how and you need some pre-riced build with out of date packages.

>Black Arch
> blocks your path

wat do?

laugh at idiots using arch linux mostly.

Out of curiosity, does that distro have tools to just place yourself in a lan and do a man in the middle attack or something? lol.


And to crack the wpa2 key as well.

You are a living cliche of the fedora wearing gentoo tard who can't stand the idea of something actually working out of the box. I realise that most of your kind mainly just use their machines for weaponised shit posting but for your general awareness, there are people out there who like to spend their time on using the actual tools available for linux rather than spending all time on packages, drivers and DEs.

Some of us also buy half decent components to run said distros on, instead of recycling 10 year old netbooks/live usbs, so having a non-minimal non-poverty install is actually making our lives easier.

To summarise:
Kali distro works out of the box
I paid for that ssd and 16 gig ram, so I will use it
Its not bloat if you actually want it

I don't use Gentoo because that's silly. It's a LiveCD distro, and you're using it like a normal distribution because you can't be bothered to install your own software.

You're like that tech-pleb who uses bad, out of date software because it came pre-installed with their OEM copy of Windows XP.

"Why update or use something better when I can just not bother?". Great, enjoy your mediocrity because you can't be assed to apt-get install ettercap or whatever.

>I don't know how to use linux, but I still want to look like a leet hackerman. Kali all the way!

>Kali Linux uses systemd
>systemd manages DNS and defaults to Google's DNS
>every time you visit a website on the Internet, Kali Linux via systemd informs Google

No, 90% of the time, nmap, wireshark, sqlmap, hydra and your favorite hash cracking program are good enough to do anything you want to do with pen testing

>Kali is too normie and I also want Arch becuz arch iz coool soo hard OMGee.

>t. hobbyists

You can always just compile newer software yourself if required. It's not like distributions stop you from doing that. If you truly believed in what you said, you would be using LFS every time to be le bleeding edge.

The idea is that Kali's repos and the distro itself is guaranteed to Just Werk™ so you don't waste a client's time while you jerk off your Gentoo installation because something broke.

This is clearly too hard for the average Sup Forums NEET to understand considering how much they hate Windows for the same reason.

Meme dragon OS - the os for 12 year old "hackers"

I work in security, I'm far from a hobbyist. You're still retarded for using Kali as your primary OS on your main machine. There is no point.

>systemd manages DNS and defaults to Google's DNS
To be fair, that's a fallback feature for when whatever you normally use doesn't work. you better fucking PRAY that your regular DNS connects, because if not, say hello to Jewgle!

Why? You can use any Linux OS to do whatever it is you do. What do you even want to do on your "main machine"? Browse the internet?

Your "main machine" shouldn't run anything other than Windows if you really want to die on that hill.

I'm a professional linux sysadmin with over 10 years of experience. I've worked at financial institutions, government, datacenters and hospitals.

Eat shit script kiddy.

Please don't butt in if you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about

There was a game like this, was called wormtux but its dead

Jus... nigga get the fuck off Sup Forums.

Autistic skid shit

But isn't your job literally being a script kiddie?

Too dumb to get a technical job huh? Maybe one day you'll finally understand programming

>Y-y-you just don't get it!!!

Fuck linux users are the most insufferable autists i'd hate to be associated with them

>Kali linux is good?
Implying that there is such a thing as good linux.

I program in C++ mostly

Whoa there radical hackkker dude!

Before you hack all the things xD, I should let you know about some awesome Linus tech tips! :D

1. Store all your files in OneDrive, it came free as in free beer so use it! XD

2. Make sure you encrypt yur filez :3

3. ALWAYS (!!!!) use a VPN, I think the one from TunnelBear is the best, as it's free as in free soda (I can't drink beers) :p

Happy hackkking radical hackkker dude! c:

Program what, hello world? You're a sysadmin your entire job is turning servers on and off lmao

>"Not my kali"

not that user but yes

this thread is seriously embarrassing. especially that one kid who doesn't know what kali is for.
He might actually be 12 years old

Bloated shit.

>t~that's not my linux

>implying you wouldn't if you knew how

Nigger, if you knew what you were doing, you wouldn't use kali, you'd use anything else and just install tools you need.

Boot from USB with encrypted persistance
Run a VM (x86 best - single dedicated core & 4096MB ram)
Install on a burner laptop
Install Nethunter on android device

Great for basic tools for your average skid but 98% of tools are unused.

Get readin' kid, you've got a lot to learn.

I tried running a live instance on my new laptop, but it wouldn't recognize the track pad or my other USB slot (for a mouse). How do I even get it to see the trackpad? My laptop is an Asus VivoBook model M580VD


>you know exactly what you want and don't want excess shit on your laptop so you're fedora wearing scrub

Nigger, it's the most script kiddie used distro with over 1k software where you'll probably only use wifite... Or not, since you probably need GUI to be able to use a program.

You could literally take debian and make it miles better that kali since it'd have all the tools you'll actually use and make it run a lot faster.

Even more so for something like Gentoo, OpenSUSE or Void.

Kali's great for hacking

Thx 4 da info m8888

That'd be Arch users


>calls someone a script kiddy
>"b-bb-but i totally use c plus plus for a sysadmin role!!!1"

This thread is a Sup Forumsoldmine.

>t. I missed the entire point behind Kali so you're wrong

It's supposed to be a toolbox you autistic retard. No pentester spends their time ricing out and configuring an Arch or Gentoo installation because that is a complete waste of time for anyone that isn't collecting welfare or shitposting.

At the end of the day, you can use any distro for anything. Just make sure it values your time. There's a reason why Ubuntu and Debian just werk and are popular.

>missing a point on bloated OS cluttered with usless and at best mediocre software

>t. I have no clue what tools I need so I try and get as much of them ootb and search yootoobe for Pajeet tutorials

>On Gentoo


>t. 4k projector

i heard you cant do dictionary attack in wpa3 anymore

you have to be underage b&. why are you using a distro on your main machine that only has a root user.

install pentoo


kali is a special purpose distro and it's objectively stupid to use as a main desktop os

>butthurt LiveCD skiddy playing around in VirtualBox
make sure to try wardriving like it's 2003.

>Kali linux is good?

Just install whatever distro you like then the tools you need. It's really not meant for regular use. Slow rolls, systemd, shit. it's more meant as a starting point for newfags that doesn't know what tools to use

Some top autism ITT lads thanks for the keks.


I just happened to be using root at the time for the distro's included packages.

Newsflash, nigger: useradd, usermod and $PATH will let you create a new user in any distro that just werks.

>t. Doesn't even know what the discussion is about

Completely wrong. Try again, shit skid.

>look mommy I booted backtrack im a hacker like in mr. robot!!!!

>I'm a professional linux sysadmin
>Eat shit script kiddy.
holy kek

even the most bloated filth infested linux OS isn't that slow. it will never match up to window's wait regardless of ssd etc.

humm how many confirmed kills?

I've been through a total datacenter power failure, I've seen shit you wouldn't believe.

yep. ppl running this daily as a install are IT security students trying too hard.

Your main machine shouldn't run anything but MacOS if you really want to die on that hill.

You're no better fucking namefag

Looks like Trogdor is about 65% installed.

Its a very nice OS if you use it for the tools instead of downloading them all. If you're using it as a desktop for general use though, it really just feels like debian with a heap of bloat.

Initial install uses arrow keys, tab, and enter on your keyboard, when you enter the desktop interface your trackpad/mouse should work fine.

>Not one mention of Parrot OS
Basically the same tool wise but you can also use it as a more propper os

Indeed, i've seen atleast 2 "cs students" on campus running that shit as their main OS on a laptop, just scanning wifis all day.

Although you're right, scapy shits itself over a gigabit link.Also oclhashcat would be shit written python.


second this.
it's debian or nothing newfags.

shut the fuck up brainlet. the whole point of linux is to have an OS that you can have complete control over your computer with. If you want something that works out of the box go buy a mac and while your at the mall; buy another dildo and plunge it up your ass.

over half of all those 1900 "tools" are pulled from github repos and are outdated and crash or just outright dont work anymore.
not to mention the theme for it is super cringy and looks like something a 12 year old might think its cool. if you want to use a pen testing distro. Pentoo is the only choice.

>why are you using a distro on your main machine that only has a root user.
Because I'm not a fucking idiot who can't recognise a forkbomb?

Wow I'm running my OS as root, I even run tor as root. Guess how many terrible things have happened to my Kali in two years exclusively using root? Zero, because I just like if I were on Windows or another Linux, I won't run something I don't understand.

>b-b-but you're giving attackers a root shell!!
Lol m80 if a nation state is pointing zero days at me I'm fucked no matter wether I have a root or not. No one else is getting in, so what point are you trying to make about my root anyway?

leet haxors btfo


He's a tripfag you dumb newfag.

Except those two do not contradict like you think, brainlet. You can still use e.g. Kali as your main distro and still have complete control over everything unlike on MacOS.

The outdated tool thing goes for all these pentesting distros. Just look at something like Bluesnarfer, that shit hasn't worked or been mentioned at all for more than a literal decade, you won't come across a system using Bluetooth and is still vulnerable to that exploit. Pentoo is just as cringe as Black Arch etc.

The only user who actually got it in this thread was (basically). Use any distribution for anything, it doesn't matter since it's all customizable anyway.

You are such a precious, special kind of stupid.