What are the best Sup Forums approved Android apps?

What are the best Sup Forums approved Android apps?

Clover and NewPipe.


>bienvenidos cleverly provides real-time data to border patrol on where to go by bottlenecking prospective illegals into certain areas

honestly i'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner
it just goes to show how stupidly disconnected SV is from the rest of the world
what's stopping border patrol from using this app themselves?

Well, this is gross, really, guy's can't commit revolution or something.

destroy spooks every possible moment

How is that legal? I mean, telling illegals where to go to get into the country shouldn't be allowed, right? They frequently ban and delete apps about other stupid shit, so why not ban/delete this? Just asking.

you ever use waze?
it literally tells you where all the speed traps and the cops are when driving
you ever use a radar detector?
it tells you when you're about to hit a speed trap
this isn't some shithole country where REAL COPS come arrest you for racism because you said something mean on the internet.

Anything on fdroid

Never used either, but I have heard that radar detectors are pretty hit and miss.

Besides, we aren't talking about that.

can't border security just use this to know exactly where they're going to go? Is it a honeypot?

>these numales and pussy hat losers launch the app
>cops kick down their door at 3AM and shoot their dog
>they get charged with everything in the book
>all of their iToys are seized under civil asset forfeiture
>they go to a CIA blacksite and get waterboarded and beaten
>they are held indefinitely as terrorists under obscure laws
>after much protest, they are tried and sent to prison for butt rape
Hold on a second while I grab some popcorn.

Shitty cobra radar detectors are hit and miss.
You need to spend $400+ for a decent escort radar detector with lidar detection.
One of my friends even has one that’s so good it has a radar detector detector detector that shuts itself off when it detects a radar detector detector (he lives in VA where they are illegal)

It's not. Immigration laws just aren't enforced so they get away with it. California is a leftist cult zone so it's full of faggots who want to break immigration laws and think getting busted for it would be a great way to get protesters to donate to their reparations patreon.

maybe its not american smartass

There is nothing that is beyond our reach. We spent 10 years killing goat herders for fun, and nobody did fuck about it.

>non americans are subject to american laws

So this is the power of data analytics

>crowdsourced border pentesting that can be used to secure vulnerable areas

Fuck off google shill. It's just Linux.

Everybody calls it Android.

>be dumb spic
>pay fortune to be smuggled into USA
>plot in route on app for friends back home
>ICE arrests increase exponentially

I'm reading your post over and over again and it's so fun
Radar detector detector detector that shuts itself off when it detects a radar detector detector

Android is a Linux distro.

Everybody calls it Android.

Waze doesn't actually do that, users have the option to leave little warnings while driving that tell other Waze users there is a parked cop car and so on.

>radar detector detector detector that shuts itself off when it detects a radar detector detector

Linux is a kernel.

>Is it a honeypot
Almost guaranteed

Even if it wasn't intended to be, how can they stop LE from using this? Best case scenario it only accelerates the cat-and-mouse game

Once you enter our country, you obey our laws. Also, international law is a thing. This would technically be a breach of the immigration system.

>invite hundreds of millions of indians under fraudulent worker's visas to deflate the wages of the technology industry
>nobody ever gets arrested or fined for doing so

why would they go after people subverting the immigration system in 2018?
why now?

I don't know what you're talking about? We have slightly tighter borders now...

>radar detector detector detector that shuts itself off when it detects a radar detector detector which is made to detect radar detectors which detect radars.

American laws apply to American soil. But I'd be cool with changing it to what you said, it implies non-americans aren't protected under american laws either. Legal genocide when?