Crypto market completely BTFO'D. Who's ready for the cheap GPUs?

Look at all those cryptofags. How does it feel to be screaming in rage as your investments become instantly nothing within a few weeks? Bitcoin is literally 8000 dollars and dropping. What does Sup Forums think about this? Will the market come back or will we be expecting a bunch of more homeless NEETs on the streets and a lot of cheap GPUs? How does something fail in such a glorious manner?

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I love it because I want to buy more.

Ohh this is good. Bitscam may be dead in time for volta


>still at $10k

wake me up when it's at like $300 like the last crash


>Falling for the cryptomeme
Your brought this upon yourself, cryptoqueer.

Its pretty much impossible to not be up at least 5x Iif you bought in October before the normies even during this big dip

It feels good buying gpus and mining with them for months to offload them to someone else for almost double retail price

This is the time to sell.
Always remember to buy high and sell low.

Listen here, nocoiner.
All of that money is normie money. Everyone was in before it rose.
I'm still up 600%. Although I did "lose" money from the very peek.
This bubble was caused by normie faggots hearing about bitcoin getting so high on the news. Now it's a bloodbath for those fucking retards.
tl;dr only newcomers lost anything

Buy burned out miner fag GPUs? No thanks. This shit is going to tank right into volta release and I'm not touching a single one of the used pieces of shit these losers will try to sell off to try to offset capex losses.

Lets see what your cost avg is when its taken to zero...
> 600% gains
> still holding
HODL longer dumbass...

It's okay, user. Just go back to your parents after you sell the shit, tell them how sorry you are, and just live with them forever. You can hang out on here forever too, but remember to do chores to earn the good boy points for remedies.


I called it. I said the peak was too good for right now. It isn't normals panic selling. It's our own community selling and gaining BANK from the incredible hype.

I think it'll even off at 8k or a little under then start to rise as people slowly start to rebuy the coins they sold.

Normies are NOT panic selling. This is a result of people who know what they're doing.

I honestly beleive the next peak will be 100k by the end of the year, then it'll crash again, HARD - to about 10k.

Then people will rebuy. And it'll reach 1M by 2020.

Mark an oldfag's words. I've been in since they were a few hundred a coin.

Fuck you, OP. Your just mad you didn't invest. I bought 60k worth of bitcoin back when it was 11000 a few months ago. Right now, it's a bit of a slump, but it'll come back. Fucking study banking and economics for God's sake. I can't wait for it to hit 30k by next year and I'll shove the money up your poor asses.

>bitcoin is dead for the n millionth time the thread
see you in a few weeks

Where were you when coiners were making money lol? Faggot shill

Me and my partner bought 10 coins at 16k.

It was a good chunk of my net worth.

If dubs I buy a Ruger and end it.

Seriously you did?

The anti bitcoin shilling is in full force, media and forum shills are trying hard to manipulate people, it may work against noobs but not with people like us. I got my Nintendo switch from bitcoin profits btw :)


Disguised sunken cost fallacy, the only reason to hold would be if you expected the value to rise. Still being ahead is no reason to keep gambling.

This is satire, right?

>buying high
I bought at $35 and sold at $500. Good job playing roulette with your money

>I got my Nintendo switch from bitcoin profits btw :)

mad gainz
lambo soon, ayyy

The problem is that you need the newcomers for your gains. They are the demand that increases the price.

With all of them redpilling your opportunities to sell wane, if it continues your margin will shrink.
You should sell half of what you have in the bounce, it's gonna fall further.

I invested little so it's good enough

> I've been in since they were a few hundred a coin.
Oh, so you're a cryptonewfag then.

Jesus christ, cryptofags are retarded. They keep thinking that they are some fucking George soros or jacob rothschild and think that will make millions. Sorry, but crypto is just a fad. You faggots are like retarded kids who keep touching the burning stove. I, on the other hand, don't worry about anything. Investments in gold is the best.

what if big boys start speculating on a new rise?

Another thread by some mad video gamer. Heh.

Bitcoin has been on lifesupport all January. They've been trying to get it to go back up again all this time and it just cut another 15% off its worth.

They can speculate all they want, it doesn't make things happen.

>They've been trying to get it to go back up again all this time

>thunking that gpus are either for gaming or mining
THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF CRYPTOFAGS. Hope y'all keep crying about lost profits. Just remember to save enough for a noose.

There isn't one because it never happened.

Read some crypto news and examine the recent price history.

You forgot your wife's black sons etc.

I can't tell if you cryptofags are retarded or what, but this is just like a fucking gold rush. Only a few people get rich: ones who sell the tools, one who runs the get rich schemes, and a few lucky ones. The rest struggle in a bloodbath and get absolutely nothing

Unless Etherium starts to go down I don't think we'll see cheap cards yet.

Sounds like you have no experience with cryptocurrency, but I do. You know nothing about how banking works my friend. Read up on why Bitcoin is different from anything else out there. Bitcoin is revolutionizing currency right now.

>take a quick trip to /biz/
>pink wojacks everywhere


wasting energy to make money
yea we know its a homophone or some shit for FIAT currency

Maybe prices will normalize in few years or APUs get strong enough for you to be able to play Call Of Duty comfortable, don't be sad.

i mean you know we know how much it shows how FAKE FIAT currency is
the um hypocrisy of it all which ive always seen. the tricks out in the open now

I invested 4k a year ago and now I'm at 163k at current value and still holding.
I'm also developing for a top 50 coin and believe we are still early in the investment lifecycle. We arnt even seeing blockchains in our day to day tech. Soon they will be used in common applications and that will be the time to unload.
But yeah even if you don't believe in this shit, your weekly """crash""" doesn't effect my hodl.

Crypto is not dead. It IS the future of money. Bitcoin may get MySpace 'd but an electronic currency will come to rule economics and finance. It's just too early to tell which one that will be

>still thinks gpus are either only for mining or gaming
Did your parents drop you on your head?

Friendly reminder Crypto fags only succeed if they have the fine roman nose, without such nose, you are simple goy for the slaughter.

Is McAfee ok? I always hear crazy shit about this guy.

Retards like you are exactly the reason history repeats itself. Keep thinking that you will get rich from this, because you will fucking not. It's pathetic to see you faggots buying racks of cards just to mine for 10 bucks that end up becoming 5 bucks.

ill pay you later fine sir for a burger today

Not that user but what you need it for?

>an electronic currency will come to rule economics and finance.
Yeah it's called the US dollar

Lower prices mean lower network hash as miners switch coins or sell which means more coins for everyone else. More coins buffers lower prices.

You won't be getting cheap cards. And you miners will keep buying the stock up for a few years at least.

High security coins need PoW, and coins that get investors to pay for cryptographers are backed by the big miners who want to profit of it.

Again, no cheap gpus.

oh, so it is out of your ass

I don't really need another gpu. Already snatched a 1080ti before the bump in prices. Go get a fucking real job instead of just sitting at home with your shitty mining rig.

Eth dropped 20% so far today

not cryptofag but
>investment in gold
you my friend are literally retarded

Do you understand anything about the economy to believe Bitcoin would reach 100k in a year and 1M in 2 ? Do have any understanding regarding the amount of money that would need to be pumped into cryptocurrency ? 1M / Bitcoin would mean the end of about every other (real) currency, do i really have to believe your oldtard's words ?

I won't pretend to know where it's going exactly, or the future of the tech, but these calls at 100k / 1M are totally ridiculous really. Unless a massive (on a scale never seen before, needless to say) worldwide economic crash happens, at which point you would be far better off if you had invested in GOLD...

>what is tulipmania?

what a retard

The dollar is a hybrid currency since a decent chunk of it circulates as bills. I'm talking about a currency that has all the (((benefits))) of fiat but is traceable and instantaneous like certain cryptos.

Think it's bad now where google and pooptube and gaypal freeze you out for not having the right opinions? It's going to get 100x worse.

Why did you buy a gamer video card?

Except almost everything follows bitcoin.

When bitcoin drops, almost all the coins drop similar amounts. Just look at that page.

>Cryptotard + gamerfag

10/10, where do i upvote ?


some people like to have fun

>let the fear mongering begin
i dont fall for this shit moron. only reason i use it is cause all of you tards do. i dont keep my savings in retard o' dollars
>wasting electricity on FUCKING MAKING MONEY

your making nothing of value

>still thinks gpu are only for games
Jesus fucking Christ, have you ever heard about people who work in graphics design and 3d animations? And am I not supposed to spend some money I earn from a real job for fun on a card for a home desktop? Or am I just supposed to give it to you cryptokiddies for free.

Nothing but a myth.
Funny how the media is comparing "Tulip Mania" to Bitcoin which is quite idiotic.

Blah blah blah blah ..
HODL to zero.
Uh huh bud... zero

basically nothing

So you bought it for video games and proved his point. Lol.

Buy IOTA, faggots

Basically nothing? 1/5 is basically nothing?

You wouldn't have any issue with giving me 1/5 your savings then, right? It's basically nothing after all.

Read the post. I specifically mentioned what my job was. Sure, I didn't get a fucking Quadro, but its a fucking home desktop.

it 13 usd last year fag,

>literally every single week since 2010
I'm so sick of this shit.

I'm pretty sure McAfee just spends his days strung out on drugs and eating hooker-shit filtered through hammocks.

You're reading the ramblings of a drug addict.

>Sup Forumseddditors crying about gpu's again

Yeah, but that only matters to people who bought in then.

For people who bought in recently, for people expanding their mining recently, losing 20% of the coin worth isn't a small thing.

Try to think of things from several standpoints.

Thank god
Fuck these retards

Show us your wallet nigger

Reminder that every transactions involves a buyer and a seller.
Reminder that more than a billion dollars were spent on buying bitcoin today.
Reminder that mining will remain profitable even if crypto prices drop another 50% or more.

It’s “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today” jackass

it 500 usd at start of this year, it 900 now. 20% drop is nothing

>Tis but a scratch!

Watching it drop slowly and slowly as cryptofags remain in denial is fucking hilarious.

>nothing but a scrape, fine sir!

He's right, because unlike goods bitcoins have no intrinsic value whatsoever and never will. Bitcoin is for all intents and purposes a fiat currency and are only assets for tax purposes. As such they have no intrinsic value, that's just how fiat currencies work. And a bubble by definition is something that's overvalued relative to the intrinsic market value.

>I think it'll even off at 11k or a little under then start to rise as people slowly start to rebuy the coins they sold.
Almost a carbon copy of what I was hearing a couple weeks ago.

You sound like a gamer that thinks that his stupid threads will somehow make miners panic and sell their cards for cheap. I think your lying.

>can't believe that people use cards other than gaming and mining
>calls non crypto miners gamers
>ignores everything I say
Okay, whatever you say. Just remember that no one thinks being a NEET while mining for 10 dollars a day is lucrative. Fucking grow up and get a job. You can keep wasting your time in this "get rich quick" scheme if you want.

>if I redefine what words mean then bitcoin can be anything

You sound like you're seeing red. I'm sure I'd be seeing red too if I checked your bank ballance.

For big eth miner to sale their gpu, eth need to be
100usd for few month

You see this happening ?

How long 'til I can buy a GTX 1060 6gb for MSRP?