You have ten seconds to explain why I shouldn't.
You have ten seconds to explain why I shouldn't
You have ten seconds to explain why I shouldn't also this.
Overall good deal. But if you want to game on the go this will perform well for overwatch/csgo/non-intensive games. As a Photoshop, webdev, light workload laptop this will do
Choose one. Not even trolling
>gtx 1050
because that off-brand alibaba bullshit will die on you in two months you fucking dumb cunt
Get a desktop to game on
Get a thinkpad x-series or XPS13 for laptop
>dead pixels
>Screen flickers
>black screen issue
>overheating issue
>keyboard stops working
theres a reason its so cheap
I'm mostly just going to use it downstairs in the summer when it gets too hot upstairs.
Why not both?
No optical drive. Worthless.
spending more than $100 in a laptop is wrong.
Man up and buy a desktop.
>No optical drive. Worthless.
Not sure if bait.
>no m.2 nvme ssd
That's why.
>literally zero benefit over sata
Garbage build quality and support. Wish I were joking.
I wouldn't buy a gayming laptop ever again. Especially if it's from MSI. Fucking NO WAY
Had one before, the piece of shit had GPU problems from the start (had to DC it) and then it expired few years later, just after the warranty expiration date. I barely even used the thing.
GPU fucking died and there's no way to replace it, because you only get a used one on ebay and it's like $150 for an 10 year old GPU.
You want to play gaymemes?
Build a desktop PC. Or buy some Alienware laptop, maybe they aren't shit.
You don't need it.
This is the stupidest meme ever. This isn't 2010 anymore where gaming laptops suck. At current prices gaming laptops literally offer better value for your money than building a desktop yourself.
I honestly never understood the point of gaming laptops.
>buying intel after the meltdown/spectre scandal
also since it's a gaymen laptop, it most likely comes with windows. never pay the "microsoft tax". If you absolutely must use windows, install enterprise yourself.
How to get enterprise?
get a job
You said never pay the tax, foolio.
Since the exagerated GPU prices increase bechause of the buttcoin miners the gaymen laptops are the cheapest alternative for the moment.
>This isn't 2010 anymore where gaming laptops suck
Yes it's 2018 where gaming laptops suck
Fuxking Christ
You'd have to pay 1k for this here
price is pretty worth for that gaming laptop
Although, if portability is not your concern, you should get a desktop pc. You can literally build a monster for that price.
Here is what I did for 550€this summer during gpu price increase:
>used i5 4590k (100€)
>used gtx 980 (200€)
>used 2x8 GB 1600Mhz RAM (50€)
>brand new motherboard (h81m plus) (60€)
>brand new power (corsair cx 430)
>Got a deal for 2T0 HDD + 500Gb SSD (100€)
You should consider doing that too. the majority of resellers are niggers with 0 knowledge who upgrade their pc with brand new components every year because of muh performance number gainz.
You can save a lot of money and buy a decent monitor or gear.
What are you going to use it for?
>team team group
For $600 you should get one, if you're in the market for a new laptop
Otherwise it's just mindless consumerism for something you don't even really want
Because you should only purchase Sup Forums certified toasters. Everything else is a botnet.
Even if you want gaymer shit, there are laptops with a 1050Ti at that price range. Avoid.
>off-center touchpad and keyboard hand resting position
That thing is trying to be as horrible laptop as it can. I'd say go for it.
Why should I forsake a learning experience from you user
Fucking do it
Because you shouldn't buy shit from the parts bin from chinkland
But then again why shouldn't I let you learn for trial and error
Buy 5 of them lol
It's neither a good gayming pc neither a good laptop
Students, in general anyone who travels alot.
Not really. Gaming laptops have desktop equivalent GPUs and CPU is rarely a bottleneck in gaming.
rec me a $500 laptop pls
>will need SSD
>no M.2 or U.2 slot
>no ssd
>shit gpu
>shit ram
Shit pile. Msi and Asus both have better models do your homework faggot.
don't portable air conditioners cost less than $599?
Better than any desktop you can buy for the price right now :^)
>You can literally build a monster for that price.
He can't even buy a GPU for that