What kind of crap is this?

Try out Qt because everybody says it's legit
and muh no webshit and crossplatform.

>Go to website
>No Download button
>DuckDuck "Qt download"
>Get pressure to go for commercial license
>Download windows installer.
>"Create an Account first"
>Setup fails for missing dependencies using an installer
>Start installer again. Runs into network error.

Okay let me build from source then
>Go to the repo on github
>No install/compile guide whatsoever

Other urls found in this thread:


# pacman -S qt

You might be retarded. All of this stuff is easy to figure out.

>"Create an Account first"
Unless something's changed there's a skip button on that page.
>Setup fails for missing dependencies using an installer
>Start installer again. Runs into network error.
Never had either of these happen and I've installed it on Windows at least five times.


found your problem

>>Download windows installer.

I remember it from the old Symbian 3 days is it the same software?

brah that's more lame than FDR
install gentoo

>install gentoo
No fuck off, we're full. No more stupid wincucks.


srsly windows needs a built-in package manager. Chocolate aint shit

>we're full
Gentoo isn't full there are tons of university mirrors.

Nigger you are absolutely retarded. Qt is perhaps the only library I install with the provided linux installer, its fucking painless, fast and it just works. The account login / creation is skippable.

Are you fucking blind?

welcome to the C++ world

i don't know anything about whatever Qt is but i know your thread will be shitted up with "it's easy dude c'mon my dick is huge" posts

did you exept support for Windows on Sup Forums ?

Peoples are actually payed to get you support, call them.

>free as in "free speech"

whats this autism

you need it when u must use a retard language like english, wich doesn't make the difference between a free beer and the freedom

Ah, also use the 5.9.4 LTS version.

The point of crossplatform means I should be able to use&install their software on windows too no bummers.

qt github mirror explicitly points me to doc.qt.io/qt-%SHORTVERSION%/windows-building.html which is dead.

Maybe Sup Forums can do their good deed of the day. Any of you also not reaching download.qt.io/ ?


here you go you impossible retard

had it on split screen and the navbar collapse will hide it

>Try out Qt because everybody says it's legit

Install MSYS2

>No install/compile guide whatsoever
Look on the wiki, it's something like git submodule --init, qmake -r, ./configure, make

>pretending to be this retarded
fuck off awesome, I fucking hate your guts.

Morons should leave sophisticated software to sophisticated people.