Remind me again why I shouldn't waste my money on a MacBook Pro?

Remind me again why I shouldn't waste my money on a MacBook Pro?
>Hard mode: no shitty infographics, especially ones littered with emoji.
>No screenshots of article headlines.
>No rare occurrences that happen to involve a Mac
>No "if you use Applel you look like this guy" argument

Other urls found in this thread:

because it's your money

fuck, good point

>Why you shouldn't
I'm not going to say that, I actually stand by the fact that a macbook is a solid laptop with incredible build quality.

>incredible build quality
>glue all over the fuckin' place

Just fucking buy it instead of asking neckbeards on the internet to validate your decisions.
Why would you ask here anyway? They'll just tell you to buy a Thinkpad and put Linux on it.

Just install gentoo, MacBook or not.

Because they constantly overheat and thermal throttle.

>"After our one-hour stress test with Prime95 and FurMark (Windows), the CPU runs at only1.2 GHz, while the graphics card is also limited to just 400 MHz. Even though devices fromAsus,Acer& Co. also throttle, none of the direct rivals loses that much performance. The performance of the MacBook was much better under OS X, but the tools (Cinebench and Unigine Heaven) are not that demanding for the hardware."

>"We had our doubts on the performance of the Surface Pro 4 Core i7 configuration considering the throttling issues found on the Surface Pro 3. Luckily, we can observe no major performance issues when under high loads. The tablet is able to maintain its maximum Turbo Boost of 3.2 GHz for both cores when under Prime95 stress and Unigine Heaven stress."

owner of a 2014 rMBP here.
overall pretty good, but the trackpad is absolute garbage for drag-and-drop (top hinged clicking).
and somehow the new models I have tried are 10x worse (can click at top, but shit does work reliably at all for me).

Apple designs are the epitome of form over function, caring infinitely more how streamlined something will look in an ad photo over how well it actually works.

throttling and glued shut, great build quality!

Not only does a macbook "pro" have slower performance than a microshaft wanblows TABLET PC but these things also drove me nuts when I had one:

External keyboard caps lock lights don't work
Nonstandard keyboard layout
Command + x/c/v for cut/copy/paste instead of CTRL + x/c/v
Pressing delete in finder does nothing. Must use command + backspace to move to trash
Enter in finder renames file instead of opening it
Maximize button doesn't maximize
Clicking a programs icon in dock doesn't minimize/restore
Menu bar doesn't extend across multiple monitors. Must go to primary monitor to open menus for programs on secondary screen
No proper package manager
Finder has no option to show hidden files, must execute a terminal command and kill finder
No preview of program windows when hovering over the dock icons
Lol no ports. Lol just use a dongle
Filesystem isn't case sensitive
Glossy screen instead of matte. Not even the excuse of being a touchscreen
Don't even get me started on xcode

>but the trackpad is absolute garbage for drag-and-drop (top hinged clicking)
protip: enable tap to trag
prolem solv

>Buys a ThinkPad
>Plastic panels fall apart to create airflow
>Still thermal throttles

Why do you need a macbook pro? We're talking almost $3000 for something that's "pretty good" but not "$3000 good."

You don't even know what "throttling" means. You're just parroting a bunch of bullshit from other poor NEETs that can't afford it anyways.

When was the last time you saw a musician using a ThinkPad?


Most use surface pros though macbooks are seen as a gay status symbol.

I have literally never seen anyone use a Surface Pro during a live performance. What the fuck?

That's because they don't have those in your local gay night clubs.

What is your application? If you're looking to use it as a desktop, instead get a thinkpad (workstation version or not), 2012 Mac Pro, or build your computer.

>Trent Reznor uses a MacBook.
>Iglooghost uses a MacBook.
>Autechre uses a MacBook.
>The Drums use a MacBook.
>Sufjan Stevens uses a MacBook.
>Pretty much every pop star uses a MacBook
>Pretty much every experimental artist uses a MacBook
>Most of your favorite albums were likely recorded on a Mac
>because pretty much every musician uses a MacBook
And there's a reason for it. Windows is god-awful for dealing with audio. Great for gaming, great for keeping records, great for more important things like medical shit but audio goes to the MacBook.

Like I said macbooks are seen as a gay status symbol.

>here's a valid point
>"yeah but they're gay lmao"

I want a laptop I'll be able to keep for at least 9 years. My sister bought a MacBook Pro from 2011 and it's still going strong, apparently. I was wondering if I should get one too or fall for the ThinkPad meme.
I'm thinking of using it for graphic design and small amounts of video editing for personal projects.

And they are, why do you think a huge majority of mac users have aids?

MacBook Pro is a decent choice, but you can always get better components for less money in another system. Maybe they won't look as good, depending on tastes, but more for less is a good way to go.

Also Lenovo look pretty sweet now.

It's not even about the money anymore. An XPS 15 at the same price range will literally give you faster performance, more RAM, SDD capacity, and better binned chips than a fagbook will.

You know the rules.
>No screenshots of article headlines.

Also, that article is from 2005 and from Reuters of all places.

>article points out that Linux attracts autistic pedophiles
>yet Mac is the problem here

>You know the rules.
>>No screenshots of article headlines.
Which is gay. What are you, gay?

>Also, that article is from 2005 and from Reuters of all places.
Right so because the CEO of apple is LITERALLY sucking cocks on an hourly basis that means more aidsmen have jumped on the fagbook train.

I never endorsed pedophile OSs at any point.

>I would never buy a Mac solely because of what the Liberian diamond-hunting forum I post on might think of me if they found out!
>I don't actually care about day-to-day experience. All I care about is appearances.
>d-dude the CEO is gay lmao

pic related is literally you right now

I'm not even mad. I'm just kinda pointing out the flaws in your arguments and you're deflecting by posting memes because you have no legitimate argument or point to make.
You're kinda shitting up the thread, guy.

>"i'm not mad X("
>*emotional blogposting intensifies*


>Command + x/c/v for cut/copy/paste instead of CTRL + x/c/v
That's a good thing. Anything that _does something_ is on Command. Consistency.

Laptops and long life are a bit hard to answer. Many laptops, even thinkpads, have a shelf life. I have a Thinkpad X61t and it's still slow and lacking in power when running linux. Your sister's Macbook Pro could very well be running fine now, but probably not as well as it did then. For graphic design, a Macbook or Thinkpad (new models) are near equal as you both have access to photoshop. For video editing, my experience with Final Cut Pro X on a Mac wasn't that great. Even those who used previous versions of Final Cut Pro hate it, as X simplified everything and made it into something for the casual user. I'm not sure if you can crack the latest and greatest Adobe Premiere on Mac, but I know you can on Windows and it runs perfectly.

Do whatever you want, it's your fucking money.
You shouldn't rely on Sup Forums telling you what not to do.
Make your own choices for once.

>over 9% of people are gay
I remember hearing this figure back in the early 2000's. Fuck this meme, it's not true. 10%, that's 1 in 10. Just no.

>10%, that's 1 in 10. Just no.
Yeah, that sounds about right. It's not like gays are a rarity.

I am a consumer whore with no mind of my own. Please tell me what to do with my money.

Fuck this, Sup Forums is truly retardaded, they have to make you buy something, WITH YOUR MONEY, that they want.

I won a 2015 macbook pro, i bought it new in the beginning of the 2017, it was cheaper than the current model, but with nice specs.

I don't regret it.

>why I shouldn't waste my money
You said it right here. If you don't mind wasting your money, go right ahead.

How do you deal with the constant overheating and thermal throttling issues. I have an XPS 15 and that would drive me insane.

It doesn't happen like that. Buy a mac and see for yourself.

I did, why do you think I have an XPS 15 now. Did you do any work on your macbook or just browsed gay porn?

what do you mean by work?
If you earn your money with coding and want an aesthetic pleasing product, you should be fine with an MBP.
DESU, i never owned an apple product, but since i'm in the last semesters of my CS degree, i seriously think about getting one.

Without infographics, it's bang-for-buck hell.

So have you told your parents yet?

Macs are really pleasant to work on and use on the go, but at one I use my gaming rig. I could never justify the price-hardware ratio, but I am paid well so I don’t really care.

Fucking don’t get why Sup Forums is so damn elitist about this shit, it’s so unimportant

>but audio goes to the MacBook.
Hmm, wonder if it's because of Mach?
That thing is really good at audio, and even the alpha-level hackjob of Hurd beats Linux when it comes to audio and video processing, in benchmarks.

Computers which thermal throttle are absolute garbage that deserve no money at all. Do not buy them unless you have absolutely no choice.

You jelly?


You jelly.

>posting kai w.

my nigga

The main benefit of a mac was getting the form factor and touchpad

there are now windows laptops that offer the same without the shitty performance

Sure windows botnet exists but you're delusional if the cock sucker leading apple is feeding shit to the NSA

Never mind the fact that apple products are now the mainstream, every fat faggot piece of shit ive seen use them.

Where have you buy lamps

15 inch retina 2009 GPU issue
Tantalum capacitors
Thermal throttling
Reduced battery life due to poor thermal design
Battery fire hazard due to poor thermal design
LCD connector fails before backlight fuse

I'm not going to go into upgradability, repairability, or software. If you're on here, you know that already.

w2c that desk please?

There was no retina in 2009 you steaming pile of shit. Nice lies.

It's not even about the money anymore. An XPS 15 at the same price range will literally give you faster performance, more RAM, SDD capacity, and better binned chips than a fagbook will.

Now you know that's not true user

shit taste