Elon Musk is just like a real life Tony Stark

>Elon Musk is just like a real life Tony Stark

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Good thread

i'll never understand why you guys get assblasted so much by musk? youve literally done nothing with your life, while musk is actually trying to accomplish stuff

Musk(y) makes redditors happy
Thus I must hate

stupid sheeplel

shouldnt you hate reddit and not musk then?

>trying to accomplish stuff
Like what? The boring company, full of retarded memes? A glorified dodgem for those who have phobic fear on gearboxes and love to pretend to be green? At least he can flood the space with satellites for free.


>Like what?
hes literally reviving the space program. also, he is acting as an r&d subsidy for electric cars. both of these arent great business decisions, becuase you cant capture all of the benefits. however, they do help society

So do the internet and computers, so why don't you disconnect your PC permanently and fuck off?


Mad because can't afford Tesla.
Now double mad because couldn't even afford flame thrower.

Enjoy cancer due to cosmic rays.
Enjoy waiting 5 years for a fucking commoner car
Enjoy the infections due to biofilm layer growing on the implant
Musk still fear mongering against AI like an idiot.
Powerwall is fire hazard, expensive and produce too much ewaste
>The Boring Company
The idiot who came up with this should be killed with that retarded flamethrower.

The car of my dreams is a Tesla because muh >95% motor efficiency.
I fucking hate internal combustion engines.

What fuel does tesla use to launch their rockets? Electricity and dreams? Dont fucking think so

Earth is flat and Elon Musky Balls is just another fraudulent normie larping as a hyper intelligent person. Fact is that he hasn't really created anything himself, Paypal was already a company when he took charge of it, modern ev car companies do a better job at electric vehicles than Tesla, his rocket launches are faked, he has countless of unfulffilled and pushed backed promises he mad. Musk is a con man that exists on government subsidies and selling cool ideas he never accomplishes to the public

I don't hate Musk, I hate his idiotic fanboys who think he's the second coming of Christ.

>Launch rockets
Really makes one think

he's only good at getting subsidy bux, and his fangirls(male) are most annoying

absolutely this, the guy is to be respected for what he has achieved. But the people who worship everything he says are the worst. I had someone once telling me "AI will become aware sometime and that will be dangerous to humans and the machines will take over us" i told him that is absolutely false but he stuck to "his" opinion just because Musk said so.

While Tesla can go 300 miles with one charge, a Geo Metro can reach ~700 miles with a full tank. Electric cars aren't sustainable and aren't efficient either. I fallen for electric car meme, but the battery replacing woke me up from that "dream".

Thats not about the motor being more efficient, thats about gasoline having higher energy density. When we finally get batteries that are not shit then that could be done also.

The companies are run by the same guy you idiot.

>>The Boring Company
What stops people from driving into those open holes in the road?

ITT: filthy redditors

>When we finally get batteries that are not shit then that could be done also.
So it's not production ready.

>I fucking hate ICEs
Why? Did you get hit by a car or something?

There's a scene in Iron Man 2 where Tony Stark meets Elon Musk.


lmoa even his jaw is fake

ive got an idea for an electric jet

so? telsa is propped up by government subsidies and tesla loses 1bil a year still. this guy and his projects live off hype and cucks trying to find a tech-entrepreneur god.

Elon Musk is a shrewd businessman who's managed to cultivate a very favorable public image for himself, to the end that he's perceived as a hero by the general public and his investors are willing to put up with more from him than they would otherwise. It's been this cult of personality that's kept ventures like Tesla afloat despite major maladies within the company and a consistent stream of negative annual reports. It really speaks volumes about the world we live in today that emotional responses influence the sentiment towards a company more than the actual finesse of whatever that company is putting out.

The need to fuel this public image is the only reason why there are HD cameras mounted on the Falcon 9 or the interior of the Tesla factory is so photogenic. Both of these things are very expensive and would typically be unjustifiable, but in this case they're beneficial, because news of a falcon 9 landing doesn't just benefit SpaceX, but also all the other musk brands.

Also, SpaceX was bound to happen at some point because of advances in manufacturing. Musk knew this and thus went ahead with it, but in the event that he hadn't been there, there would still be something like it today (maybe just without a crowd of redditors surrounding it)

I guess what generally irritates me so much about the musk cult is that they genuinely believe musk is some sort of eccentric benevolent genius, rather than somebody who's simply posing as one. (That's not to say he's dumb, for stupid "people" are universally unsuccessful in whatever they try) For instance, they believe that the whole flamethrower fiasco was some spur-of-the-moment unplanned product launch, while in reality it was carefully orchestrated to further improve the image of the musk brands and make a profit at the same time.

tl;dr SpaceX is a normal company, musk just managed to convince the "I fucking love science" crowd that's it's the savior of humanity and rake in the resulting profits.

>'Ol Musky
I guess the Onion still occasionally does something right.

i like the new roadster. too poor though.