Sup Forums I am beyond confused right now

Sup Forums I am beyond confused right now.
I bought a 1080TI in October and to tell you the truth, I've not really played any demanding games to make use of it. Mostly 2d shit that is very easy to run.
I've just been in a benchmark thread though on Sup Forums for FFXV and most peoples 1080TI's are scoring around 9k points when the game is running in 1080p resolution.
I downloaded the benchmark and gave it a whirl too but I only managed to get 6k. I restarted my computer, switched from 144hz to 60hz and then got just barely under 7k for my score. That is disappointingly low, my TI is the only one that seems to score this low.
Anyway though, I decide to try run the benchmark in 4k resolution, just to see how I do and my card actually performed in line with other 1080TI users for this benchmark scoring 4300. Higher than some other TI's and a bit lower than some others.
So can anybody explain to me why in the fuck it does seemingly fine in the 4k benchmark but absolutely god awful in the 1080p one? Even 1070 and 1060s perform almost as good (all of those literally crucified my 1080TI in my first benchmark in which I scored 6k points).

Is my card fucked or am I missing something obvious like a retard?

Other urls found in this thread:

Post your complete specs


>ryzen 5 1600
>2133Mhz RAM

>3gb vc ram
3200x2100 resolution
4000 score
i got 6000 on a 980gtx at 1280x720. my monitor isnt widescreen

Yea 3GB VRAM. OP is fucked



if you click the links and submit your score youll see some other results
not many cards got 6000 score on that high resolution. and at 6000 for me, i had hiccup0s, dont know wehre they where coming from, maybe my i7 xeon 6core 3.3ghz. dont know

Speccy doesn't list 1080Ti's memory for some reason, I forgot why. Mine also shows 3GB even though it has 11GB

nope so
6000 score for me though

Maybe the benchmark is flawed. Was it released hours ago?

Is my ram legitimately shit or something? I thought I was buying pretty fucking good ram too. Pic related is what I bought.

Wait wait wait. Am I completely and utterly fucked? Is my card fucked?

>wasting hundreds of dollars for subpar equipment

I asked Sup Forums for advice too.
Such is life when you're tech illiterate though.

3200mhz kit and get 2133Mhz. Update your damn BIOS

am i fucked?

Update your BIOS and enable XMP.

Actually, now that I think about it, I do remember when I first built this PC reading something about my motherboard being somewhat shit when it comes to ram speeds. Maybe that has been fixed. I'll update though.
But hang on a minute, surely RAM being a bit held back wouldn't butcher my benchmark scores by such a severe amount, right? I mean it has to be a GPU issue, no?
I came in like 3k below what I should have been getting.

uhm check the test results click the submit button afterwards its not all that bad. my scores compared to normal right now from their collected results isnt that bad. and im on a i7 990

Contrary to popular belief nips are TERRIBLE programmers. FFXV probably uses a single core and a 1600 at stock will be about as fast as a 4GHz 2500k in single core. A 4Ghz Ryzen will be about the same as a 4.4Ghz SB

You can just manually OC your RAM. These days most kits can hit 2933. Motherboards don't have a whole lot of influence on RAM compatibility, it's 90% integrated memory controller that's the problem. The motherboard just needs to provide good voltage regulation so you might want to stick to 1.35V or at least do research before going higher. And changing the SoC voltage is also a good idea. 1 to 1.1V would probably be safe on most motherboards but I don't know about a itx b350

>uhm check the test results click the submit button afterwards its not all that bad.
Trust me, it's bad. If it was just a small difference I wouldn't be bothered but this is massive compared to what other 1080TI users are getting. Even in the Sup Forums thread that's up right now, people with my card are regularly posting 8900-9000+ scores. Meanwhile I'm getting pic related.

I thought it could be due to my CPU at first too, but some guy said he has a 1080TI and a Ryzen 1600 as well and he's scoring 8900.
He didn't exactly post a screenshot though, but I know everybody who did post screenshots with their intel CPU's scored within the 9k range.

Oh and just for the hell of it, even though I've already said it, here's my score at 4k resolution.
Completely fine. I even had just over 4300 the first time I ran it.

God fucking damn it why is my 1080p score such garbage. I swear, my GPU must just be fucked.

Undervolted 1060, seems fine

why do you care if you're not using it
why did you buy it if you're not using it

Its obviously because you cheaped out and bought AMD dude.

Everyone else with a 1080 has fucking Intel.

not OP but learn to read

Why does your speccy say single channel for your ram? Also it's running at 2133mhz, ryzen loves 2400 at a minimum and around 3000mhz if it can handle it. There's something fucky with your ram settings, check your BIOS and see you have xmp/timings set properly. Single channel + lower ram speeds will lead the processor to choke, Ryzen's infinity fabric functions at a clock sort of in tune with your RAM speed, so the faster it is the better it can perform and it's also very bandwidth sensitive. Also make sure you are using high performance settings on both windows and your GPU, could be that at 1080p your gpu is perhaps downclocking, check the temps for it as well to see it's not throttling or just being otherwise underutilized.

I unironically would prefer that to be the case but it can't fucking be. It makes no fucking sense at all.
Perfectly fine 4k resolution specs. Right in line with what my card should be doing, outperforming some 1080TI cards and barely getting beat by others.

Then we lower the resolution and go for the 1080p test and THAT is when my GPU shits the bed and my score tanks compared to other 1080TI cards. A good 3k score behind, which is horrendous.

Well, I am going to be using it. That's partly why I made this thread, because I was going to give this game a try but the card under performs by a large margin compared to others of the same make. It's an expensive as fuck card, I usually cheap out and buy the mid tier shit but I pushed to buy this one so I would like to have the peace of mind knowing that the one I have now isn't fucked.

just spent 20 min downloading this to annoy you OP

fair enough
To reassure you If you card performs well at 4k I doubt anything's wrong with it it might just be some windows thing

I'll give all of that a whirl, thanks.
My motherboard was apparently subpar when it came to RAM speeds. I remember reading up about it after I already bought everything. I haven't updated my bios in months though so it might be better on that front now. But if this user is right it's probably just me being a shitter since I can't remember messing around with any ram settings in my bios. I just left them at default.


Thanks user that helps. It is indeed a weird issue. I was somewhat relieved that my 4k benchmarks were fine, I was very much expecting those to tank as well after the 1080p ones did so badly.

SE is obviously rising these numbers to get higher sales but this is still amusing as fuck.
Fuck you, OP.

well, at that top first post there you made, seems you do good at the max resolution that you ran at, your scores match there.

just whatever your not running right is messing with the lower resolution scores. like people said your ram and board

how much you want for it I need more mining GPUs

Let me try to explain what is going on.
Your processor (AMD Ryzen 1500) is what is limiting your 1080p and 1440p score. You see intel processors in the same price range as Ryzen have higher clock speeds (mainly due to the fact that they are limited to 4 cores 8 threads or 6c/12t in the case of i7 8700) which translate to better performance due to how video game devs over the past years have favored core speed on few cores over having multiple cores on your cpu. On Ryzen you get more cores but less raw clock speed so you get less performance at these resolutions.

Also, you got to keep in mind that Ryzen due to it's infinity fabric, greatly benefits from fast low latency ram kits. 3000mhz, 3200mhz 3600mhz (if you have the money) are what you are looking for. You can get about up to 30% increase in performance in game when you go from 2133 to 3200mhz kit.

When it comes to 4k on the other hand your GPU is the main bottleneck and games will rely less on the cpu. Meaning that all in all a 1080ti will perform the same across the board on Ryzen or Intel i7 or i5.

Ryzen processor are a better value than intel processors at this point if you intend to do anything but gaming at 1080p.

Someone buying at GTX 1080 or 1080ti to game at 1080p clearly has no clue or love burning money for little in return.

I'm legitimately glad to hear this then. That's fine by me and I sure as hell hope that you are correct with what you're saying.
My RAM is supposedly 3200mhz (it's this one here ), I know when I first built my PC I read up a bit more about the motherboard and there were a few complaints about it being sub optimal with the RAM speeds, I can't remember the specifics though but tomorrow I'll update my bios to see if that helps and look into seeing if I can raise the RAM speeds because for something that is advertised as 3200mhz its pretty shit that I'm getting such a pitiful amount of what they can supposedly do.

Seriously though, I will be very happy if it's just the CPU bottlenecking me at 1080p. I had to make a few sacrifices to scrape together a bit more money for the GPU so it's to be expected (I got my 1080TI back when it was just barely over £400 and now looking at that same one I bought it's gone up to £1200).

>Why would you buy a 3GB 1080ti?
I didn't. Somebody in the thread said it's an error with Speccy for the TI specifically. I bought an 11GB TI.

user, I didn't buy my 1080TI for 1080p gaming. I did buy it for 1440p 144hz though instead of 4k 60hz. The reason I'm even bringing up 1080 here is because there is no 1440p option in this benchmark. It's 1080p and then straight to 4k

Nice one though bros, I appreciate the answers.

6928 @ OC'd 1070 1080p

it look like shit, it like 3year old game

The problem you are facing with your ram is probably not due to your ram being shit. if what you say is true. Ryzen when it was launched had a few issues, one of them being mainly ram compatibility issues with motherboards manufacturers. This was due to AMD launching too fast not giving enough time for manufacturers to fine tune their BIOS for the multitude of ram available and some other Ryzen related issues.

Ryzen systems by default set your ram speed to the lowest for ddr4 which is 2133. Even if your ram says it's rated for 3200. You have to set it inside the BIOS yourself.

With all that said, what you have to do is first update your BIOS to the latest version and pray to god that your MOBO manufacturer have done it's job right. Once that's done just go onto your BIOS setup and change your ram speed manually from 2133 to 3200mhz and adjust your timing or use the A-XMP setting if your mobo BIOS has one. Keep in mind that anything that is set over 2666mhz is considered an overclock on Ryzen and might work or might not or might create instabilities such as having an hard time to boot. It all depends on your ram compatibility with your mobo.

Good luck user.

I did the bench on my 1700x 3.8ghz and 1080ti stock

God this benchmark really tells you something about square enix horrible game optimization even this simple bench was choppy as all hell. There's no hope for the actual game.

There is something wrong with your rig
Will run 1080p scores in a sec, gonna turn off overclock though

All overclocks off
Either you're baiting really hard or something is wrong with your computer, everyone spreading the Ryzen is bad meme in this thread is demonstrably false.

>There is something wrong with your rig
Then what it is? Because I have a hard time believing it's my GPU at this point if it scores just as good as both of yours on the 4k test.
I cannot even hit 7k on the 1080p one though, even while switching my monitor to 60hz, I get about 6960 at max.

Dunno but something is wrong and it's not your CPU that's the issue
Try to re-install windows or DDU drivers

400£ ? Used ? Glad the thread was useful to you, leave it your results.

>Glad the thread was useful to you, leave it your results.
It was useful but now I'm confused again due to the other ryzen people having no such issues.

i didn't bother with high settings because they force all gameworks features and that never bodes well for amd gpus

Did you download the Windows 19 AMD power plan? Try setting the power option to High Performance and see if that helps. I would do a fresh install though and update BIOS and enable XMP like others have said.

>Windows 19
10, fuck.

tfw no windows 19

Is pic related any use for you guys for figuring out what the hell the problem is? GPU usage with 4k res on was 96-99% throughout. GPU usage in 1080p resolution fluctuated everywhere from 60's and up but never really getting into the 90s much.
This any help or does this tell you fuck all?

I downloaded the AMD "balanced" power plan now and tried it, I also tried switching to High Performance earlier and didn't really notice any changes.

The Bios things I cannot do yet, I want to try them but I need to go out later on and buy a flash drive to do so.

Lemmi know if pic related helps though.

>shitty single-threaded game
>ryzen cpu with slow ram
Found your problem

But user I've been wishing that's the problem this whole time, but how do you explain these two

Don't listen to the intelfags.

My 1600x at 3.7ghz with a 1080 on 1080p high scores 8200.

Your 1080ti is just plain garbage.

It's Nvidia GimpWorks doing its magic. Just disable it and you'll run it on high no problem when it's out.

>Almost everybody who has come into my thread who owns a Ryzen has been overly defensive and unhelpful
>Most other people have tried to help
Hmm really makes me think.
I don't give a fuck about besmirching the CPU's name, that's irrelevant, I want to know why in the fuck my GPU gets stellar scores doing what should be the more intensive thing (running the game at 4k) whilst scoring like pure shit in the less intensive thing which it should crucify (1080p).

My GPU is clearly pulling its weight here in the 4k test, yet when it's running in 1080p it's using nowhere near it's full power so that, from my limited knowledge of tech, tells me that something else is bottlenecking it, and if that something else isn't the CPU then I don't know what it is but it's certainly not the GPU itself.

That's the thing though mate, I'm not worried about being able to run it when it comes out, I'm more so wondering why, in a controlled benchmark which has all the same setting enabled for everybody, does my PC score less than others in the 1080p test by a colossal margin. Not even just other 1080TI users beat mine in that category but even 1070s and even 980s can too. But in the 4k category my card performs fine.
There's an issue somewhere but I'm not well versed enough on this shit to be able to pinpoint what is is but I'm suspecting a CPU bottleneck. Or some ram issue, fuck knows.

Not being able to utilize the GPU fully usually means you are bottlenecked somewhere else. Get the RAM to its advertised speeds and latency. You can find plenty of material on how to both find bottlenecks and how to minimize their effects.

Clearly it isn't your GPU bottlenecking. If this is you then the first place to start is updating your motherboard BIOS to the latest version then look at your RAM settings. You'll need 2 sticks for dual channel as well.

Single channel ddr4. Literally half of the performance

Yeah I'm definitely leaning towards the RAM being the issue. In a few hours I'll go out, buy a flash drive, and update my bios and then work on getting this RAM sorted out.

One thing though -
>You'll need 2 sticks for dual channel as well.
I have 2 sticks of RAM...I've got 2 8GB sticks.
Why the hell is it saying single channel mode?

Alright so clearly this Single channel stuff is an issue, but seriously I have 2 8GB sticks in my PC. Why is it saying Single instead of Dual?

I wouldn't bother looking into that until the BIOS is updated.

It's a poorly coded game, all sorts of factors could influence it.
Maybe they have faster ram? Maybe they have hyperthreading disabled?
Also they're running in 1080p whereas you are running it in 4K, shouldn't that make a huge difference as well?

Your pc is most likely a bloated piece of shit, bad drivers, or a combination of the two.

Just look at this result:
He has shitty ddr3 ram and still crushes your score. That mean it's neither a cpu or ram issue, and more about your os, or your gpu due to crap drivers. Either try again on a fresh install, or install a different driver version.


There are usually four slots on the mobo for dual channel ram. They're usually labeled A1 B1 A2 B1 or something. You should consult your mobo manual (you still have it, right? Right?) to see what configuration is right for two DIMMs in a two channel configuration. You can't just stick them in randomly.

If user has 2x8gb and speccy is reporting 16gb single channel then there's clearly a ram fuckup involved.

Bruh win10 was choppy and shit without both of the creators updates. You're running a kiosk OS that doesn't get feature updates

1: Update the god damn bios
2: do what this user says it is important to not just stick the ram in, in a row. There are specific markings on where they should be placed for dual channel mode. CONSULT THE MOTHERBOARD MANUAL

How do you have the RAM installed?

OIOI/IOIO or IIOO/OOII (I = 1 RAM stick, O = empty RAM slot)

Why would you buy a 1080ti with a r5 1600 and single channel slow as shit memory. Your setup is fucked

I went ahead and sorted the Single channel shit out so now it's Dual channel, as yous suggested.
Why is it always RAM? Every problem I have leads back to fucking RAM and yet every time I always think "it can't be RAM again, I did it right this time".
This score still isn't ideal, but now I'm 95% convinced that when I do update my bios and fix my RAM speeds (which as still abysmally slow), I'll get the remaining score that puts me in line with everybody else.

One day I'm gonna tattoo Sup Forums across my balls as a token of gratitude.

So what was it? Did you have them in the wrong slots?

>One day I'm gonna tattoo Sup Forums across my balls as a token of gratitude.
You should instead read the manual along with other sources of information on the topic and recommend others to do so, too. This will help Sup Forums more in the long run.

Still a way to go to unfuck things. Faster RAM makes a huge difference with Ryzen.

That benchmark depends heavily on single core performance right?

Wrong slots yeah. I had them right next to each other like OOII
They've been like that for nearly 5 months now and I've only just found out that it was wrong. Jesus christ.

I will do my best.

Yep no doubt about it. I'm just relieved that my GPU isn't fucked. I don't think I'd be able to send it back due to how long I've had it and there would have been 0% chance of me getting another one considering the one I did buy now costs £1200, from the £400ish I bought it for.

Bios update can't come soon enough (I'm getting tired of saying it just as much as people are telling me to do it, I just can't yet because I don't have a flash drive - inb4 somebody says you can do it without one of those or some shit)

Good for you that it's working and you got the ram sorted.
Is the cpu overclocked? If not, you can easily gain 2-300mhz without issues if you are an OC noob.

What the fuck is a "3071MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (EVGA)"? Where are the other 8 GiB?

>inb4 somebody says you can do it without one of those or some shit
Depending in your motherboard manufacturer, you can do it online directly from the bios (cabled network only though)

Speccy is shit, it doesn't report the actual vram amount on pascal cards. My 1070 shows up as 4gb on speccy.

ROG STRIX B350-F GAMING is the one I have. When I first got it I updated via flash card.

CPU isn't overclocked because I'm using a stock cooler. Had to make sacrifices bro to be able to buy the 1080TI at the time.
I just know even though I've got my RAM set to dual channel now that the speeds are still a far cry from what they can be but I'll fix that up soon and 'hopefully' that will put me a bit closer to this sort of score here It's not worth overclocking my CPU with a stock cooler though is it?

It seems to run absolutely fine on Ryzen, so it can't be THAT single-thread intensive. My score with a 1600 and a 1080 Ti at 1080p is entirely in line with the results that Squenix provide (accounting for an overclock).

this is a huge pile of horseshit

It is, as can be seen here: A hexa core Ryzen chip isn't limiting a 1080 Ti in any way even at 1080p. The game doesn't seem particularly CPU-heavy at all. In fact, Steve at Gamers Nexus turned settings down to the Standard preset and was still seeing 94-97% utilisation with a 1080 Ti at 1080p paired with a Ryzen 7 1700.

So yeah, there's no CPU bottleneck in any realistic scenario here. Looking forward to the 720p/low settings benchmarks though to prove that you """""need""""" an 8700K at 5GHz to run it properly.

ryzen does just fine

>It's not worth overclocking my CPU with a stock cooler though is it?
The stock coolers supplied with ryzen cpu's are quite capable, and can easily handle light-medium overclocking.

I reached 4.6k once by what must have been some fluke. Really should have taken a screenshot though.

Is anyone actually planing on playing this at 4k with all the bells an whistles active?

Personally I'm thinking 1440p with the shadow quality reduced a little.


LTSB Is far from just a kiosk OS. I have actually tested it against windows pro in games and it does run smoother than pro.

Now if you enjoy bloatware, and garbage shovelware like cortana go right ahead and install windows 10 "pro". And i sure hope you enjoy the forced "updates" that you have no say in and that will end up pushing itself onto you while you're doing an important task.

4gb benchmark. I just want to test 1080p dammit. (slow net)

If you over clock your Ryzen to ~3.8Ghz, you're completely fine @1080p. Ever since Intel had to eat their own shit with the Spectre fiasco, Ryzen is basically on par with Intel.

Also, I play with my [email protected] on 1080p and have consistent 100+ fps on Rainbow Six Siege on high settings.

>tfw I only got 7k with my 1070ti in 1080p.
Maybe it's getting time to upgrade my x58 machine.


They also ran at 4K and turned over clocks off

>muh performance hit meme

lol fucking brainlet.
Left is before patch right is after.

>eternally BTFO tripfag back at it being a moron again

>watching PC gamers try to play a 2 year old console game

I've been enjoying this for the past few days. Not trying to provoke anyone with this post I'm just stating that I'm having a good time.