>at work
>cleaning out old IT closet for recycling
>old macbook from when company used to use them
>boss just lets me have it
>take it home
>refuses to boot
>folder with question mark indicating it cant find system files
>reinstall with high sierra
>doesnt work
>reinstall with sierra
>doesnt work
>reinstall el clapistan
>doesnt work
>reinstall mavericks
>simply refuses to boot
>each time have to disconnect the drive and wipe it from another computer because it refuses to boot the installer with the drive connected
>about to just give up
>while taking out drive grab the wrong drive
>has a clean install of w10 from a while back
>it boots directly into w10 and just works
Why is Apple such a joke they can't even get their own fucking OS working on a TINY as fuck range of hardware whereas even MS can get Windows working on a trillion different hardware combinations?
At work
A mactoddler has defended this.
Clean the screen for fuck sake.
nice larp thread but when you have to completely reinstall macos it’s done over the network. maybe stop trying to use files you found online and let the recovery partition do its job
>long ass b.s. greentext about things nobody that used a Mac more than once does ever
>not just doing a recovery Netboot, which automatically downloads the correct OS rev for that hardware
Your average Win pleb should not be allowed to touch a Mac, much less try to install anything on one.
>you just don't know how to use it right ;)
is this the reasoning power of the icult?
>just do internet recovery that the firmware doesn't even support
Your average macfag brainlet should not be allowed to touch a computer, much less ask what one is.
your blogpost actually proved that point. are you from some third world shithole or something
t. reddit spacing
poo in the loo anjeet, back to
>imblying i am op
>making reinstalling an OS on a toaster seem like rocket science
nice strawman, fag
it must be rocket science for shit eating foreigners, I wrote that all you have to use is NetBoot which is literally just command + r
Work on your reading comprehension before posting on Sup Forums, foreign fag
>>u cant JUST install MacOS from unclean physical media
i am an united statesian. are you living in sweden? :^)
>only available on 2012 macshit or newer
>anything 2011-2010 requires the user to download and install a firmware patch
>completely unavailable for 2009 or older
>expecting mactoddler subhumans to even know what a computer is much less about updating firmware
This is why mactoddlers are universally regarded as technology illiterate drooling troglodytes that don't even understand how their own devices function.
you can but netboot is easier desu
OP here.
My MacBook pro is from 2015, not my problem you’re too retarded to install an os from a usb, pajeet. Maybe learn to read English then it’ll work
Thanks for the protip.
>you're using it wrong!
The state of mactoddlerism.
>I can’t even install an operating system
The absolute state of gamer babies
>everyone that finds problems with my gay fruit trash is using it wrong!
>everyone on apple support forums are gamer babies!!!111 REEE!!!!!!!!!
Apple keeps new versions from installing on older hardware that might be able to handle it because reasons. Meanwhile, Windows happily installs on fucking anything.
>Mac OS won't install
What do you mean it won't install? Did you try to format the partition as GUID? You need the correct partition table. Format the drive first and it should automagically work.
Wow you’re really mad. Are you sure you know how to use a computer? Installing an update is really easy, I know the English instructions must be confusing for a poojeet
I followed all the clean install guides.
Used my own MBA to create High Sierra installer from clean Install High Sierra.app from App Store.
Formatted GUID HFSJ and APFS. Gives only question mark on reboot. Repeat for Sierra, ElClap, Mav. Literally the only thing that booted successfully was Windows 10, and by accident at that.
Wow you’re really mad. Are you sure you know what a computer is? Installing an OS is really easy if it's not Crapple trash, I know the English instructions must be confusing for a poojeet
>Formatted GUID HFSJ and APFS.
And to preempt that mouth frothing deranged Apple fanboy, by this I mean I tried both, and each failed each time, not at the same time.
Copying my post just makes you look like an angry, underage autist. Get off my board!
>my board!
apex kek
Sup Forums is 18+, please review the rules Sup Forums.org/rules before continuing to post
Apfs blows zfs out of the water. Suck it nigger
>owns gay fruit toys for children who don't know what computers are but still want to browse facebook
Sup Forums is 18+, please review the rules Sup Forums.org/rules before continuing to post
nobody uses windows in the real world, get a job gamer
Everybody uses Windows in the real world, and you're using Linux to view this website right now. Get a job fruitfag.
I dualboot gentoo and macos :3
Mactoddlers have defended this.
>you're using it wrong
>t. mactoddler
>boss just lets me have it
now give it back jamal
Oh man, you have no idea.
Every relative I know that has a mac doesn't even know how to use the mac, let alone windows.
>how do you make a new folder user?
>can you help me scan this image?
I mean ffs, that's like toddler computing.
Derp, we had the same situation with my friend. We ended installing antregos and it worked fine.
I think you're just suppose to buy a new one.
It happens. My brother's high school was selling their chromebooks for $50 each a few years back.
Well if they used windows or loonix nothing would change.
Though I had to solve trivial some trivial shit for some mactoddling developers which is hilarious because I never owned or used any of those toys.
>he can't figure out how to install mac os on apple hardware
Have you ever considered that you were just dropped at birth?
>you're using it wrong!
> reinstalling 4+ times without realising the drive might be borked
Stay desperate shill.
works for linux :^)
> le reddit s p a c i n g
not even that user but why is Sup Forums such a Sup Forums shithole these days or do I repeat myself?
>not installing gentoo
Having never used Reddit, and having been here since about 2011, all the while using "Reddit spacing," let me assure you it's just a meme from last year. Suddenly, the way I've been typing for the better part of a decade was associated with ribbit.
Maybe it was in the closet for a reason? AKA it's broken you retard.
>tfw mactoddlers in this thread don't even know what a computer is
Oh, I know what problem you had, you didn't click "Show all devices" in Disk Utility, did you?
That's why you only formatted the partition and not the drive itself and why it would not boot and you had to format it externally.
Unless your hard drive was broken from the beginning. I mean, you did take it out of a closet and only did get it to work with another drive.
I recommend you stack it full of RAM and a nice SSD from your parts drawer if you have any and try again with Sierra or High Sierra, either one is fine now and you will have a nice bed shitposting machine.
Unless this is just a roleplaying thread in the first place.
>installing incompatible OSes on old hardware
It's really simple to reinstall macOS, user. Are you dumb? They designed it so literal retard normies can do it. If you can't do it, well...
OSX only works if you use the proprietary Mac drives.
Welcome to Apple.
>Why is Apple such a joke they can't even get their own fucking OS working on a TINY as fuck range of hardware whereas even MS can get Windows working on a trillion different hardware combinations?
Because Windows doesn't work on any piece of hardware. It's the companies doing the driver work for them, just because there operating system is the most popular. Apple doesn't want anything but their hardware to work so no companies fucking care, other than the ones that were asked. MS didn't do anything, all they have in their advantage is popularity.
>install compatible and supported OSes on semi-recent hardware
>doesn't work
This whole thread is bait you macfags are so stupid (half of you are just pretending because le epic ruseman).
sage, report, and call the cops
Give it back pajeet
This thread is why bugmen and console wars faggots should be permanently banned on sight.
>t. bugman
Why is Apple such a joke they can't even get their own fucking OS working on a TINY as fuck range of hardware whereas even MS can get Windows working on a trillion different hardware combinations?
why is windows so shit?
Apple uses WD drives
Microsoft Windows doesn't have this problem.
give it back jamal
Because he used a different drive. What could happen when you switch from a drive which has repeatedly failed to boot to a new one?
Scenario A)
>HDD is defective
>applel's installer is so fucking shit the installer will run all the way through and write nothing to a dead drive and pretend it installed successfully
Scenario B)
>HDD is not defective
>applel's installer is such a fucking joke it can't even install a working OS on its own hardware
>Grab the wrong drive
>The wrong drive
>A different one to the one I was installing on before
Wow OP, didn't it occur to you at any point that the original HDD is fucked?
It doesn't matter if the OS does that or not, op is a tard for not realising his problem was the hard drive and not software.
Scenario C)
> HDD reads the wrong data on particular segments called on boot
> Applel installer couldn’t have gotten an error when writing
You're not very bright are you?