Windows 10 update just rolled out

>Windows 10 update just rolled out
>Mouse and keyboard stopped working

install gentoo.

>just werks

Chrome doesn't work either, Jesus Christ, I'm mad as fuck.

I don't have this problem.

Arch doesn't have this problem


Do they lack the testers? :^)


Around the time Win10 released Microsoft actually did fire their entire QA department.
I think all that remains is some small QA over in India.


Have you been living under a rock?
You can't disable updates in Win10.


I thought if you got Windows 10 Professional you could. I still have 7 on all my machines, but I was thinking of upgrading in the next year or so. Are you telling me I'm going to need to block all traffic with microsoft at my router level?

>You can't disable updates in Win10.

You can just turn the service off...

Coward. Use what is not meant for you and be a man about it.


The only version that you can disable updates on is LTSB, iirc.
Even Enterprise can only defer updates for like a month before Windows says fuck you and updates anyways.

>microshit windaids


You could have if you disabled them 2 years ago. I've been update free since basically Win10 came out, no forced restarts or anything. I'm assuming they patched out all the methods of disabling it over time so now you're probably out of luck.

Yes you can.
t. Education edition user who knows how to gpedit

>Trusting pajeets
you deserve it

Win10 Pro here and I haven't installed any updates since I reinstalled a few months ago, like the other user said it just needs gpedit (or regedit if you're on Home edition)

really? 2nd tuesday is the 13th. why did they change the old reliable schedule?

Fuck all, my Japanese is just awful. What does the caption (テソシヨ ソ上がつてきた) actually translate to?

>Mouse and keyboard stopped working
>doesn't work in startup repair either


On Pro you can delay "important" updates up to 120 days, or other updates for a year...

>On Pro you can delay "important" updates up to 120 days, or other updates for a year...
oh wow so much freedom

Join the grownups forget "muh games" and use Opensuse

This is factually wrong though.

テンション = tension
上がる = up -> て form あがって
くる = go back -> past form きた

Tension came back up.

Why would you update? I mean, you're supposed to only manually install security updates on your LTSB installation, automatic updates are for normies and for "IT professionals" to make money off them.

my hdmi port hasn't been working for two weeks, could it be related to windows updates?

>install security updates
what is the point of this when windows is fully backdoored

>hurr look at my ATM OS guys

Arch has zero room to talk shit about updates breaking things

I know that feel bro.

Just upgraded to the latest KDE, and everything works perfectly out-of-the-box, no extra drivers needed, EXCEPT the battery monitor for my wireless mouse doesn't work.

The. Worst.

How's the update though?

Or disable the service, it's that easy.

The only times you should update your shit is when it's not working, the update fixes a major bug/vulnerability/etc., or adds important features.

i.e. not a windows 10 update.

Nah, I use windows 7. 10 is garbage.

GNU/Linux is the way to go kids

>invades privacy
I sure hope it does, I mean, banks use it, multi billion corporations do also, it's supposed to be 100% safe against telemetry, the whole point of it costing shitloads and being for enterprise users only. Would produce a nice lawsuit if it actually did that, but it's been years and nobody has filled any, so I guess it doesn't....

>only one kanji
>can't read
never gonna make it
That's a pretty literal translation, but it werks.

>wanting other people to backdoor your backdoor
Are you a cuck by chance?

After the uptdate all my games are looked in 60 fps and the mouse feels so slow and un reactive