Well its happened. My iPhone 6 is fucked

TouchID is broken. Whole system is slow as fuck.

Do I bother getting that battery replacement Crapple is offering their customers? What phone do I get now? I had an iPhone X for a few days but returned it coz of obvious reasons (it's shit).

Pixel 2 XL

Get another iPhone 6

I still have my iphone 5S and it started working like new after replacing the battery. Don't give a shit about TouchID.

when did you buy it?

It's $30. Just bring it in. In most cases they will just swap it with a refurb anyway, so you will get a working phone back for the cost of the service.

Hey, I work at a computer repair shop.
A new battery costs $10. Look up how to change it on ifixit.
If it's slow, reset it. An old battery won't slow it down that much.
If you got your screen replaced, and touch id isn't working, they fucked up. Only Apple can fix touch id issues because only they can replace the home button.

>Only Apple can fix touch id issues because only they can replace the home button.

Disasambling and replacing the home button is simple. Your shop must be run by monkeys if you can't be arsebothered to replace a customers home button.

correction, anybody can replace a home button. But only Apple can re-pair it with your phone so touch id works again.

purchased on release week when it first came out as an upgrade from my 3GS.

never had the screen replaced or anything on this phone.

Not an issue if you use the original one from the broken screen.

yeah but sometimes you can fuck up the cable. If the technician isn't a idiot you shouldn't have that problem.
The owner fucked up two iPhone 7 home buttons in a row right when they came out. He paid for the repair from Apple and just has me do all the iPhones now.

If you hate yourself you may get any recent huawei phone because they copy ios ui. But ios ui is horrible, why would anybody buy into this? The only reason I ended up with it is because I had no idea what EMUI was and never expected to see such abomination in 2017.

Give it back Tetris.

oneplus 5t, it's literally the only phone worth buying right now

give it back qutter

Found your problem.


Try the iPhone 8. It's like the 6 but with slightly better specs. Or if you're tired with iPhones, try a pixel. I can't recommend anything from Samsung. The design and form factor is a mess.

Are people who buy Pixel phones retarded or something? I literally can't understand why anyone would get a Pixel 2 over any number of other Android options. The display and design are fucking TRASH.

If you're deep within the ecosystem buy a (used) iPhone SE and wait for the SE2. Alternatively try a Nokia 8. Don't fall for that jackless shit.

All the other Android options are trash. Pixel happens to be one of the few good ones

>If you're deep within the ecosystem
hahahaha I see this term a lot on here. how are you "trapped" in an ecosystem lol just buy something else hahahahahhaa look at this nigga he's trapped in an ecosystem somewhere lmao

Yeah, you retards keep saying that. But I don't see why that is. The Pixels have HORRIBLE displays and awful designs, along with a litany of other issues.

I mean, yeah, okay, stock android is nice, but Oxygen OS is basically stock. And the hardware in Pixels is EASILY matched or bettered by any Android flagship. Shit, even the Oneplus 5T is on the same level in terms of hardware and it's like $300 cheaper.

What makes a Pixel better than any other android?


>having faith in the most shyster-ey and manipulative evil fucking collection of Jews this side of Hollywood

Yes goy, enjoy those mile wide bezels, blue and burned in "OLED" screen, and lack of a headphone jack. It's good cause Google made it and you're supposed to like it.

You fucking drone of a person.

I didn't say "trapped", but you intentionally chose to ignore what I meant. Being within an ecosystem is short for (1) having bought a lot of non-transfereable apps (I may have payed ~200$ for apps and tweaks since 2013, half of it for a certain medical dictionary), (2) using system-specific hardware and/or (3) system-specific services. If you're content with your workflows and services, as well as your software, you may not want (notice the volition) to change all of that just because a single piece of hardware failed. I want to add that I personally am not content with Apples current lineup, the 5s/SE and the MBP 2015 were the last good devices and I won't upgrade to newer models even if they fail unless they finally their shit together (imo the need to throw out the meme "features" and hire Scott Forstall for that).

tl;dr haha

The mental facilities of a sophisticated individual.

i'm not the one who's stuck deep in an ecosystem somewhere haha HEEEEELP IM STUCK IN THE ECOSYSTEM HEEEEEELP LET ME OUUUUT

It's a good phone and literally only you thinks it's not

>Me dumb? Can't be, the others are wrong! Yeah I'll just close my ears and repeat myself, that'll show them. BETTER TURN ON CAPS LOCK.

at least I'm not stuck in an ecosystem lmao

The OnePlus 5T only supports GSM, which my carrier does not support. I have yet to notice any burn in on my display (I've been using mine for about 3 months now, nothing yet). The screen isn't on par with something like a Samsung display in terms of saturation, but it does look nice. The severity of blue shift varies from phone to phone apparently, but it isn't bad on mine. Both phones are about the same in terms of speed (most phones now are fast enough), and the Pixel 2 gets stock Android straight from Google (which usually means faster updates). The Pixel 2 also has a much better camera, albeit it's more expensive.

I miss my headphone jack though desu. It's ironic how Google boasted the original Pixel for having one. I wish the speakers sounded better as well given that they're front facing.

It's not worth replacing the battery because even if you do the meltdown patches reduce performance by 40% on top of the battery throttling. I'd recommend getting a pixel 2, the software has no crappy manufacturer modifications and you get quick updates straight from Google so you don't have to wait 2 years for a version upgrade.

enjoy your gilded prison ifruits


SE is sort of getting long in the tooth. If they make an SE2 with a little more RAM and speed it’d be perfect. SE is starting to struggle with 4 tabs open

Using the 5S here, still running acceptable on iOS 10.3.3, but I don't use my smartphone to browse prologued amounts of time either.


>touch disease