Well shit

Well shit...

Alright guys, so here's the story.

I'm an avid cheater. I fuck bitches on the side left and right.

Been living with my gf for about 3 years. Everything's great, except the other month she wanted me to register her LinkedIn account to my gmail account.

So I did.

I tied the Gmail that I use for all my cheating to her LinkedIn account.

So now it's been a few months and she wants to see if she got any responses from any employers.

Now, I tried explaining to her that she would only get system notifications through her email and that she could just log into LinkedIn to see if she got any responses, but that's not enough for her. She wants to physically go through my email.

So, now I have the problem of having to hide hundreds of backpage responses, Craigslist ad responses, and POF matches and messages.

The thing is, I don't want to delete those messages permanently.

I want to groom my email temporarily where the emails are moved into another account, then move them right back. Is there any way to do that with even sent messages being put back in their original place?

Also, I have about 20k messages in my inbox. So I need to apply a filter and do it fast.

The only other thing I can think of doing is making a decoy account and just moving ALL 20K of my emails into it, then deleting those emails from there.

I think that's what I'll probably end up doing...

You're either full of shit or monumentally retarded.

cool story bro


This is stupid af. Why do you want to keep emails from thots?

fugly. kys

>reddit spacing

WTF!!! this forum is supposed to be Sup Forums technology and it is like Sup Forums sprung a leak and all these freaks started pouring in here

Obvious larp. Whats the point keeping 20k of useless bitches emails?

>he wants to keep a bunch of emails from thots
you deserve to be caught

We're their personal IT.

Why habe a girlfriend if you are a compulsive cheater?

look at those gross cellulite tattooed 3d single mom legs

Mfw when I thought this was silicone waifu but found click to find a flesh waifu ...

i want to nakadashi kobato

nooooo reeee


>draw cute girl
>draw a penis on her
>have her voice acted by a woman
>call her a boy
Why is this allowed?

for anyone wondering, this is
on instagram. I don't know how old she is but her skin/face is 40+

You are scum. I hope she finds out and dumps your retarded ass. Why the actual fuck would you link something of HERS to an email you use for cheating

Sup Forums is not your personal tech support.


Go fuck yourself, asshole, since you like fucking so much. I've never had sex in 25 years of my life and here you are with your bullshit normalfag 'problems'
>oh no i've had too much sex guys
Get the fuck out, ASSHOLE.

One of the weirdest larps ever. The whole premise is off. Weird.

>25yo virgin
Get yourself an escort, man.
Seriously. That's how I lost my virginity at your age, no regrets doing so.

>larping on Sup Forums of all places

You know you have a right to privacy, right ?
>y... yes master I will show you everything

I don't think it's worth losing wizard powers though.

>Gmail for cheating
That's how I know you're lying

>wizard powers
For whatever metaphysical placebo you might "lose", you will gain confidence and the ability to say that you're not a virgin.

Buying sex isn't going to boost my confidence. If it's not going to happen naturally, then I'll become a wizard.

>no multiple emails
>cannot register a new gmail address in three seconds
>other persons gmail linked to linkedin

because it's easier to get puss with a gf. you societal value is increased when there's a woman who signals to other women that you are worthy of sex

So you tell all the thots that you have a gf that you're cheating on with them? Yeah ok

she's the cheater OP


Whatever. Enjoy dying without knowing the pleasures of the flesh, faggot.

Gmail accounts are free, why wouldn't you just connect her LinkedIn to her Gmail instead of yours?

Fake and gay

Did banding a prostitute make you a normie? Did you get an STD?

>Make me a normie
Not totally, but at least I can actually talk to girls now without spilling my spaghetti everywhere
>Get an STD
No, I didn't.
Do you have eyes and a nose? Look at and smell her pussy before going in, and for fucks sake WEAR A CONDOM

I've been cheated on once and it hurt a lot. You're a piece of shit.

Why could you not do the same thing?
He told you what websites he is using.

No need to be so rude.

because you can't cheat on gf when no gf

I don't have a 10in cock or a pretty face, or money or a million other things Chad has.

Just go back to Sup Forums is not your tech support faggot